Title: Intraoperative%20Use%20of%20a2-%20Agonists%20in%20Neuroanesthesia
1Intraoperative Use of a2- Agonists in
- Alex Bekker M.D., Ph.D.
- Director of Neuroanesthesia
- New York University School of Medicine
2Progress may have been all right once, but it
went on too long.
Ogden Nash
3Activation of a2-receptors leads to
- Dose dependent sedation and anxiolysis
- Analgesia (supraspinal and spinal sites)
- Decrease plasma catecholamines
- Centrally mediated bradycardic and hypotensive
effects - Diuresis due to inhibition of ADH release and
antagonism of ADH tubular effects - Decongestant and antisialogogue effects
4Qualifications for inclusion into the
neuroanesthesia drug club
- Controllability (e.g. rapid onset and offset of
effect) - Stability of intracranial homeostasis
- Hemodynamic stability
- Noninterference with neurophysiologic monitoring
- Neuroprotection
- Antinonociception
5Pharmacokinetics of IV agents
Dex Propofol Fentanyl Alfenta
Vdcc, l 16 16 30 10
Vdss, l 200 350 330 30
Cl, l/min 0.6 1.8 0.8 0.3
T1/2a, min 6 4 6 4
T1/2b, hr 2 1.5 2.5 1
6Context-sensitive Dexmedetomidine recovery times
as a function of duration of infusion
7Effect of Dexmedetomidine on Cerebral Blood Flow
- Animal models
- Dex causes a reduction in CBF up to 45
- Dex has no effect on the CMRO2
- Dex produces the concentration-dependent
constriction of pial arteries and veins - Dex limits hypercapnea- and hypoxia-induced
cerebral vasodilation
Zornow MH et al, Anesth Analg 1990 Fale A et al,
Anesth Analg 1994 Karlsson et al, Anesth Analg
8Effect of Dexmedetomidine on Cerebral Blood Flow
- Human study (TCD)
- Mean CBF velocity decreased with an increase in
plasma concentration of Dex - Pulsatility index increased at higher level of
Dex (indicates an increase in CVR)
Zornow MH et al, J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1993
9Effect of Dexmedetomidine on ICP
- Animal model
- ICP was unchanged despite an increase in systemic
blood pressure in rabbits - ICP was decreased in the presence of intracranial
hypertension - Zornow MH et al, Anesth Analg 1992
- Human study
- Dex has no effect on lumbar CSF pressure in
patients undergoing transphenoidal pituitary
tumor resection -
- Talke P et al. Anesth Analg 1997
10Dexmedetomidine effect on SSEPs and AEP
- There is a lack of effect on cortical AEP
- Dex does not affect cortical (P25-N35) response
- Dex depresses median nerve P15-N20 amplitudes
Thornton C et al. Br J Anaesth 1999
11Median nerve SSEPs tracings after switching from
propofol to Dexmedetomidine infusion
12Amplitudes of early and late SSEP waves at
various stages of the surgery
13Dexmedetomidine effect on the EEG
- Dex decreased MPF and 95 PF in cats
- Dex increased delta band power
- Halothane 2 produced similar EEG changes
- Animals on Dex responded to tail clamping
- BIS values after Dex infusion for 1 hour were
- 65 at 0.2 mg/kg/hr
- 60 at 0.6 mg/kg/hr
- The volunteers were readily awakened from
hypnosis by talking to them BIS returned to
awake level
Farber NE et al. Brain Research 1997
Hall JE et al. Anesth Analg 2000
14BIS before and after subjects were asked to
perform various tasks
Hall et al. Anesth Analg 2000
15Neuroprotective effects of Dexmedetomidine
- Inhibition of ischemia induced NE release may be
associated with neuroprotection - Dex prevents delayed neuronal death after focal
ischemia - Dex decreased total ischemic volume by 40
compared to placebo - Jolkkonen J et al. Euro J Pharm 1999
- Hoffman WE et al Anesthesiology 1991
- Dex enhances glutamine disposal by oxydative
metabolism in astrocytes - Huang R et al. J Cereb Blood Metab 2000
16Dexmedetomidine and Antinociception
- a2 Agonists attenuate hemodynamic responses to
laryngoscopy and intubation - Lawrence CJ et al Anaesthesia 1997
- a2 Agonists decrease perioperative oxygen
consumption - Taittonen MT Br J Anaesth 1997
- Dex reduces NE level during emergence from
anesthesia (2 to 3 times lower than in placebo
group) - Talke P et al. Anesth Analg 2000
17Law of Conservation of Tsouris
The amount of aggravation in the universe is a
constant. If things are going well in one
area, they are going wrong in another.
18Dexmedetomidine Side Effects
- Hypotension
- Transient hypertension
- Bradycardia
- Dry mouth
- Limited amnestic effect
- Animal studies show reduction in the CBF/CMRO2
ratio - Excessive sedation
19Clinical Experience Craniotomy
- In patient undergoing craniotomy, premedication
with clonidine - reduced anesthetic requirements
- attenuated hemodynamic responses to intubation
and pin fixation - Costello T et al Anesth Analg 1998
- Postoperative infusion of Dex in patients
recovering from transphenoidal hypophysectomy
reduced plasma catecholamines by 70 - Talke P et al Anesth Analg 1997
20Clinical Experience Spinal Fusion
- Perioperative administration of clonidine reduced
postoperative morphine requirements by a factor
of 3 in patients undergoing spinal fusion - Bernard et al Anesthesiology 1991
- Intraoperative switching from a propofol infusion
to Dex in patients undergoing cervical fusion
resulted in - A neurological examination that was successfully
performed in the OR on an intubated patient - Clinically insignificant hemodynamic changes
during and after the switchover
Bloom M et al J Neurosurg Anesth 2001
21a2 Agonists and Cognitive Function
- There is strong evidence that a2 agonists
improve prefrontal cortical function (PFC) - PFC shares reciprocal projections with
- Parietal association cortex specialized for
visuospatial processing - Medial temporal lobe important to memory
abilities - Anterior cingulate cortex involved in organizing
complex cognitive function - Caudate nucleus that regulates motor behavior
- NEs beneficial action in the PFC appear to
result from stimulation of a2 (A) receptors
postjunctional to NE terminals - Arnstein et el. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1996
22Clinical Experience Carotid Endartrectomy
- A combination of superficial and deep cervical
plexus blocks is the most common regional
anesthetic technique in the NYU medical center - Sedation with dexmedetomidine (0.2-0.4 mcg/kg/hr)
offers a comfortable and cooperative patient
during the operation - Less agitation and respiratory depression than
with a continuous infusion of propofol or
repeated doses of fentanyl and/or midazolam
23Clinical Experience Functional Neurosurgery
- Dex infusion at 0.1 0.2 mg/kg/hr allowed us to
achieve a tranquil state sufficient to complete
neuropsychiatric testing required for mapping of
the cortical speech area, as well as to perform
an awake tumor resection - A lack of respiratory depression offers an
advantage over other technique
Bekker A et al. Anesth Analg 2001
24Is there a reason to add Dexmedetomidine to our
- Dex properties include
- Reversible sedation without respiratory
depression - Analgesia
- Anesthetic sparing effect
- Cardiovascular stability
- Has minimal effect on ICP
- May offer neuroprotection
- A unique type of sedation in which a patient
could be aroused readily - Theoretical advantages have to be objectively
justified in clinical studies