Title: Renowned Film Producer Boney Kapoor Visits AAFT
1Renowned Film Producer Boney Kapoor Visits AAFT
Noida The visit of renowned film producer Boney
Kapoor brought new energy to the AAFT campus. The
staff, administration and faculty had the
wonderful opportunity to interact with the film
maker. The great filmmakers like Boney Kapoor
bring huge experience of film making to the
education setups. Their words are like golden
words which can bring lots of motivation and
enthusiasm in students life said Sandeep Marwah
President of Marwah Studio.
I always find interesting changes in the campus
of AAFT. It is so encouraging to see that AAFT
and its students have created a wonderful niche
for themselves in the media and entertainment
industry said Boney Kapoor Boney Kapoor has been
the producer of some of the finest films in the
film industry. His films like Woh Saat Din, Mr.
India, Judai, No Entry, Bewafa, Pukar, Wanted and
Tevar have left huge impact on the audience.