The benefits of herbal medicines for cancer patients

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The benefits of herbal medicines for cancer patients


The benefits of herbal medicines for cancer patients – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The benefits of herbal medicines for cancer patients

The benefits of herbal medicines for cancer
patients Doctors are of the opinion herbal
remedies legitimate course consumed cancer
patients. However, there is still the
misconception that occurs in society. Herbal
medicine based on traditional herb derived from
the plant has been used since time immemorial.
Various research on the diverse types of plants
is carried out to know the content and how the
process in the role of healing the patient PPI
Medications List of Proton Pump Inhibitors.
Some people use herbal remedies as complementary
medicine medical. Including for diseases such as
cancer. Call it soursop leaves, Sarang Semut
Papua, garlic until the Tahitian Noni Juice are
some of the herbal remedies that are often
claimed to treat cancer.There is also turmeric,
which researchers have found to have benefits to
prevent and treat some types of cancer. In
addition to turmeric, variety of medicinal herbs
are often used by patients who are chemotherapy.
But the truth is, how the relationship of
chemotherapy and herbal medicine for
cancer? Dr. Fenny Yunita, M. Sc., Ph. D in his
conversations with explained that
currently the community is still misguided.
Herbal remedies are considered to replace
medical treatment, but they can't. "Herbal
remedies are not a substitute for medical
treatment, "said the doctor graduated from the
Hunan University of Traditional Chinese
Medicine. Further Fenny, traditional medicine is
the support for cancer patients.
Patients who undergo chemotherapy will feel the
side effects such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue,
fever, lack of red blood cells to hair loss.
Chemotherapy patients will experience an eating
disorder and decreases the body's immune system.
In fact, the patient should maintain the fitness
center as it will still undergo a few times of
chemotherapy should not retreat from the
schedule. Here the role of herbal remedies can
help. Herbal medicine can be used by cancer
patients as a support that helps reduce side
effects or complaints that arise after cancer
therapy. Such as improving the immune system,
antioxidants, overcome eating disorders or sleep
disorders Hep C Medications Treatment and
Preventive Of Hepatitis C. When the condition
of the patient after the chemotherapy experience
nausea and vomiting, Dr. Fenny recommends
consuming ginger, turmeric and temulawak. Natural
herbs mentioned can be herbal remedies that help
reduce nausea and vomiting. But that need to be
observed is that not all plants can be used as
herbal remedies for all types of cancer.
Therefore, even though herbal remedies are
derived from natural plant which can be planted
alone, it does not mean the patient can freely
consume the medicinal herbs. Confirmed by Dr.
Fenny, still there needs to be supervision on the
dose consumed. So it is better the patient
remains consult to your doctor before decide to
use herbal remedies. Food and Drug Supervisory
agency (BPOM) also remind that till now there is
no medicinal herbs are listed in the FDA that
can treat cancer. "To educate the public,
traditional herbal medicine, herbal standardized
that there has been no to cancer," said the
Deputy for the Supervision of Traditional
Medicine, Cosmetic and Complementary Product BPOM
Ondri Dwi Sampurno, quoted Herbs
or herbal remedies that are available today are
simply help increase endurance in cancer
patients, not for the treatment of cancer
Antiplatelet Medications For Heart Disease
Treatment. So, in addition to medical treatment,
cancer patients may consider taking herbal
remedies. As a record of treatment should be
carried out consistently and persistently for the
healing of cancer patients. What are the herbal
remedies commonly used cancer patients? Dr. Fenny
gave the example, the red fruit of Papua can be
consumed for patients with colorectal cancer.
Ants nest Papua for cancer of the breast and
cervix. There is also a rodent for supporting
drug for lung cancer patients and cervical,
ginseng for liver cancer and immunotherapy. Gins
eng and saffron are strongly advised to be
consumed by cancer patients because there has
been no research on the second natural herbs for
cancer treatment. According to Dr. Fenny, the
benefits of consuming herbal remedies for cancer
patients is to help the body fight cancer,
preparing the body to face the side effects of
treatment, increase endurance and reduce the
risk of relapse and dissemination. "Cancer
patients who are chemotherapy of course have to
prepare the liver, kidneys and spinal cord for
the phase of chemotherapy next. And herbal
medicine support for patients undergoing medical
drug," Medications For Nerve Pain Treatment and
Medication traditional medicines could eradicate
the disease of cancer - cancer is a disease that
is very dangerous, the disease can be
categorized as a deadly disease, this disease has
also claimed many victims. cancer can be treated
unless done early treatment. cancer can attack
all people and in every part of the body, the
cancer is often afflicts people over the age of
40 years. people under the age of 40 years does
not close the possibility can also suffer from
cancer. the treatment of cancer in addition to
using the drugs than of chemicals cancer can
also be cured using herbal remedies, treatment
using herbal medicine leih great because herbal
remedies are made from natural material so safe
for the body and does not leave any side
effects. nd Cancer traditional medicines could
eradicate the disease of cancer - Cancer is a
disease caused by abnormal growth of the cells
of the tissues of the body that turn into cancer
cells. In its development, the cancer cells can
spread to other parts of the body that can cause
death. traditional medicines could eradicate the
disease of cancer - Cancer is often known by the
public as a tumor, although not all tumors are
cancer. A Tumor is any lump is not normal or
abnormal. Tumors were divided in 2 groups, namely
benign and malignant tumors. Cancer is a general
term for all types of malignant
tumors. traditional medicines could eradicate
the disease of cancer - Most cancers lead to
death. Cancer is one of the main causes of death
in developing countries. Most cancers can be
treated and many cured, especially if treatment
begins early. Because only a malignant tumor is
able to invade other tissues or metastasize.
Cancer can spread through lymph nodes or blood
vessels to other organs Tuberculosis Medications
and Side Effects. Symptoms Of Cancer
Diseases The best way to handle cancer is to
detect the symptoms of the earliest that has been
or may develop in the body. Although most of
these symptoms can be very common, but it
checked early can make a big difference. Take
time to check out any existing symptoms. Various
Kinds Of Cancer Diseases Here are some of the
kinds of cancer that suffered by many people of
Indonesia 1. Breast cancer Breast cancer is a
type of cancer that suffered by many Indonesian
women. This disease affects a cell or tissue in
the breast. And usually will appear a lump of
meat on the surface of the skin. It makes us can
easily find out the early indications of breast
cancer and directly treat it well with herbal
treatment, chemotherapy, or surgery to take
tissue or cancer cells so as not to spread to
other places. So mandatory for women to always
take care and keep her breasts healthy and not
easily affected by the disease. Just a
suggestion for the women, often to check your
breasts by feeling it as a whole, to find
whether there is a lump of meat that are not
normal grow around your breasts. So you can be
alert and be able to treat it since the status is
still benign cancer.
  • Cancer Of The Uterus
  • Uterine cancer is also often suffered by women in
    Indonesia. This type of cancer is usually
    suffered by many women-women who never gave birth
    to children and have excess weight. So for those
    women should be more careful and should
    especially keep a healthy diet. If suddenly
    having vaginal bleeding (other than
    menstruation), then it should be immediately
    checked into the nearest hospital. And other
    symptoms that can be used as a race start to
    detect cancer of the Uterus that is often
    experience pain in the hips and in the lower
    abdomen, often experience pain when performing
    the relationship of husband and wife, and body
    weight decreased drastically Muscle Relaxant
    Medications Common Drugs are Used.
  • Brain cancer
  • This type of cancer is a type of cancer that
    begins to appear and the growth of the tumor in
    the brain. And this usually happens because the
    amount of radiation electronic items that enter
    the body and attack the part of our brain. This
    type of cancer is usually a secondary cancer. It
    means that cancer cells derived from other organs
    and spread to the brain.
  • Brain cancer is divided into 4 categories. If you
    still are in the category or stage first and
    second, usually are benign and can not be said of
    cancer. But if it has been entered into stage 3
    and 4 it can be said of cancer because it has
    been malignant.
  • The symptoms that are typically experienced by
    patients with cancer of the brain that often
    experience headaches, seizures, difficulty
    walking, nose or mouth bleed is not normal,
    eyesight experience a change in abnormal,
    personality changes, and difficult to talk.
  • Lung cancer
  • Lung cancer is usually caused because a lot of
    the inhale fumes containing toxins, such as
    cigarette smoke, motor vehicle fumes, and smoke.
    Symptoms of lung cancer the most common, namely
    coughing up blood, shortness of breath and weight
    down drastically.
  • Cervical cancer
  • As the name implies, the disease is contained in
    the cervix which be a liaison between the uterus
    with the vagina. And women are usually have
    contracted this disease are under the age of 50
    years. Symptoms that indicate indications of
    disease, among others, is a discharge of blood
    which is not normal in the vagina, the appearance
    of spots of blood when menstruation, and too
    often experience vaginal discharge. When such
    symptoms have not happened to you, I suggest to
    do early prevention, that is by doing a pap test
    starting at the age of 22 years and if the
    result is normal then for the next do every 3
    years. But if the symptoms has happened to you
    then immediately check into the nearest hospital
    Drugs and Medications That Cause Hair Loss.

  • Blueberry is a type of medicinal plants that are
    surely already familiar to the community. Herbal
    remedies cancer of the brain is efficacious which
    comes from South America, ranging easily found
    in Indonesia, be it in the form of fruit, or
    powdered and shaped herbal remedy to deal with
    diverse types of diseases.
  • Cancer drugs herbal from Blueberries this also
    has a pharmacological effect that is believed to
    effectual in the blood circulation, resolve the
    inflammation and swelling that occurs,
    menyetopkan bleeding, relieve hot, slide the
    levels of bad cholesterol, fight against the
    attack of viruses and bacteria, neutralizing
    toxins in the body, even able to treat tumors and
    cancer diseases.
  • pharmacological properties the leaves of the
    other gods also play a role in helping treat the
    disease of cancer. The pain and inflammation
    experienced due to the presence of tumors and
    cancer can be suppressed so that the pain of a
    natural person with the disease of cancer can be
    reduced. To utilize the benefits of Blueberries
    as a cure for brain cancer herbs are potent, You
    can consume water decoction herbal medicines for
    brain cancer stage 4 of the Blueberries.
  • How To Cultivate Blueberry
  • Take Blueberries as much as 500 g are still
    fresh. Wash all the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Juice all the ingredients that have been prepared
    using water as much as 1 cup. The juice of the
    Blueberry is already ready to drink, (drink 2x a
  • Olive Hydroxytyrosol
  • Olive Hydroxytyrosol can we use for herbal
    remedies cancer. Hydroxytyrosol is one of the
    best compounds that suggest to people with cancer
    and tumors. Empirically Hydroxytyrosol contained
    in olive fruit is proven to help heal various
    kinds of cancer diseases, because these
    compounds are able to act directly as an
    anti-biotic. In addition, flavonoids contained
    in medicinal herbs brain cancer olive is also
    enabled to perform inactivation of carcinogens,
    antiproliferation, slow down the cell cycle,
    inhibition of angiogenesis, induce apoptosis and
    also differentiation Borderline Personality
    Disorder BPD Medications.
  • The Leaves Of The Soursop
  • Do You all already know that apparently the plant
    soursop and this has benefits that are so
    abundant, that not only from men but also from
    its leaves. The latest research in medicine has
    shown that soursop leaves contain essential
    substances which is very beneficial for the
    health of the body. Which with the results of the
    research show make the leaves of the soursop is
    becoming increasingly popular as an alternative
    treatment of various types of diseases.

is still healthy, so the treatment of
chemotherapy has side effects such as nausea,
happens loss on the hair, Gastroparesis
Medications, Diagnosis and Treatment. You can
use soursop leaves as a herbal remedy cancer of
the most potent and natural way, consuming water
decoction of soursop leaves that is made at home,
or you can also You consume soursop leaf extract
which has the form of herbal products are widely
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