Title: Ayurvedic Approach to Depression
1 Ayurvedic Approach To Depression
2 Depression
Depression is an emotional disorder with a
constant sense of hopelessness and despair. The
condition strikes millions of people across the
globe due to various factors including death of
loved one, failed relationships, work stress,
financial loss, chronic illness and many other
similar reasons.
3 Some of the Known Symptoms of
- Loss of energy
- Feeling hopeless and worthlessness
- Impaired mental alertness
- Insomnia
- Reduced interest in daily activities of life
- Restlessness
- Recurring attempts of suicide
- Excessive eating or significant weight loss
4 According to Ayurveda
Heart is an indispensable part of the human body
comprised of Para Ojas that controls all the
mental and emotional activities. When the Ojas in
the heart takes a fall down, the symptoms of
depression and various other emotional disorders
comes to a rise. It also reduces the biological
fire within the body, also known as Sadhaka
Agni in Ayurveda that is responsible for
processing emotions and provoking the emotional
activities of the heart.
5 Ayurvedic Approach To Depression
- Pumpkin Seeds The seeds contain magnesium, fats
and L-tryptophan that together work to lighten
mood. - Vitamin B Diet A diet rich in Vitamin B like
whole grains and green leafy vegetables is
believed to have an amazing impact on the mental
and emotional health of a person.
6 Ayurvedic Approach To Depression
- Avoid Tea and Coffee A person suffering from
depression and anxiety should certainly avoid
consumption of tea and coffee, as these
condiments are known to trigger the depressed
state of mind and create an imbalance between
mind and body. - Brazil Nuts This nut contains a trace mineral
known as selenium that works to ease down the
symptoms of depression.
7 Ayurvedic Approach To Depression
- Swedanam Helps flush out all the toxins and
infectious substances from the body while
relaxing the mind through medicated steam bath. - Rasayanas Helps improve the functioning of the
brain and heart through natural treatment of
rejuvenation. - Shirodhara This is the most popular Ayurvedic
treatment for depression with the use of
medicated oil. It helps induce a relaxed state of
mind and increases the concentration while
creating an optimal emotional balance.
8 Parijatak Ayurveda
Parijatak is the best depression treatment
centers in India that offers the best Ayurvedic
herbs for depression in addition to the Ayurvedic
therapies. The team here is a vast pool of
well-trained nurses, Ayurvedic specialists,
doctors and care takers who are expert in their
respective fields and use the best therapies to
treat depression, anxiety and various other
emotional conditions in the most effective and
safe manner.
9 Contact Us
Shankar Nagar Branch 154, Shankar Nagar, Near
Garden, Nagpur-440010(INDIA)Phone No -
91-9607957777, 726380777791-9923200007info_at_par
ijatak.com , ayurveda_at_parijatak.com Khamla
Square Branch 19, Kotwal Nagar, Khamla
Square, Nagpur-440010(INDIA)Phone No -
91-9607187777info_at_parijatak.com ,
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