Title: Quick Tips For Fixing iPhone Overheating
1 Quick Tips For Fixing iPhone Overheating
2 The iPhone is quite a hot property when it comes
to tech gadgets. It is best known for its
features and performance. However, one of the
most common problems in iPhones is overheating.
3 Check out these quick tips that will help you in
fixing the iPhone overheating problem.
4 1. Remove the case
This is the very first thing to do. The heat of
the phone easily gets distributed.
5 2. Quickly turn off location services
GPS is known to heat up the iPhone. It is better
to turn it off.
6 3. Switch on the Airplane mode
Switching on the airplane mode helps in turning
off cellular data, wifi, Bluetooth, and GPS. This
will help in cooling off the phone.
7 4. Switch off the iPhone
This is an extreme thing to do. It can quickly
cool the heating phone.
8 5. Prevent charging of phone
Charging the iPhone may lead to heating up the
device, it is advisable to never charge the phone.
9 If however, the problem persists, then
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