Title: SuperNova Acceleration Probe Research and Development Efforts
1SuperNova Acceleration ProbeResearch and
Development Efforts
- Chris Bebek
- UC Berkeley Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
2Instrument RD areas
- In the past year we have conducted a technical
and scientific trade study covering a range of
options for the SNAP instrumentation suite. - We have arrived at a coherent instrument working
concept and observation strategy constrained by
reliability, satellite, thermal, orbit and
telemetry issues described Mike Lampton and SNe
characteristics that optimizes the science reach
of SNAP. - We have identified four risk areas and have an
RD program to address these - CCDs
- Cold irradiation
- Fabrication
- HgCdTe
- QE
- Readnoise
- Fabrication
- CCD readout
- HgCdTe readout
3How Science-Driven Requirements map onto
Instrument Concept
- Measurement Program
- 50 Type Ia SNe per 0.03 in z from z0.3 to 1.7
(2500 total). - Follow up spectroscopy near peak luminosity.
- Template building (spectra vs époque for subset
of zlt0.7 SNe). - Photometry
- U, B, V, (R)-band light curves.
- B-band to 1 at peak.
- BV color evolution.
- Malmquist bias.
- Rise time.
- Peak to tail ratio.
- Spectroscopy
- UV metalicity features strength and location.
- S and Si features
- SII 5350Å line, Dw 200Å
- SII W shape, Dw 75Å
- Instrument
- Use two plate scales to cover the wavelength
range to obtain time efficient photometry and a
large FOV. - Observation cadence commensurate with SNe
evolution. - Allocation of time for photometry and follow up
spectroscopy. - Imager
- Wavelength coverage from 350 nm to 1700 nm.
- 9 filters.
- Cadence of repetitive exposures matched to SNe
evolution rate. - Exposure lengths generate required S/N versus
magnitude. - Spectrograph
- Wavelength coverage from 350 nm to 1700 nm.
- S/N 20
- Resolution 140 (l/dl)
4Photometry illustration
1z spaced B-band filters
5Spectroscopy illustration
6Instrument working concept
Cold plate
Thermal links
CCDs/ HgCdTe
FE Electronics
Data/Monitoring/ Command
7Focal plane concept
- Coalesce all sensors at one focal plane.
- Imager sensors on the front.
- 36 HgCdTe 2kx2k 18 mm
- 36 CCD 3.5kx3.5k 10.5 mm
- Filters
- 1 of 3 per HgCdTe
- 4 of 6 per CCD
- Spectrograph on the back with access ports
through the focal plane. - Common 140K operating temperature.
- Dedicated CCDs for guiding from the focal plane.
- Exposure times of 200 s with four/eight exposures
in CCDs/HgCdTe. - 20 s readout slow enough for CCD noise and 4 post
exposure and 4 pre exposure reads of HgCdTe.
rin6.0 mrad rout13.0 mrad rin129.120
mm rout283.564 mm
8Integral Field Unit Spectrograph Design
Small IFU, 2-arm spectrograph based on image
slicer work performed for NGST.
Image slicer
9Example scan
10Establishing detector requirements
- Some sensor requirements are determined by SNe
characteristics, eg, wavelength coverage. - Some characteristics are innate to the sensors,
eg, QE(l). - Other requirements (eg, read noise, dark current)
have been bounded by studying the desired S/N as
a function of SNe epoch, exposure time, and
number of exposures.
- Example study of achieved S/N with four 200 s
exposures and - CCD
- RN 4 e-
- DC 0.02 e-/s/pix
- Npix 4
- HgCdTe
- RN 4 e-
- DC 0.02 e-/s/pix
- Npix 4
11Derived Requirements for the Imager
Note Requirements for spectrograph use are
12LBNL CCD work
13LBNL CCD technology
Back-illuminated thick CCD on a high-resistivity
n-type substrate, operated fully depleted.
Advantages 1) Conventional CMOS processes
without super thinning. 2) Full quantum
efficiency to gt1 mm gt no fringing. 3) Good
blue response with suitably designed rear
contact. 4) No field-free regions for charge
diffusion, good PSF. Drawbacks 1) Enhanced
sensitivity to radiation (x-rays, cosmic
rays, radioactive decay). 2) More volume for
dark current generation. 3) Dislocation
The technology has been transferred to DALSA and
rad hard, p-channel, high resistivity
capability is now listed on their web site.
14LBNL CCD evolution
100 mm LBNL-fabbed 2kx2k
100 mm DALSA 2kx2k
100 mm LBNL-fabbed 2kx4k
150 mm DALSA PIN diodes
150 mm DALSA 2kx2k 3kx3k
15Near-IR vs Visible imaging
WIYN 3.5m with LBNL 2048 x 2048 CCD (Dumbbell
Nebula, NGC 6853) Blue H-? at 656 nm Green
SIII at 955 nm Red 1.02 mm
16LBNL 2k x 2k results
Image 200 x 200 15 ?m LBNL CCD in Lick Nickel
1m. Spectrum 800 x 1980 15 ?m LBNL CCD in NOAO
KPNO spectrograph. Instrument at NOAO KPNO 2nd
semester 2001 (http//www.noao.edu)
17CCD issues
- Pixel size
- Well depth
- Linearity
- Dark current
- Persistence
- Read noise
- MOSFET operation
- Charge transfer efficiency
- Quantum efficiency
- Diffusion
- Intrapixel response
- Radiation
- Proton damage
- 60Co
- Damage when cold
- Fabrication
- Pixel size
- Well depth
- Linearity
- Dark current
- Persistence
- Read noise
- MOSFET operation
- Charge transfer efficiency
- Quantum efficiency
- Diffusion
- Intrapixel response
- Radiation
- Proton damage
- 60Co
- Damage when cold
- Fabrication
- 10.5 ?m work.
- 130 ke for 10.5 ?m pixel.
- Better than 1.
- 2-5 e/hr/pixel.
- Erase mechanism is effective.
- 2.0-2.5 e.
- Documented at operating temperature.
- CTI 10-6 pre-irradiation.
- Extended red performance realized.
- On-going study.
- On-going study.
- More robust than existing space devices when
damaged warm. - No surprises for T300K dosing.(wont discuss
today). - An activity during the next 3 months.
- Partially commercialized.
RD areas
19LBNL 2k x 2k Quantum Efficiency
20MTF/PSF issues
- We are 2x undersampled.
- Uniformity and simplicity of PSF determines the
amount of image dithering that will be required. - Diffusion the fundamental gaussian spread of
charge as it drifts from the photon conversion
site to a pixel. - For conventional CCDs, the rms spread is the
depletion depth, 10 mm. - For LBNL CCDs, the rms spread is determined by
thickness and the sq.rt. of the depletion
voltage. - We require 4 mm. E.g., t 200 mm, Vsub 100V, s
3.2 mm. - We are working on routine thinning to 200 mm and
beginning the study of device robustness versus
Vsub (we have routinely operated in the lab at
60V with excursion to 140V). - Intra-pixel response after diffusion drift,
does the charge hit the correct pixel. - 2D modeling of conventional CCDs and LBNL CCDs
with its substrate voltage shows good termination
of the field lines on pixels. - Measurements we are commissioning a pinhole
projector to measure diffusion as a function of
voltage and thickness and to map intrapixel
21Diffusion/intrapixel response measurements
We are commissioning a pinhole projector, 4 ?m
FWZ, to scan the backside of the CCD looking for
charge collection variations in vicinity of pixel
edges. We have scanned the front side so far and
see the polysilicon gate structure. Backside
scans any minute now.
Front-side scans
22Proton radiation damage
23Radiation environment
- Integrated for three years, SNAP will be exposed
to - A few krad (Si) TID.
- A few ?107 MeV/g NIEL.
- Note
- 1x109 protons/cm2 _at_ 12 MeV is 1.5x107 MeV/g NIEL.
- 1x109 protons/cm2 _at_ 12 MeV is 500 rad.
24Proton irradiation studies
- We used 12 MeV protons at the LBNL 88 Cyclotron
- Two set of four device were irradiated at room
temperature. - Doses were 5x109, 1x1010, 5x1010 and 1x1011
p/cm2. - We characterized the devices by measuring their
CTE and dark current as a function of
25Dark Current Degradation
Dark current is measured with one thousand or
more second exposures. The gaussian charge
distribution in the active region of the CCD is
compared with the gaussian change distribution in
the overscan region.
Fit gives expected Si bandgap, so no new dark
current sources are developing. The plateau at
right is not identified yet, but could be surface
leakage currents.
26Charge transfer efficiency
CTE is measured using the 55Fe X-ray method at
128 K. The readout speed is 30 kHz, the X-ray
density is 0.015/pixel. Degradation is about
1?10-13 g/MeV.
Comparison to conventional CCDs after converting
dose to NIEL (MeV/g).
Caveat. We irradiated parts at 300K and
unpowered. While we have compared apples with
apples, our study will be complete only after
performing damage at operating temperature and
powered. Will try to complete this this summer.
1L.Cawley, C.Hanley, WFC3 Detector
Characterization Report 1 CCD44 Radiation Test
Results, Space Telescope Science Institute
Instrument Science Report WFC3 2000-05,
Oct.2000 2 T. Hardy, R. Murowinski, M.J. Deen,
Charge transfer efficiency in proton damaged
CCDs, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 45(2), pp.
154-163, April 1998
27CTE vs Temperature at 1x1011 p/cm2
Both serial and parallel CTE exhibit significant
temperature dependence due to interactions with
radiation induced trapping centers.
28Hole Traps Found in n-Type Si
Trap parameters measured using DLTS
Proton Irradiation
29Fitted trap density versus dose
30CCD fabrication
31100 mm wafer fabrication
- LBNL manufactured
- We have fabricated 10.5, 12, and 15 mm devices in
a variety of formats up to 2kx4k. - These have ranged from 190 to 300 mm thick.
- Some of these devices are deployed in ground
telescope. - Recently, much effort has gone into developing
careful handling procedures and equipment
modifications to protect the backside of the
wafer during manufacture. - DALSA manufactured
- Our process technology transfer first done here.
- 15 mm devices up to 2kx2k have been successfully
built. - Devices as thin as 200 mm have been finished.
32150 mm wafer fabrication
- DALSA work
- They have converted exclusively to 150 mm wafers.
These wafers are must be thinned from 675 mm to
200 mm for our use. - Unthinned photodiode wafers have been fabricated
with good results. - A few thinned wafers have been fabricated. We
found similar backside damages areas that we
have already eliminated at LBNL. - Unthinned CCD wafers have been fabricated that
were of high quality in front illuminated
studies. - We have received one thinned (300 mm) CCD wafer
that is now under backside illumination tests. - LBNL work
- We are gradually transferring our backside
handling knowledge to DALSA but expect this to
take some time to fully implement. We view this
as the second phase of our commercialization
effort. - In the meantime, we have acquired the one piece
of 150 mm processing equipment that will allow us
to perform the last steps of wafer processing
contacts, metalization, AR coating. - DALSA will provide 675 mm thick CCDs where the
front side is complete, device is thinned, and
backside thin poly is deposited, This includes
all the conventional CMOS process steps. We will
continue to work with them on thinning issues
with fully automated processing equipment.
33Example of backside damage/particles before
34LBNL efforts on backside particles/damage
- Backside processing issues and remedies to be
transferred to DALSA. - Back side scratches through ISDP layer fatal for
fully-depleted operation - Avoid where possible handlers made from materials
that can scratch silicon - Improved wafer carriers for MRC sputtering system
- Manual override of wafer alignment arm on MTI
resist dispense arm - Use of sacrificial SiO2 layer on wafer backside
- Not scratch immune but allows for undercut of
particles during strip - Particle removal via wafer scrubbing (most
effective technique to date) - Use of wear resistant materials on vacuum chucks
and wafer handlers where possible (DuPont VESPEL
effective but does shed particles) - Avoid use of silicone parts (cannot remove with
scrubbing) - First wafers through equipment (coater, aligner)
tend to have significantly higher particle counts - Photoresist aerosol particles too large to be
removed with ashing, require addition of solvent
to scrubbing soap solution - LBNL experience particles can be removed with
mechanical action (scrubbing). Main concern is
damage through thin backside poly layer.
36Rockwell HgCdTe
- Rockwell HgCdTe devices are our only option at
the moment. - WFC3 MBE material with 1.7 mm cutoff is a perfect
match to SNAP. - NGST 2k x 2k format being developed is also a
good match. - Status (as of March)
- The dark current is OK.
- There is a QE problem in the 900 nm to 1100 nm
region. - There is a large read noise, 30 e, not the
design goal of 10 e. - Long-term drifts and settling times are seen at
some test sites. - Rockwell claims they understand the MBE knobs
that control QE. - They are have grown new material (1k x 1k).
- It is presently being bumped and packaged.
- The large read noise is bad for SNAP
- We want to rt-N this down to 5 e, ie, four CDS
reads take 10 e to 5 e. - More reads have a big impact on observation time
budget. - Rt-N has only got to 17 e so far (there may be
new info on this).
37MTF/PSF issues
- We have studied the impact of a gutter around
each pixel as existed in the PACE devices (this
is NOT present in the MBE devices). The impact of
that dead region relative to a device without it
was to double the number of exposures required to
obtain equivalent photometry. - Intrapixel response for the MBE HgCdTe has not
been measured yet. - We will acquire a device to measure this
ourselves. We have ordered a mux to begin setting
up a measurement system with pin hole projector.
- Intrapixel response may be just fine as it is or
it may not be. If not, Rockwell has posited - Design changes of the implants near the PN
junctions. This is essentially tuning up the
electric fields to better capture the charge. - Etching microlenses into the CdZnTe substrate to
focus photons on the pixel sweet spot.
38CCD readout
39CCD support electronics
- Goals
- Photons-to-bits focal plane
- Eliminate large cable plant to reduce system
noise problems. - Reduce power dramatically relative to
conventional implementation. - ASIC Challenges
- Large voltages
- 10 V clock swings
- 20 V MOSFET biases
- 32 V span within CCD, excluding depletion
voltage - Large dynamic range from 2 e- readnoise and 130
ke- well depth. - Radiation tolerance (borrowed from GLAST for now)
- Total ionizing radiation dose performance
maintained up to 10 Krad (Si). - Single-Effect Latch-up (SEL) immune to a minimum
LET of 40-80 MeV-cm2/mg. - Singe-Effect Upset (SEU) performance maintained
for a LET of at least 8 MeV-cm2/mg. - Operation at 140K to reduce cable plant and
associated problems requires low power
40Readout Electronics Concept
- CDS Correlated Double Samples is used for
readout of the CCDs to achieve the required
readout noise. - ADC 16-bit dr, 12-bit res 100 kHz equivalent
conversion rate per CCD. - Sequencer Clock pattern generator supporting
- modes of operation erase, expose, readout, idle.
- Clock drivers Programmable amplitudes.
Supports 4-corner or 2-corner readout. - Bias and power generation Provide switched,
- programmable large voltages for CCD and local
power. - Temperature monitoring Local and remote.
- DAQ and instrument control interface Path to
data buffer memory, master timing, and
configuration and control.
41ASIC roadmap
- We are working with LBNL ASIC designers to
address CCD clock generation, bias voltage
generation, and analog signal processing in one
or more ICs. - Correlated double sampler
- Starting here since it has the most challenging
analog issues. - We have performed a survey of sub-micron CMOS
processes. - We have evaluated system noise for different
technologies and signal processing schemes. - We have measured pre and post irradiated test
structures as a function of T. - We will design a CDS circuit for fabrication over
the next 4 months. - ADC
- This could be part of CDS circuit, so we are
thinking of implementations in parallel with CDS
development. - We are exploring a 12-bit pipeline ADC with three
ranges. - Clock drivers
- Pattern generator is an easy digital design.
- Amplitude control of large voltages will be
challenging. - Study of rad tolerance of 40 V sub-micron CMOS.
42CCD MOSFET noise
Measured noise spectral density at low
temperature for an LBNL CCD MOSFET.
43Noise comparison (PMOS)
PMOS noise spectral density for several vendors
derived from their technology models. Model
results have been validated by test data from
44Differential averager
CCD noise first stage noise
- Pmos Agilent 0.5mmIC 1, Id 100mA
- Nmos TSMC 0.25mm
- IC0.1, Id 100mA
C (100pF)
Integrator voltage gain 2
Integration time t
Conversion gain 3.5mV/e
Input referred noise (e)
Dt 0
4ms (R20KW)
(1) 2.8 / (2) 2.9
8ms (R40KW)
(1) 2.1 / (2) 2.2
10ms (R50KW)
(1) 1.92 / (2) 2
The 1/f noise of the input stage is reduced by
the CDS The thermal noise from the input stage is
negligible compared to the CCD
45TSMC 0.25 mm cold CMOS
Threshold voltage PMOS
Threshold voltage NMOS
Mobility ratio PMOS
Mobility ratio NMOS
After rad means gt10 Mrad.
UTE -1.3
UTE -0.7
46Sub-micron CMOS comments
- Sub-micron CMOS appears to perform well down to
100K. - Vendor BSIM3 SPICE model predicts performance
down to 150K region. - Technology is extremely rad hard.
- LBNL has the rad hard by design methodology to
build robust systems. - As with CCDs, rad testing at cold temperature
needs to be explored. - Sub-micron 40V processes need careful radiation
study because of the thick oxide used. Our
default plan is to use external JFETs as voltage
boosters for clock and bias drivers.
47HgCdTe readout
48HgCdTe readout
- Inputs to readout architecture
- Advertised single CDS noise is to be 10 e we
require 5 e. - Therefore, we need four pre and four post
exposure reads. - To accomplish 8 reads in 20 s at 100 kpixel/s
rate requires 16 taps per 2kx2k device. H2-RG has
32 taps. - Desirable to do pre and post read averaging in
hardware. - There is a Rockwell initiative for the NGST mux
readout for an ASIC operated cold adjacent to the
sensor - Five 16-bit ADCs (intended for 4 tap readout)
- Microprocessor based timing sequencer
- Data processing
- Can implement co-adding and averaging at the
pixel and line level. - Power including mux is 2 mW per read port.
- RD issues
- Trade study of using existing H2-RG mux or
developing one with 16 taps. - Ability to cascade multiple Rockwell ASICs to
achieve more ADCs per H2-RG. - Development of our own ASIC.
49RD Summary
- Study operation at high depletion voltage to
minimize diffusion. - Measure intrapixel response.
- Radiation damage at 140K.
- Refine fabrication process.
- Establish production yield.
- HgCdTe
- Read noise needs to be reduced.
- Track QE developments.
- Establish production yield.
- CCD electronics
- Radiation measurements at 140K.
- Fabricate demonstration CDS/ADC in 0.25 mm CMOS
during the next year. - Radiation study of 40V sub-micron CMOS.
- HgCdTe electronics
- Refine commercial solution, if it exists, to SNAP
needs. - Or, develop our own readout.