Title: Herbalife nutrition centre Mumbai Maharashtra | Nutritionist | Sunrise
1Sunrise Nutrition Hub
Shop No 12, Bayview, Near Fortis Hospital, Opp
Swamnarayan Kendra, Sector 10A, Vashi, Navi
Mumbai 400703
Contact Details
Phone No. 91 8108160046Â , 91
9820055036 Mail-id sunrise.nutrition.vashi_at_gmai
l.com Website http//www.nutrition4wellness.in
2Analyze Your Lifestyle
Lifestyle, Weight Gain, Health Problems
Nutrients Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates, Vitamins,
Excess Deficit Our body consists of a hundred
trillion cells and it daily needs the whole
complex of nutrients which we are supposed to get
with our food. Does it actually happen? In our
regular nutrition there is an excess of harmful
substances, while on the other hand, we lack many
nutritional elements our body requires
 1) Animal protein (meat)  2) Fats  3) Salt  4)
Sugar  5) Carcinogens (substances formed when
food is prepared frying, smoking preservatives,
fertilizers, pesticides)
 1) Vitamins  2)  Minerals   3) Proteins
essential amino  4) acids   5) Natural
fiber   6) Water   7) Vegetable oils
This sort of nutritional unbalance leads to
numerous health problems, excessive weight and
related health issues
4Factors negatively affecting the quality of
 Over fertilized soil  Spraying of crops with
highly toxic substances (pesticides) Â Deterioratin
g environment  Food preservation and
storage  Food processing and cooking (baking,
smoking, marinating, etc)
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