Title: Invoicing Tool
1Invoice Management
Smart Admin provides multiple options for
invoicing. Invoice bears your brand identity, and
it is important to do invoicing in a
professional manner. Regular invoicing option
provides sending invoice based on data input.
You need to input data points and select tax
types to generate invoice. Time sheet based
invoice link hours with invoice. With this, one
can stop the manual generation of invoices.
Search, listing and report generation options
keep you updated with invoice history,
overdue balances, and taxes collected. The
data can be further sorted based on date of
invoice, date of payment, tax summary and more.
There are options to print invoice and mail
it, in addition to the option of sending invoice
over email.
Invoicing set up provides options for adding
inputs like insurance, discount, shipping
charges, unit, taxes, and more. Invoices can
be customized by adding logo, terms
conditions, and contact info.
Key Features Professional look for Organization
Multiple Options for Generating
Invoice www.smartadminmanager.com email