Title: Door Security System in Norwich
1Buy Home Safety Security
2Why We Use Stainless Steel in the Kitchen
Stainless steel is absolutely everywhere in the
kitchen. If you don't have sleek stainless steel
appliances or kitchen islands, you probably have
stainless steel pans, mixing bowls, and utensils.
Ever wonder how stainless steel came to be so
universal in cooking? One hint it's more than
just it's pretty looks. Steel is fantastic stuff.
It's an iron alloy and strong as all get-out. It
doesn't chip, bend, or crack easily (though it
does scratch), and it stays shiny over years of
use. Just one problem it rusts. Enter stainless
steel. Stainless steel is a metal alloy with
about 10-11 chromium. When exposed to air, the
chromium in the metal forms a film of chromium
oxide over the surface. This film is passive and
non-toxic, and most importantly, it prevents the
steel from rusting by shielding it from air and
moisture. Even if the metal gets scratched, the
chromium oxide reforms seamlessly.
Apex Security Engineering Ltd Flint Road,
Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6
1HJ 01462 673 431 www.apexengineeringgroup.com