Title: Side Effects After Abortion
1Some Possible Physical Side Effects And Risk
After Abortion
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3Pregnancy symptoms will differ from woman to
woman and pregnancy to pregnancy. Therefore,
first significant signs of pregnancy are a
delayed or missed period. Understanding all the
signs of pregnancy is important because each
symptom may have reasons other than pregnancy. In
the rare case some woman has to face to problems
related to abortion.
4There is a rare risk of woman of abortion
5- Infection of sepsis
- Heavy bleeding
- Scarring of the uterine lining
- Damage to the cervix
- Perforation of the uterus
- Damage to other organs
- Death
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7There is some side effect of abortion for woman
- Bleeding that is heavier than a normal menstrual
period - Serious abdominal and back pain that prohibits
you from standing up - Foul-smelling discharge Fever above 100.4 F
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