Title: Yummy Mithai for Ganesh Festival - MM Mithaiwala
1Yummy Mithai for Ganesh Festival - MM Mithaiwala
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2It is raining Modaks at MM Mithaiwala The
darling of Uma's eyes - Ganapati is coming, and
what better way to welcome him than treat him to
Mumbai's largest selection of modaks. All you
have to do is to come to Malad railway station
(west), which is where Mumbai's biggest mithai
superstore is located. Modak varieties include
mawa, malai, laddu, and kaju varieties. These can
be had in a variety of flavours including
strawberry, chocolate and kesar. That is not
all. MM is also offering boondis made in pure
ghee for Rs 200 per kg for this special
occasion. MM Mithaiwala is renowned for its
purity, taste and adherence to traditonal
recipes. Our modaks are made by traditional
halwais who have mastered secret mithai recipes
since time immemorial. May Lord Ganesha, the
remover of obstacles, the sustainer of Riddhi and
Siddhi and the foremost of Ganas bless us with
the sweetness that is so dear to Him. Om Gan
Ganapataye Namah! To know more about our
discount offers visit https//www.mmmithaiwala.co
m/ or call 022 2889 9501.
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