Title: The University of Oslo Norways Leading University
1The University of OsloNorways Leading
- Founded in 1811
- Leading research and teaching institution in
Norway - 30 000 students
- 5000 employees of which 3000 are academic staff
- Rated 3rd (2nd) amongst the Nordic Countries
19th best in Europe, 69th in the World (Shanghai
Jiaotong Rating 2006) - 4 Nobel prizes (1 in Chemistry, 1 in Physics, and
2 in Economics)
2Eight Faculties
- Theology
- Law
- Medicine
- Humanities
- Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Dentistry
- Social Sciences
- Education
- About 70 academic units
Two University Museums
University Museum of Cultural Heritage
The Natural History Museums and Botanical Garden
- University Centres
- The Biotechnology Centre of Oslo
- Centre for Womens Studies and Gender Research
- Centre for Development and the Environment
- National Centres
- The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights
- The Centre for Studies of Holocaust and Religious
- Nordic Centres
- Nordic Institute for Womens and Gender Research
- Nordic Institute for Maritime Law
4Centres of Excellence
- Four National Centres
- Molecular Biology and Neuroscience
- Mathematics for Applications
- Physics of Geological Processes
- Centre for Research and Innovation in Natural
Gases and Products - Coordination of two Nordic Centres
- The Dynamics of Ecological Systems under the
Influence of Climatic Variation - Research in Water Imbalance Related Disorders
5Number of Staff per Faculty
6Number of Students per Faculty
7Publications at the University of Oslo
Publication Points 2004 Source DBH
8Scientific Publications in Norway
9International Cooperation within Research,
General Principles
- Researcher initiated project- Excellence as goal
- Enhanced strength and quality through
collaboration - Long term institutional cooperation
- Holistic approach research education
- Equal partnerships
- Global solidarity focus on global issues
10Academic System since the Reform of 2003
- BA MA degrees 3 2 years
- 60 credits per year
- A F grading system
- BA 180 credits (including a core of 80 credits)
- Masters degree constitutes in general a total
of 120 additional credits - Ph.D.builds on 5-year masters level
- Strong focus on internationalization and student
11InternationalisationUiOs student mobility
strategy 2003 - 2006
- MAIN GOAL - 100 increase in student mobility
within 2006 - Increased course portfolio in English and
standard course packages - Opportunities for study abroad in all study
programmes - Systematic development of partnerships abroad
- Guaranteed housing and Norwegian language classes
for international students - Alliance with the student organisations
12Courses in English
40 masters programmes, such as.
- Intercontextual Theology
- Theory and Practice of Human Rights
- Maritime Law
- ICT Law
- Public International Law
- International Community Health
- Ibsen Studies
- Media Studies
- Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
- Nordic Viking and Medieval Culture
- Culture, Environment and Sustainability
- Information Systems
- Environmental Geology and Geohazards
- Petroleum Geology and Geophysics
- Environmental and Development Economics
- Economics
- Development Geography
- Peace and Conflict Studies
- Psychology
- Comparative and International Education
- Special Needs Education
- Higher Education
- and more than 800 courses at all levels