Title: Health Risk Assessment
1Health Risk Assessment
Controlling health risks at work
2What is HRA ?
3Identifying and Assessing Health Hazards
- Selection of team
- Identifying and assessing Health Hazards
- Identifying Control Standards
- Identifying nature and degree of Exposure
- Evaluating Risk to Health
- Deciding on Remedial Action
4Selection of team
- Team Leader / Asset ownerLine manager such as
OIM, plant manager or representative of facility
being assessed - Team Member Individuals such as operational
staff, line supervisor familiar with plant
operation and process - Local Advisor Individuals such as medic/OH
nurse, HSE advisor, who can advise on the HRA
process and exposure controls - Specialist Staff Occupational hygienist, OH
physician, toxicologist, ergonomist
5Selection of team
- To gather necessary information team members must
be able to - Observe the activity being performed
- Predict any potential departure from observed
practice - Ask supervisors, staff etc. the relevant
questions - Undertake simple diagnostic tests
- Identify and review relevant technical literature
- Gather the information systematically
- Form valid, justifiable conclusions about
exposures and risks
6How to select Assessment Units
- The assessment unit is what is within the
boundaries of the HRA - Assessment units should be self-contained, either
physically or as a process - It should cover all aspects of the working
environment - The nature and the severity of the hazards and
risks involved, the familiarity of the task,
available resources and country-specific
requirements should be taken into account
7Organisation and Preparation
- Collect pre reading material and references such
as - Plans and drawings for plant specifications
- Incident / injury reports (incl. occupational
illnesses) and incident investigations - Plant and equipment fault reports
- Maintenance records for control measures
- Records of health surveillance and sickness
absence - Occupational hygiene surveys, health and safety
surveys - Minutes of health and safety committee meetings
8What are Health Hazards
- A Health Hazard has the potential to cause harm
to health - Health hazards may be divided into the following
groups - chemical
- biological
- physical
- ergonomic
- psychological
9Health hazards of primary concern
- Cause fatalities in the short or long term
- e.g. infectious diseases (short term),
carcinogenic substances (long term) - Expose the company to substantial future social
and monetary liabilities - e.g. noise induced hearing loss, repetitive
strain injury, psychological stress - Cause minor health effects which could cause
severe business disruption - e.g. major food poisoning outbreak
10How to identify Health Hazards
- Walk through surveys
- Looking, smelling, talking, listening use your
senses! - Refer to Health Hazard Inventories
- Use HRA Yellow Guide, appendix 2
- Look at Records
- incident/fault reports, inspections, maintenance,
sickness absence, hygiene surveys, operating
procedures - Use experience from elsewhere
11Types of Effects
- Acute, immediate
- Lung, skin or eye damage from corrosive liquid
- Acute, late onset
- Sick building syndrome
- Chronic, intermittent / on-off
- Repetitive Strain Injury
- Chronic permanent
- Lung cancer
12Identify Health Hazards and their harmful Effects
Harmful Effect
Silica dust (crystalline) Used mineral
oils Noise Heat Legionella bacteria Repetitive
Refractory bricks Engine oil Process noise above
85dB(A) Plant heat Spray cooling towers Workplace
Inhalation Skin Hearing Whole body Inhalation Who
le or part of body
Lung disease (silicosis) Dermatitis,
cancer Hearing Loss Heat stress, heat
stroke Legionnaires Disease Musculo-skeletal
13Factors influencing the Relationship between
Hazard and Risk
- Cumulative exposure
- Individual susceptibility
- Threshold levels
- Knowledge gaps
- Workstyle changes
- Real world practices
14Assigning Hazard Ratings
15Hazard Ratings
- Consider Harm to
- People
- Assets
- Reputation
- Select the category with the highest consequence
16Risk Assessment Matrix
- The Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) is the tool
which allows assessment of the risk to the
business from each identified health hazard - It will assist you in prioritizing potential
health risks and determine which risks need
documented demonstration of controls - Ensure that health risks are assessed properly by
taking into account acute and chronic harmful
health effects
17Health Risk Consequences X Probability
Likelihood Acute - Estimated on the basis of
experience and or evidence that a certain outcome
has previously occurred Chronic - Estimated based
on the historical evidence that excess exposure
has occurred
Consequence Estimate of what could happen (acute
and chronic)
18Risk Assessment Matrix
Manage for continuous improvement
Incorporate risk reduction measures
Intolerable investigate alternatives
19Generic RAM HRA outcomes
20Low RAM Ratings
- Manage for continuous improvement
- via standard procedures and competences in HSE-MS
(ensure these are adequate) - ensure Exposure Limits and other control
standards are met
21Medium and High RAM Ratings
- Detailed review of controls
- Standards of control
- Who is exposed and when
- Estimate or measure exposure
- Compare existing controls against standards (are
OELs met and risks As Low As Reasonably
Practicable - ALARP?) - Consider need for routine exposure monitoring
and/or health surveillance - For risks assessed as High
- give serious consideration to alternative ways of
carrying out the operation
22Control and Recovery
- Identify exposure
- Hierarchy of controls
- Control standards
- Use of control chart for individual risk
- Apply ALARP principle
- Exposure measurements
- Health Surveillance
23What is exposure?
- Exposure is defined as
- The amount of the hazard to which a person has
been exposed(dose). This is a combination of the
magnitude, frequency and duration of exposure
- Duration
- Frequency
- Magnitude (extent of exposure) is affected by
- Concentration/intensity of the agent
- Work practices
- Agents physical characteristic impacting on the
exposure route - Existing controls
25Exposure routes
Whole body
26Hazards and Exposure routes
27Target Organs
Central nervous system
Musculo-skeletal system
Digestive tract
Reproductive system
28Hazard, exposure route and target organ
29Factors Affecting Intake for chemical and
biological agents
- Physical form
- Gas/vapour/liquid/solid
- Particle size
- Particle shape
- Solubility
- Carriers
- Breathing rate
30Identify who is exposed
- Typical Job Types
- Plant Operators - divided by operational group
- Road Tanker Drivers - divided by product group
- Maintenance Staff - mechanical, electrical,
vehicle etc. - Cleaning Staff - plant and/or office
- Laboratory Technicians - sub-divide as
appropriate - Administrators - office based with minimal plant
exposure - Field Staff - geologists
31Estimate exposure level
- Identify tasks
- Use workplace experience
- Review historical records
- Discuss with staff involved in doing the task
- Visit work area/walk through survey
- Include tasks involved in
- Normal operations
- Maintenance
- Abnormal conditions and foreseeable emergencies
32Estimate exposure level
- What is a task ?
- An activity which a competent person can be
instructed to do in a single sentence - A plant operator could be asked to take a
process stream sample - A plant cleaner could be asked to deal with a
spillage - A fitter could be asked to take a pump out of
service - A laboratory technician could be asked to
analyse a sample for benzene content
33Estimate exposure level
- Review tasks
- Frequency, duration and estimates of
concentration/intensity of exposure - Work practices and existing controls
- Effectiveness of existing control measures
- Compare existing controls against relevant
control standards - Who else is exposed?
- Employees, contractors, third parties
34Estimate exposure level-without exposure
- Exposure may be acceptable when
- evidently so
- operations are in accordance with suppliers
documented procedures - previous measurements under similar or worst
case conditions indicate low exposure - process operated in accordance with recognised
guidance on good practice
35Estimate exposure level-without exposure
- Exposure may be unacceptable when
- there is evidence of fine dust deposits
- fume or particles are visible in light beams
- there are broken, defective or poorly maintained
controls - the process is not operated in accordance with
recognised guidance on good practice - complaints are made of discomfort or excessive
odour - ill-health related to exposure is detected
36Hierarchy of controls
- The hierarchy of controls is a list in
preferential order of the means by which exposure
to health hazards can be controlled - Elimination
- Substitution (alternatives)
- Engineering (plant and equipment)
- Procedural
- Personal protective equipment
37Types of controls
- Elimination and substitution
- Engineering (plant and equipment)
- Equipment/processes designed to prevent or
minimize release of the hazard - Examples containment (enclosure), exhaust
ventilation, remote venting/vapor recovery
systems -
38Types of controls
- Procedural
- Safe systems of work / Permit to work system
- Record systems
- Staff Instruction, Information training
- Supervision, Emergency arrangements
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Respiratory Skin Protection as a secondary
line of defence or as the only option
39Effectiveness of Controls
The types of control vary in their effectiveness
according to the control hierarchy Elimination
Most Effective Substitution Engineering Procedu
ral PPE Least Effective
40Control selection
- Control selection to achieve ALARP must consider
the control effectiveness and cost - consider the most effective controls first
- limit PPE to
- infrequent tasks
- temporary use until more effective controls are
in place - as a precaution should other controls fail
41Maintenance of controls
- Controls are only effective if they work
- Engineering controls
- Preventive maintenance, inspections and tests
- Procedural controls
- Record systems, information and training
- Effective supervision
- Routine maintenance, inspection and training
- Emergency measures
- Inspections and realistic exercises
42Control standards
- Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs)
- Specifications for control
- Engineering Control Standards (SES, DEP)
- Procedural (manufacturers/suppliers
info/industry good practice) - Personal Protective Equipment
- National, Company, Group, Industry and
International Standards
43What are exposure limits?
- Chemical agents
- Occupational Exposure Limits are levels of
airborne concentrations of hazardous compounds
that are considered safe for the workplace - OELs and recommendations are set by competent
national authorities - OELs are normally used for chemical agents, but
the concept can also be applied for physical,
biological and psychosocial agents and for
44Occupational exposure limits
- Physical Agents, e.g.
- Shell Noise Guide recommended criteria
- Daily Noise Dose - 85 dB(A) Leq
- Design Limit - 85 dB(A) at 1 meter
- Cold stress
- Ionising radiation
- Heat stress
- Lasers
- Vibrations
45Occupational exposure limits
- Biological agents
- Control to as low as reasonably practicable
- Ergonomics
- Include ergonomic principles to all work
activities - Psychological
- Refer to specialist for evaluation and treatment
46Engineering control standards
- Face velocities of Lab Hoods should meet
recognized design standards - Rotating equipment mechanical seals that do not
leak - Transfer lines/hoses with disconnect fittings
that do not leak - Capture velocities for welding hoods meet
recognized ventilation standards - Engineering controls are inspected regularly
- Engineering controls are on a PM (preventive
maintenance) schedule
47Procedural standards
- written procedures for tasks involving exposure
(permit to work system) - procedures include work practices that minimize
exposure - work practices are understood (e.g. training
validated by testing) and followed by employees
(supervision, validated by auditing)
48Personal Protective Equipment
- respirators
- gauntlets (gloves)
- goggles
- protective clothing
- foot protection
49Personal protective equipment
- Adequate use of PPE includes an assessment of
- PPE requirement for each task
- PPE selection to match the hazard
- PPE is practical functional for the task
- PPE requirements are understood by employees
(e.g. training validated by testing) - PPE is used correctly (e.g. training validated
by audit)) - PPE is used when required (validated by audit)
- PPE is inspected and maintained regularly
(validated by audit)
50Use of Control Chart
- Are controls meeting the control standards?
- Control chart tool for decisions
- Use of information on exposures and controls
- Combining hazard rating and exposure rating
51Hazard rating categories
52Exposure Rating
53Control Chart
54Evaluate the Adequacy of Controls
- What is the nature of the hazard to health ?
- Use Hazard Rating (RAM Consequence Category)
- What is the nature and degree of exposure for
the task ? - Assign Exposure Rating
- Combine in Control Chart
55Remedial Action Plan
- The Remedial Action Plan must cover
- Recommendations divided into four levels of
action (first, second, third priority and no
immediate action required) - Is recommendation agreed or not?
- Responsible person
- Due date
56Actions Control Chart (1)To aid priority setting
- Action 1st priority
- Stop the exposure notify management immediately
- Identify all sources
- Implement immediate control improvements e.g.
PPE - Consider need for exposure measurement
- Identify and implement work practice and control
improvements - Review HRA, including measurements
57Actions Control Chart (2)To aid priority setting
- Action 2nd priority
- Reduce exposure to below OEL (Hazard Ratings
1-2) - Consider reducing to below 0.5 x OEL (Hazard
Ratings 3-5) - Identify and implement work practice and control
improvements () - Consider need for exposure measurement ()
- Review HRA, including measurements ()
- Action 3rd priority
- Actions with asterisk under 2nd priority
- Action No Immediate Action Required
- Normally no need for immediate action to improve
controls. Manage for continuous improvement
58ALARP Definition
- Definitions of ALARP
- balancing the reduction in risk against the
time, difficulty and cost of achieving it - This level represents the point, objectively
assessed, at which the time, difficulty and cost
of further reduction measures become unreasonably
disproportional to the additional risk reduction
- ALARP is influenced by the following factors
- risk to be avoided
- sacrifice involved in taking measures to avoid
the risk (money, time and trouble) - comparison of the two
60ALARP- rule of thumb
- List the measures that have been taken to reduce
the risk - Go on to identify an additional option which
might be introduced to reduce the risk further - Give reasons why this additional control is not
62What remedial action?
- Is risk to health ALARP?
- Yes, when only a small reduction in risk would
require an unreasonable amount of time, trouble,
difficulty or cost. - Otherwise
- Select appropriate additional controls/barriers
considering - Hierarchy of controls including recovery
preparedness measures - Other measures like measurements, monitoring,
health surveillance, maintenance of controls,
instruction training - Priorities for implementation
63Exposure measurements
- Identify who may be exposed to health risks
- Identify the relevant exposures to individuals in
the workplace - Assess your work environment to determine when
you need to do exposure monitoring/measurements
64Purpose of exposure measurements
- Verification of the efficiency of control
measures - Justification for additional control measures
- Choice of control measures (eg for noise control)
- To establish and document historical records of
exposure levels for all workers - To ensure and demonstrate compliance with
regulatory and other exposure guidelines - Epidemiological studies or investigating reported
health effects - To alleviate employee concerns
65Objectives of exposure measurement
- Baseline - to define range and distribution of
exposure for defined jobs - Worst case to identify potentially high
exposure - Detailed when baseline study provides
insufficient data - Routine periodic exposure monitoring to check
that control measures remain effective - Compliance - to ensure that exposure is below
regulatory and other guidelines
66Monitoring methods
- Personal Monitoring
- worker exposure with normal work procedure
- breathing zone for inhalation exposure
- near ear for noise exposure
- full shifts / task samples
- Area (Environmental) Monitoring
- contaminant concentration in work area
- plant conditions
- effectiveness of controls
67Monitoring methods
- Biological Monitoring
- Determine body absorption of potentially
hazardous substance from all sources - Measure changes in the composition of body fluid,
tissue or expired air - May be used to indicated inadequate control,
improper work procedure - Provides accurate information about the absorbed
dose of a substance in the body - Not all substances have a method or a BLV
(biological Limit Value)
68Sampling Strategy
- Where to Sample
- When to Sample
- Whom to Sample
- How long to Sample
- How many samples to take
69Health Surveillance
- Monitoring and health surveillance aims to
(periodically) assess exposures and health in
order to - Confirm the effectiveness of existing control
measures - Collect data for the detection and evaluation of
hazards to health - Confirm compliance with predetermined criteria
- Required by law
70Medical Surveillance
- Medical Surveillance selection criteria
- Is there a risk to health (based on HRA)
- The prevention/intervention potential ("can we do
something about it?") - Can we detect it?
- Are the detection methods suitable?
71Document Review HRA
- Appropriate Depth of Records
- Linked with Medical Records
- Informing Staff
- Archiving of Records
- Reviewing Records
72Appropriate Documentation
- Records should
- be retrievable
- Internal/external audits, authorities and review
- meet legal requirements
- be detailed enough to ensure audit trail on how
conclusions were reached - allow traceability from individual name via Job
Type to tasks - include exposure monitoring and health
73Informing Staff of Findings
- Involves staff in HRA process
- Ensures that
- Health risks are understood
- Control measures are used
- Staff can alert assessment teams on changes
- May be a legal requirement
74Archiving of Records
- As required by local law and/or practice
- 30 - 40 years are typical
- Allows for re-introduction of old processes
75Reviewing HRAs
- Senior management will confirm the status of HRA
through HSE annual letter - Action Items
- Short term reviews of action items
- Against target dates and responsible persons
- Change in process, hazard, legislation etc
- Change in controls
- New information on the effect
- Incidents, illnesses, complaints, new knowledge
- On an agreed cycle
- Between 1 and 5 years dependent on risk