Title: sea fa Sstata
1??s???µe?a?? ?????f???a?? S?st?µata
- ????? ?a???aß??a?, PhD
- ??ap?. ?a????t?? ?at????? ?????f?????? ??T
2?? e??a? ??a p????f???a?? s?st?µa
- ??a s?st?µa a?t?µat? ? µ?, p?? ap?te?e?ta? ap?
a????p???, µ??a??? ?a? µe??d??? p?? ?????
???a???e? ?a ?ata???f???, epe?e??????ta?,
µetad?d??? ?a? µeta?aµpade???? ded?µ??a ta ?p??a
a?apa??st??? p????f???a ???st?? µe t?? µ??f? p?
ß?se?? ded?µ???? ? ??t??????? p?? ßas????ta? se
µ?a s???e???µ??? a???te?t????? ????sµ????
3?as??? p??ß??µata
- ?????t?? a???te?t?????? se ??a ta ep?peda
(ep????????a, ded?µ??a, ?p??es?e?) - ?a?? ep????????a µe as?e?e?? (???s? standards,
e????st?? p?atf??µa?, e?a??st?p????ta? ????) - T?µata ?????????-te????? ?a? ???a??t??? (asf??e?a
ded?µ????, ap?d??? ???st??, f?????t?ta
s?st?µ?t??) - ???sµ?? µ?t??s?? ap?te?esµ?t?? ?a? p?st?p???s??
p???t?ta? (???s? standards ??a ep????????a,
monitoring e?e??e??? t?? ???st??, pa?a????
te?µ????µ???? ?at????? ???s??
4European Union of 15 Member States
Population 375 millions
Nurses 2.200.000 Physicians 1.200.000 Pharmacie
s 273.000 Dentists 200.000 (WHO)
Hospitals 13.880 Hospital beds 2.7
Mill. (HOPE)
Total GDP of EU Countries 8,585 Bill.
Total Health Expenditure 744 Bill.
(8.7) (OECD 96)
5Vision Person-Centered Health systems
6Towards Person-Centered Health Systems
What Person-Centred care (Continuity of care)
Across all the points of care, including home,
work, outdors,..
HShared care (collaborative work, patient
Health Care Professionals, Health Managers
Authorities, Researchers, Epidemiologists,
service providers, PATIENTS
Tools Health Information Networks
Electronic Healthcare Records Telemedicine
systems and services - teleconsultation,
tele-education, telecare/telemonitoring
7EHR Present Situation in Hospitals
9Current situation in EU hospitals
100 Patient Administration Systems Hospital
administration Pharmacy 50 -
80 Laboratory Information System Radiology
Information System Different medical
applications (operation theater, nursing
systems, ...) lt 50 Clinical Patient
Record Management Information Systems IT
investments by European hospitals 1,2 of budget
(2,5 in the USA)
10Usage of Internet EU Averages Consult
professional databases 73 Consult
doctor-to-doctor information 70 Search clinical
cases 57 Consult (official) guidelines
50 Searching for new drugs 29 Receiving
analyses results 27 Consult alternative
treatment sites 23 Transfer administrative
data 15 Transfer patient data 19
Interacting with patients 12 Eurobarome
ter 2000
11Major challenges for wider implementation of EHR
1. Organizational, cultural 2.
National/regional strategies 3. Industrial
issues 4. Legal - confidentiality and security
of data 5. Technological, Standardization 6.
User acceptance
12Distance Health Status Monitoring Support
PC Workstation
Person weight, ECG, blood pressure, glucose,
Case Manager(general practitioner, specialist,
pharmacist, nurse)
13???????S F??????S ?ST????S
- ????? ?a???aß??a?, PhD
- ??ap????t?? ?a????t?? ?at????? ?????f??????
14???? ?st???a .. (s????e?a)
- Subjective complaints phrased by patient
- Objective findings of physicians/nurses
- Assessment test results/conclusions
- Plan medical plan (treatment/policy)
- St???? ?a??te?? ß?s? ??a t?? ?????? t??
e?e??e??? t?? ?at???
15??s?d?? ded?µ???? st?? ??F?
- Natural language processing (NLP)
- NLP µp??e? ?a efa?µ?ste? se ?p????? e?e??e??
?e?µe?? - ?? ?e?µe?? µp??e? ?a ?ata??afe? µe s?st?µata
a?a?????s?? f???? - ??e?a??µaste s??ta?t??? ?a? e??????????? ???s?
??a NLP
16?a??de??µa ??F? - ORCA
- Structured data entry
- Clinical narratives
- Administrative data
- Browsing capabilities
- Medication
17?? µ??t??? t?? I4C s?et??? µe t?? s????e?a st??
pa???? ?p??es??? ??e?a?
All health care levels have to communicate among
Actions and data can be produced in all health
care levels
18ORCA ??????t??? ded?µ??a
19ORCA ??µ?µ??? e?s?d?? ded?µ????
20ORCA ??????? pe????af?
21ORCA ??s?d?? ded?µ???? se ??????? pe????af?
22ORCA - S??ta????af?a
23ORCA F??µe? ?p?st?????? d?????s??
24ORCA ?pt???p???s? ß??s?µ?t??
25ORCA ?pt???p???s? ß??e??????