Human Resources Certification - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Human Resources Certification


The SPHR examination addresses HR issues at the strategic and policy level. To be eligible for either examination, candidates must have a minimum of two ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Human Resources Certification

Human Resources Certification
  • Shelly Prochaska, SPHR
  • Manager, Southeast Region

  • Certification is a public recognition of
    professional achievement -- both within and
    ultimately outside of the profession.
  • For many, achieving certification becomes a
    personal professional goal -- a way to test one's
    knowledge and to measure oneself against one's
  • To a lesser extent, others use it as an aid to
    career advancement.

  • SPHR/PHR certification is a symbol of
    professional achievement
  • Signifies you have mastered the HR body of
  • Nearly 70,000 individuals currently certified
  • Member discount on exam fee and learning
    materials through SHRMStore
  • Online registration now available

HR Certification Institute
  • SHRMs credentialing body
  • Maintains nationally recognized standards set by
    individuals working in HR
  • Administers exams in major cities around the U.S.
  • Online at

  • The PHR and SPHR says that the holder has
    demonstrated mastery of the HR body of knowledge
    and has accepted the personal challenge to stay
    informed of new developments in the HR field.
  • To be successful in their jobs, HR professionals
    must know how to deal effectively with strategic
    management and planning issues, international
    competition, management staffing and family and
    social issues that affect the workplace.

  • Why does the exam cover areas of HR that I dont
    deal with? Why must I test in areas I dont deal
  • Passing the exam shows that you know the HR BODY
  • It covers what an HR practitioner should know
    and be able to apply to be considered a competent
    HR generalist"
  • CPAs dont only have to know tax accounting!

Which Exam?
  • The PHR examination focuses more on the
    operational and technical aspects of human
    resource management.
  • The SPHR examination addresses HR issues at the
    strategic and policy level.
  • To be eligible for either examination, candidates
    must have a minimum of two years of exempt-level
    HR work experience as a practitioner, educator,
    researcher or consultant.

The Ideal PHR Candidate
  • Focuses on program implementation.
  • Has tactical/logistical orientation.
  • Has accountability to another HR professional
    within the organization.
  • Has a minimum of two to four years of
    exempt-level generalist HR work experience, but
    because of career length, may lack the breadth
    and depth of a more senior level generalist.
  • Has not had progressive HR work experience by
    virtue of career length.
  • Has an impact within the HR department, rather
    than organization-wide.
  • Commands respect through the credibility of
    knowledge and the use of policies and guidelines
    to make decisions.

The Ideal SPHR Candidate
  • Designs and plans rather than implements.
  • Focuses on the "big picture."
  • Has ultimate accountability in the HR department.
  • Has a minimum of six to eight years of
    progressive HR experience.
  • Has breadth and depth of HR generalist knowledge.
  • Uses judgment obtained with time and application
    of knowledge.
  • Is not specialized rather, the SPHR candidate
    typically has generalist role within
  • Understands the level of impact one's decisions
    make within and outside of the organization.
  • Understands the business, not just the HR
  • Manages relationships has influence within
    overall organization.
  • Commands credibility within organization,
    community and field by experience.
  • Possesses excellent negotiation skills.

Student Exams
  • HRCI allows students and recent graduates within
    one year of graduation to take the PHR
    examination at a reduced student fee.
  • Upon passing the examination, student candidates
    are not considered PHR-certified until they
    obtain two years of exempt-level HR work
  • Students and recent graduates who already have
    two years of exempt-level HR work experience may
    not take the examination as a student/recent

When and Where
  • In 2004, take the exam at any of the 250
    Prometric Test Centers (97 now)
  • Two eight-week periods from the beginning of May
    through the end of June, and from mid-November
    through mid-January
  • Test centers are open Monday through Friday, and
    evening and weekend hours

Computer-Based Testing
  • Receive an official pass/fail notification in the
    mail two to three weeks after the examwith their
    certificates if you passedand detailed breakouts
    of performance in the functional areas of the
  • Exams will no longer be offered at the SHRM
    Annual Conference or Leadership Conference
  • Take a tutorial before the exam
  • Take exam at individual workstation

  • New NOW!
  • Online certification assessment
  • Take a sample timed exam to assess your readiness
    for the exam
  • Receive feedback showing where you need to focus
    your study
  • Coming in May 2004 . . .
  • International/Global Certification (GPHR)

Test Dates
  • Two testing windows, each eight weeks in
    duration, are offered annually.
  • Candidates who register for the Spring testing
    window can schedule their exam at a Prometric
    testing center between May 1 and June 30.
  • Candidates who register for the Winter testing
    window can schedule their exam between November
    15, 2004 and January 15, 2005.

  • Exam Window Regular Deadline Late Deadline
  • Spring 5/1 6/30 3/5/04 4/23/04
  • Winter 11/15 1/15 9/20/04 11/5/04

Exam Content
  • The most recent study identified changes in the
    profession in four major areas
  • reliance on Internet technology
  • employee training and retraining needs, based on
    experience levels
  • strategic involvement in aspects of the business
  • demands associated with managing a diverse
    workforce that includes an increasing number of
    international employees

Exam Content
  • The change in practice prompted a restructuring
    of the body of knowledge into six, compared with
    the former seven, functional areas
  • strategic management
  • workforce planning and employment
  • human resource development
  • compensation and benefits
  • employee and labor relations
  • occupational health, safety and security

  • Costs
  • PHR
  • 250 for SHRM members
  • 300 for non-SHRM members
  • 120 for students
  • SPHR
  • 375 for SHRM members
  • 425 for non-SHRM members

Pass Rates 1992-2002
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
How to Prepare
  • Self-Study
  • Workshops/Seminars
  • Chapter Study Groups
  • College Courses

HR Certification Guide
  • HRCI Certification Guide, available through, the Barnes and Noble online bookstore
    and the SHRMStore.
  • The guide costs about 25 and includes more
    in-depth discussion about how to choose a study
    method, a bibliography of recommended resources,
    sample study schedules and sample questions and
  • It is the only guide prepared by HRCI for the
    examinations and should be referenced before
    candidates determine their study approach.

HR Certification Guide
  • HR Certification Guide contains about 120 test
  • Get the feel for the types of questions
  • Answers in back of book
  • Excellent resource for testing your knowledge

Study Methods
  • The educational services offered by SHRM include
    the following
  • SHRM Certification Preparation Course. These
    three- and four-day courses are designed to
    refresh candidates on the HR body of knowledge
    and cover the functional areas included in the
    HRCI test specifications. For details, see
  • SHRM Learning System. This computer-based study
    tool reviews the functional areas on the HR body
    of knowledge. For details, see

Study Methods
  • The educational services offered by SHRM include
    the following
  • College/University Program. Participating
    colleges and universities offer these courses,
    held a few months before each national test
    administration. They are 10 weeks in length. The
    courses are designed to prepare candidates for
    the PHR and SPHR examinations and are also
    modeled from the HRCI test specifications. For
    details, see http//

Study Methods
  • Other resources
  • Textbook Human Resource Management by Mathis
  • Also comes with Study Guide
  • Available online through the SHRMStore

Sample Questions
  • An applicant who was previously fired for
    misconduct by another employer does not list that
    employment experience on the application form and
    is subsequently hired. One month later, this
    omission is discovered. How should this
    situation be handled?
  • A. The incident should be overlooked and
    considered a casual omission. B. The employee
    should receive a written disciplinary letter
    about the omission. C. The employee should be
    fired for falsification of the application. D.
    The previous employer should be contacted to
    determine the cause of the prior dismissal.

Sample Questions
  • C. The employee should be fired for
    falsification of the application.
  • A commonly recognized principle at law is that
    fraudulent misrepresentation on an application
    form is grounds for immediate dismissal.
    Additionally, falsification of official records
    is viewed as a serious violation of work rules.
    If an applicant intentionally lies or conceals
    information and was previously terminated by
    another employer for misconduct, assume more
    problems will occur. The best indicator of
    future performance is past performance. The
    employee should be terminated.

Sample Questions
  • A performance appraisal approach that best meets
    EEO guidelines is one that is oriented to
  • A. Job content. B. General job characteristics.
    C.The traits of the person in the job. D. Using
    the same criteria for all positions.

Sample Questions
  • A. Job content.
  • Performance appraisals are subject to the
    Uniform Guidelines for Employee Selection
    Procedures. As such, they must be job-related and
    based on job analysis. General job descriptions
    are not specific enough to be legally defensible.
    Using a trait approach focuses on personal
    characteristics rather than job performance.

Sample Questions
  • Which of the following would least likely occur
    with the implementation of a cafeteria-style
    benefits program?
  • A. Reduced turnover B. Less wasted or unused
    benefits C. Reduced administrative costs D.
    Increased employee understanding of benefit costs

Sample Questions
  • C. Reduced administrative costs
  • Cafeteria-style benefit plans allow employees
    some degree of freedom of selection in the type
    of benefits for which they may enroll. These
    plans allow the employee to tailor the benefit
    package to their particular life situation,
    providing a more efficient utilization of
    benefits. The downside of such plans are
    increased record-keeping and administration and
    the potential for adverse selection.

Sample Questions
  • Job enrichment and job enlargement are two means
    of enhancing jobs through job design. What is the
    basic difference between the two techniques?
  • A. Enriching a job involves adding more tasks to
    an existing job while enlarging a job involves
    adding more responsibilities. B. Enlarging a job
    indicates an increased rate of pay will accompany
    the new job responsibilities. C. Enlarging a job
    involves adding more tasks at the same level
    while enriching a job involves adding more
    responsibilities. D. The two terms mean the
    same, there is no basic difference between them.

Sample Questions
  • C. Enlarging a job involves adding more tasks at
    the same level while enriching a job involves
    adding more responsibilities.
  • Enlarging a job involves adding more tasks at
    the same level while enriching a job involves
    adding more responsibilities. Job enlargement is
    generally considered an increase in the number
    and variety of tasks in a job. It is also known
    as horizontal loading because the new tasks are
    at the same responsibility level as the previous
    tasks. Job enrichment involves adding more and
    often higher levels of responsibility to a job.
    It generally increases a worker's degree or
    control over planning, execution and evaluation
    of work. It also known as vertical loading.

Sample Questions
  • The future demand for employees is essentially
    derived from the anticipated
  • A. supply of external employees B. demand for
    the organization's products and/or services C.
    competitive forces in the labor market D.
    changes in federal legislation

Sample Questions
  • B. demand for the organization's products and/or
  • Other factors influencing the future demand for
    employees include the organization's productivity
    and its productivity improvement goal.

Sample Questions
  • Collective bargaining issues that fall within
    the NLRA's definition of wages, hours, and other
    terms and conditions of employment are classified
    as what type of issues?
  • A. mandatory B. permissive C. voluntary D.

Sample Questions
  • A. mandatory
  • Permissive or voluntary issues are those that
    may be raised but neither side may insist that
    they be included in the collective bargaining
    process. Prohibited issues are those that have
    been specifically excluded.

Sample Questions
  • In a firm's training and development program,
    the trainee must believe that improved skills
    will lead to desired outcomes and that efforts in
    the training program will result in improved
    skills. These assumptions are related to which
    motivation theory?
  • A. expectancy theory B. reinforcement theory
    C. motivation-hygiene theory D. equity theory

Sample Questions
  • A. expectancy theory
  • Reinforcement theory holds that the consequences
    of behavior influence that behavior. To be most
    effective, reinforcement needs to be provided as
    soon after the desired behavior as possible.
    Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory focuses on
    satisfiers (motivator factors, such as
    achievement and responsibility) and
    dissatisfiers, hygiene factors, which are
    important in preventing demotivation but do not
    positively motivate performance. Other hygiene
    factors are company policy, working conditions
    and pay. Equity theory suggests that individuals
    compare their rewards and the efforts required to
    attain them with the rewards and efforts of other
    relevant individuals.

Sample Questions
  • Upon what piece of federal legislation are labor
    laws primarily based?
  • A. The Norris-LaGuardia Act B. The Walsh-Healey
    Act C. The Davis-Bacon Act D. The Wagner Act

Sample Questions
  • D. The Wagner Act
  • The National Labor Relations Act (the Wagner
    Act) declared legislative support of the right of
    labor to organize and engage in collective
    bargaining. The Norris-LaGuardia Act specifies
    when injunctions can be used in labor disputes
    and outlaws so-called yellow dog contracts. The
    Walsh-Healey Act sets wages, hours, and working
    conditions for government contractors and the
    Davis-Bacon Act regulates wages for workers of
    government contractors on public works projects.

Sample Questions
  • What is the primary advantage for an employer to
    provide vesting in its profit sharing program on
    a gradual basis?
  • A. Reduces cost B. Encourages interest in the
    plan C. Improves employee morale D. Reduces

Sample Questions
  • D. Reduces turnover
  • Vesting rights refer to the percent of profit an
    employee actually owns in his or her account. It
    is often established on a graduated basis. For
    example, an employee may become 20 percent vested
    after two years with an additional 20 percent
    every year thereafter until the employee is 100
    percent vested. This approach tends to encourage
    employees to stay with the organization.

Sample Questions
  • When regression analysis is used in human
    resource research, a potential dependent variable
    might be
  • A. biographical data B. personal goals C.
    length of employment D. test scores

Sample Questions
  • C. length of employment
  • Biographical data, personal goals and test
    scores would most likely serve as independent
    variables that might have an affect on dependent
    variables, such as satisfaction, productivity and
    tenure. The purpose of regression analysis is to
    use the correlation existing between two or more
    variables as a means of predicting one dependent
    variable from the independent variables.

  • Once certified, it is required that you
    re-certify every 3 years
  • 60 hours of learning credit
  • Hour-for-hour basis
  • If you do not submit the re-certification form on
    time, your only option is to retake the exam
  • NO supporting documentation should be submitted

  • Credit is awarded for HR-related activities in
    these categories
  • Continuing Education Credit awarded hour for
  • Instruction 1 hour taught 1.5 credit hours
  • On-the-Job Experience Credit awarded for
    first-time work activity if it broadens your
    knowledge of the field of HR.
  • Research/Publishing Conduct research, write, or
    publish for the industry.
  • Leadership Your external leadership activities
  • Professional Membership Become a member of a
    national HR-related professional association and
    earn your credit hours.

  • Regarding Continuing Education, HR-related
    seminar, workshops, courses, etc., COUNT toward
    re-certification credit, as long as they are not
    during a meal.
  • The program you attend DOES NOT need to be
    pre-certified for re-certification credit.
  • CEUs DO NOT equal re-certification hours.
  • Re-certification credits are hour-for-hour.
  • 1 hour of learning equals 1 hour of credit.

  • Re-certification allows candidates to maintain
    their designation and the privilege of using the
    designation on business correspondence.
  • PHR and SPHR certified professionals who do not
    re-certify must immediately stop using the PHR
    and SPHR credentials.
  • Failure to do so not only puts the user in
    violation of trademark laws, but violates the
    HRCI code of conduct and the SHRM code of ethics.

  • Answers to ALL your re-certification questions
    can be found at
  • A re-certification form can be found at
  • There is a 100 processing fee.

HR Certification
  • Thank you! Any questions?
  • Shelly Prochaska, SPHR
  • Manager, Southeast Region
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