Title: Android Parental Control App For Peace Of Mind
1Android Parental Control App For Peace Of Mind
2During the teenage years, when they are striving
to create an identity of their own, they may feel
alienated from parents and want to rebel against
anything and everything that their parents say,
not realizing that any restrictions have been put
into place for their own safety.
3Most of the time, teenagers are glued to their
smartphones and through that, hooked onto the
Internet. They could get into contact with total
strangers and get into trouble. Sometimes they
may tell parents a lie regarding their
whereabouts and get into dangerous situations.
While a phone helps to keep parents constantly
connected to their children, it is also a cause
for concern when children are not aware of the
responsibilities of the freedom they enjoy. It is
here that the android parental control app can
4This spy mobile app is easy to download and
install. It is discrete and will not be visible.
It can easily be controlled from any of the
parents devices from a remote location. The spy
app for mobile also has another version which is
the computer tracking software. The combination
of both these apps gives parents just what
parents are looking for peace of mind that
comes from the knowledge of where their children
are, what they are doing, who they are chatting
with, and even what they are chatting about!
5The spy app for mobile has a whole host of
features that give parents a comprehensive
snapshot of the lives of their children. It helps
them monitor their emails, call records, instant
messages, as well as videos on Skype. Parents can
also use the GPS tracking feature to know where
their children are located at any given point in
time. The geofencing feature tells parents if
their children are in any location that parents
have marked as not safe, so if their children get
into any trouble, the parents can instantly
notify the authorities for help as they know the
exact location.
6The computer tracking software gives parents an
in-depth report of their childs activities on a
computer and online. They can get to see the
programs installed, read the email messages, as
well as give screenshots of what their children
are doing online at any given point in time. It
also gives parents information about which
programs are more frequently used. All of this
information lets parents know how their children
are spending time online, if they are using it
for academic purposes, who they are chatting
with, what are their interests, and if they are
chatting with the wrong people or having the
wrong interests. This gives parents greater power
over their childrens safety.