Title: National Day of Vietnam Celebrated at ICMEI
1National Day of Vietnam Celebrated at ICMEI
2Noida It is a coincidence that Global Peace
Summit is falling on the National Day of Vietnam.
We all, here a Global family, extend our
heartiest congratulations to the delegate from
Vietnam Nguyen Thi Huong a very bright future.,
said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios
Chairing the Global Peace Summit. A poster to
mark respect to the National Day of Vietnam was
released by the Chairman of the Summit along with
Dr. Rishi Raj Singh Director, Ministry of Skill
Development And Entrepreneurship, Government of
India and other delegates from different
country. I am touched by the gesture extended
towards my country by celebrating National Day of
Vietnam at Noida during the Global Peace Summit,
will never forget my life time. I pay my
gratitude to each an every one for giving me so
much of importance, said Nguyen Thi Huong
delegate from VVietnam. The function was attended
by foreign delegates from Afghanistan, Senegal,
Swaziland, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia,
Nepal, Cote D lvoire, Fiji, Jamaica, Zimbabwe,
Vietnam, Nigeria, Tanzania, Madagascar, Liberia,
Trinidad Tobago, Egypt, Guyana, Ghana,
Tajikistan, Gabon, Botswana, South Sudan, Cameron
and India.