Title: Analytic CRM for Virtual Entertainment Service
1Analytic CRM for Virtual Entertainment Service
- Group 2
- Elson, Ronald, Selby, Tony, Torre
- Business/Service Model Introduction
- Analytic CRM System Schema Design
- Data Analysis
- Conclusion
3Business Model Introduction
Purchasing Scenario
4Business Model Introduction
E-Ticket Usage Scenario
5VTS Process Model Analysis
6VTS Service Model
7Analytic Process
Data Schema Design
Collection Data
Apply Data Analyses Methods
Review the Result
8Data Schema Design
Products (Show) information
Product Pricing Info
Analysis Target
Customer Info
9Data analyze process
10Customer information
11Population ration figure
12Customer information (Hsingchu)
13Job ratio figure
14Gender ratio figure
15Salary distribution figure
16Age distribution figure
17Customer RFM information
18RFM Definition
19Frequency VS. Age
20Normality test
21Recency VS. Age
22Monetary VS. Age
23Statistical test result
- All of the attributes doesnt affect the recency
- Salary doesnt significantly affects the
24Annual Statistical Data
25Fuzzy ART Method
- Analog or binary input patterns.
- Normalize input data (01).
- Using Fuzzy ART to cluster the customers.
- Tell apart each customer group belonging to which
RFM type at next year.
input input input input input
Average Grades By Customer Average Service Time (min) Average Queue Time (sec) Question Solved Rate Abandon Rate
26Correlation analysis
- Eg. Ronald bought 2 movie tickets, 1 baseball
game ticket and 1 concert ticket.
27Marketing strategy
- Tickets package strategy
- Discount strategy
- Target promotion strategy
28Correlation analysis (After Marketing )
29Analysis Conclusion
- Recency analysis
- Frequency analysis
- Monetary analysis
- Cross-sell analysis
- Customer segment
- Forecast (prediction) analysis
- The virtual tickets service model provides an
easy way for people to purchase the entertainment
tickets than current system - The virtual ticket service is a new service mode
- Smart mobile device
- Smart playbill
- Web service system
- Customer relation system
31Conclusions cont
- We present the idea of the virtual ticket service
system - The customer supporting service design.