Title: Hearing Aids
- Best Advice on Buying Hearing Aids
Contact 4 Willows Gate, Stratton Audley
(8,039.41 km) OX27 9AU Bicester, Oxfordshire
HEARING CARE - Who are we, an existential question if ever I
heard one, we are two blokes (I'm fat he is
skinny, no Laurel and Hardy jokes please) who
have varied experience with, and expertise
around, hearing aids and hearing care. I was a
hearing aid dispenser and then worked for a
hearing aid manufacturer. Steve has been wearing
hearing aids with varied success since he was a
child. So you could say we have a lot of
experience. - We have collaborated for years and and in late
2016 we decided that what people needed was
clear, no gobbledygook, honest advice on hearing
care, earwax removal and hearing aids. There were
a lot of sites around that professed to be
hearing aid advice sites when they were really
thinly veiled sales vehicles. We thought we could
do better, giving completely unbiased advice.
3- We have experience with both the hearing aid
profession (Hearing Aid Dispensers) and the
hearing aid industry (Manufacturers) . We thought
it would be a good idea to make this experience
and knowledge available to you. So, we will
provide information on Independent Hearing
Healthcare Professionals and the hearing aids and
hearing care they provide across the UK. - We don't want to sell you anything, (that's a
lie, buy the batteries from our online shop when
we put it up, it stops our wives from beating us)
we simply want to turn incomprehensible, into
plain speaking. If we aren't succeeding, let us
4 Helping You Understand Hearing Aids
- The amount of information available around
hearing aids can be confusing and overwhelming.
Technobabble about technology levels and features
can be hard to decipher and want to make you run
into the street screaming. You just want a damned
hearing aid that will help you hear! We want to
help you find one with simple, clear and easy to
understand information about the features and the
benefits, and what you can expect.
5 A Network of Hearing Aid Providers in The UK and
- You might not know it already, but finding the
right hearing healthcare professional is
important to the outcome of the process. We want
to make sure that you don't find out the hard
way. We are building a network of trusted
Independent Hearing Aid Centres so you can easily
get the care and attention of a skilled and
committed pro
6 A Network of Earwax Removal Specialists in The
UK and Ireland
- We are building a network of trusted Independent
earwax removal specialists so you can easily get
the care and attention of a skilled and committed
7 The Best Hearing Aids The latest hearing aids
from the best hearing aid brands
8Looking For the Latest Hearing Aids or A Hearing
Test?Arrange a consultation with a trusted
Independent hearing healthcare professional in
your area
4 Willows Gate Stratton Audley Bicester,
Oxfordshire United Kingdom, OX27 9AU