High Energy Astrophysics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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High Energy Astrophysics


The X-ray emission did not vary in temporally in their brightness ... Cluster X-ray Observations. First X-ray imaging detectors: X-ray morphologies ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: High Energy Astrophysics

High Energy Astrophysics
  • Clusters of Galaxies

  • Clusters of Galaxies constitute the largest
    gravitationally collapsed structures in the
  • Clusters are composed mainly of galaxies, hot
    gas and dark matter
  • The first systematic study was carried out by
    Abell (1958) who compiled an extensive,
    statistically complete catalogue of rich clusters
    that has been one of the basics tools to study
  • Clusters of galaxies were first detected in
    X-ray in the early 70s with the large sky area
    observations of the Uhuru X-ray satellite
    (Giaconni et al, 1972).

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Introduction First observed properties
  • The X-ray luminosities are of the order of
    1043-45 erg/s
  • The X-ray emission is spatially extended
  • The X-ray emission did not vary in temporally in
    their brightness
  • The X-ray spectra were consistent with a thermal
    bremsstrahlung spectrum from hot gas
  • The X-ray spectra showed emission lines from Fe
    implying that the intracluster medium is enriched

Optical properties
  • Galaxy members 1000
  • Size R 1.5 Mpc
  • Mass 1013-15 Msolar
  • baryon fraction 10-20
  • Proportion of universe galaxes 10
  • Galaxy types E, S0, S

Optical properties
  • The most extensive and more widely used
    catalogues of rich clusters are those of Abell
    (1958) and Abell et al 1989 and Zwicky et al
  • Selected by visual inspection of photographic
  • Clusters are selected as overdensities compared
    to a background
  • Abells criteria (1) at least 50 galaxies in
    the magnitude range m3 to m32, (2) contained in
    a radius RA1.7/z arcmin (3) estiamted cluster
    redshift 0.02 lt z lt 0.20

Optical properties
  • With the advent of high QE CCDs in the early
    90s, optical cluster catalogues revived.
  • Automated searches
  • Match Filter Palomar Distant Cluster Survey
    (Postman et al 1996) selection filtering the
    data with amodel of the spatial and luminosity
  • Voronoid tesselation (Kim et al 2002)
  • Color selection Red Cluster Sequence (Gladders
    Yee 2000)

Optical properties
  • Number of galaxies in the cluster
  • Statistical measure depending on membership

Luminosity function
  • Gives the number distribution of the
    luminosities of the galaxies
  • Schechter luminosity function
  • parameters

Optical properties
Morphological classification
  • Based on different properties
  • Zwicky compact, medium compact, open
  • Bautz-Morgan Type I, II, III
  • Rood-Sastry cD, B, L, C, F, I

Optical properties
Velocity distribution
  • Existence of morphological sequence from
    irregular to regular suggests that regular
    clusters may have undergone some sort of
  • The redshift of a cluster is determined from the
    mean radial velocity of galaxies in a cluster
  • Normally, the velocity distribution is
    characterized by the dispersion of radial
    velocities around the mean. The velocity
    dispersion completely characterizes the radial
    distribution function of velocities if it is

Optical properties
Velocity distribution
  • Radial velocity distribution are found to be
    close to Gaussian suggesting that they are at
    least partly relaxed systems in which one can
    define a temperature
  • sr (kT/m)1/2

Optical properties
Spatial distribution
  • The most regular clusters show a smooth galaxy
    distribution with a concentrated core
  • Normally five parameters position, central
    projected density, core scale and maximum radial

Optical properties
Cluster masses
  • Assuming that cluster are bound,
    self-gravitating system one can calculate their
  • If clusters were not bound they would disperse
    as their crossing times (tcr 109 years) are
    shorter than their ages
  • Virial theorem
  • M/L ratios
  • Missing mass Dark Matter

Optical properties
Galactic Content
  • cD
  • Proportion of E, S0, Sp

Radio properties
  • Emission from galaxies within the cluster
  • Head-tail and wide-angle-tail radio sources
  • Radio haloes

Radio properties
Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
  • The free electrons in the ICM (inverse Compton)
    scatter low energy photons from the Cosmic
    Microwave Radiation

Cluster X-ray Observations
Detections and identifications
  • The first extragalactic object to be detected as
    an X-ray source was M81 in the Virgo cluster

  • clusters of galaxies are the most common bright
    extragalactic X-ray sources
  • They are extremely luminous Lx 1043-45 erg/s
    and have a wide range of luminosities
  • The X-ray sources associated with clusters are

Cluster X-ray Observations
  • clusters of galaxies X-ray spectra show no
    strong sign of low energy photoabsorption
  • The X-ray emission is not variable

  • First X-ray spectrum thermal bremsstrahlung
  • First all-sky survey first flux limited sample
    (Piccinotti et al 1982)

Cluster X-ray Observations
  • First X-ray imaging detectors X-ray
  • EMSS X-ray LF evolution

  • Highly improved sensitivity
  • Soft X-rays
  • RASS pointed observations

Cluster X-ray Observations
  • Spectral resolution

  • High energy response

New Generation of X-Ray Observatories
  • Spatial resolution 1
  • Instruments ACIS, spectrograph

  • Large collecting area
  • Good spectral resolution
  • Instruments MOS, pn, spectrograph

Cluster X-ray Observations
Cluster X-ray Observations
X-ray luminosities luminosity function
  • Observe count-rates gt flux gt luminosity
  • They are extremely luminous Lx 1043-45 erg/s
  • The luminosity function is the number of
    clusters per unit volume with X-ray luminosities
    in the range of Lx to LxdLx f(Lx)dLx
  • The observed luminosity function is well-fit to
    a Schechter function
  • f(Lx) A (L/L)a exp (-L/L)


Cluster X-ray Observations
Spatial distribution of X-ray emission
  • Extended emission
  • The surface brightness is well fit in the
    majority of cases by the so-called beta model
  • Sx Sxo 1 (r/rc)2-3ß1/2

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Cluster X-ray Observations
Morphology of the ICM
  • Clusters present varied morphologies although
    they are mostly ellipsoids
  • Forman Jones (1982) proposed a two-dimensional
    scheme for the X-ray morphology. First they are
    irregular (early) or regular (evolved).
    Secondly, the presence or absence of a dominant
    galaxy in the center X-ray dominant (XD) or non
    X-ray dominant (nXD).
  • Evolutionary sequence
  • Evolution of X-ray morphology gt Cosmology

Cluster X-ray Observations
X-ray Spectra
  • Clusters exhibit thermal bremsstrahlung spectra
    from their thin, high temperature, highly ionized
    intracluster medium
  • Typical temperatures are of the order of a few
  • Typical metallicities are of the order of 1/3
  • Spectra show a-element enhancement
  • In most (non-cooling flow) clusters there is
    negligible low energy absorption
  • Cooling flows

Hot Intracluster Medium Formation
  • Clusters of Galaxies form from gravitational
    collapse of high density peaks
  • Cluster collapse dominated by dark matter with
    baryons following the potential wells dominated
    by dark matter
  • During collapse the baryons suffer adiabatic
    compression and heating by gravitationally
    induced shocks, resulting in the formation of a
    hot intracluster medium
  • For typical cluster masses (1015 M?) the gas
    reaches temperatures of several 107 OK and
    becomes fully ionized.

Hot Intracluster Medium Emission
  • 10-15 cluster mass is hot gas trapped in the
    cluster potential well
  • If gas dynamics corresponds to galaxy dynamics
    kBT µmpsv2 6 (sv
    /1000 kms-1)2 keV

Hot Intracluster Medium Emission
Hot Intracluster Medium Emission
  • 10-15 cluster mass is hot gas trapped in the
    cluster potential well
  • If gas dynamics corresponds to galaxy dynamics
    kBT µmpsv2 6 (sv
    /1000 kms-1)2 keV
  • The hot fully ionized ICM emits thermal
    bremsstrahlung in X-rays
  • The spectrum can be characterized by
    Raymond-Smith (1977) spectrum thermal
    bremsstrahlung, lines and edges. Further
    refinements Mekal (Mewe et al 1985, Kaastra 1992
    Liehdal 1995)

Hot Intracluster Medium Emission
Thermal Bremsstralung Spectra
  • Fellen et al (1966) first suggested that the
    X-ray emission from clusters was due to a diffuse
    intracluster gas at a temperature Tx108 K and an
    atomic density n10-3 cm-3
  • At these T and n, the primary emission process
    for a gas composed mainly of hydrogen is thermal
    bremsstrahlung (free-free) emission
  • The emissivity at a frequency ? of an ion of
    charge Z in a plasma with an electron temperature
    Tg is given by e?ff

Hot Intracluster Medium Emission
Thermal Bremsstralung Spectra
  • The emissivity is defined as the emitted energy
    per unit time, frequency and volume
  • The Gaunt factor gff(Z, Tg, ?) corrects for
    quantum mechanical effects and for the effect of
    distant collisions and is a slowly varying
    function of frequency and temperature
  • If the cluster gas is at a single temperature
    then the spectrum is close to an exponential
  • If the cluster is relaxed and the gas and
    galaxies are both in equilibrium with the cluster
    potential then kBT µmpsv2 6 (sv /1000 kms-1)2

Hot Intracluster Medium Emission
X-ray emission assumptions
  • The time scale for elastic Coulomb collisions
    between particle in the plasma is much shorter
    than the age or cooling time of the plasma and
    thus the free particles will be assumed to have a
    Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at a temperature
    Tg, the kinetic temperature of the electrons that
    determines the rates of all excitation and
    ionization processes

Hot Intracluster Medium Emission
X-ray emission assumptions
  • At the cluster low densities collisional
    excitation and de-excitation processes are much
    lower than radiative decays, and thus any
    ionization or excitation process will be assumed
    to be initiated from the ground state of an ion.
    Three-body collisional processes are ignored
  • The radiation field is sufficiently dilute that
    stimulated radiative transitions are not
    important, and the effect of the radiation field
    on the gas is insignificant

Hot Intracluster Medium Emission
X-ray emission assumptions
  • At the cluster low densities, the gas is
    optically thin and the transport of the radiation
    field can be ignored
  • Under these conditions, ionization and emission
    result primarily from collisions of ions with
  • The time scales for ionization and recombination
    are generally considerably less than the age of
    the cluster or any relevant hydrodynamic time
    scale and the plasma will be assumed to be in
    ionazation equilibrium

Hot Intracluster Medium Emission
Ionization Equilibrium
  • In equilibrium, the ionization state is
    determined by the balance between processes that
    produce or destroy each ion
  • The collisional ionization rate is the sum of
    two processes direct collisional ionization and
    collisional excitation of inner shell electrons
    to autoionizing levels which decay to continuum.
    Recombination is also the sum of two processes,
    radiative and dielectronic recombination
  • The electron density dependence cancels out and
    the equilibrium ionization state of a diffuse
    plasma depends only on the electron temperature

Hot Intracluster Medium Emission
Ionization Equilibrium
  • At cluster temperatures iron and metals are
    mainly in the full stripped, hydrogenic or
    helium-like stages

Hot Intracluster Medium Emission
X-ray emission
  • The X-ray continuum emission from a hot diffuse
    plasma is due primarily to three processes
    thermal bremsstrahlung (free-free emission),
    recombination (free-bound emission), and
    two-photon decay of metastable levels
  • The radiative recombination continuum emissivity
    is usually calculated by applying the Milne
    relation for detailed balance to the
    photoionization cross sections
  • The two-photon continuum comes from the
    metastable states of hydrogen or helium-like ions
  • At clusters Ts thermal bremsstrahlung is

Hot Intracluster Medium Emission
X-ray emission
  • Processes that contribute to the X-ray line
    emission from a diffuse plasma include
    collisional excitation of valence or inner shell
    electrons, radiative and dielectronic
    recombination, inner shell collisional
    ionization, and radiative cascades following any
    of these processes.
  • The emissivity
  • Lines and line ratios are particularly suited
    for determining the temperature, ionization
    state, and elemental abundances in the
    intracluster gas
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