Server Firm provide dedicated server lowest price

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Server Firm provide dedicated server lowest price


Server Firm Provide Dedicated Server in India Lowest price. Cheap Dedicated server.Best Dedicated server at lowest price. Unmanaged Dedicated server with excellent features at lowest cost. Our Dedicated Servers come made to measure to ensure you get the best results for your business. Provision them with a wide choice of RAM, SSD /HDD hard drives and bandwidth options. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Server Firm provide dedicated server lowest price

How we do HumanOps at Server Density
HumanOps came from experience of Server Densitys
team being on call. In the early years, I was on
call 24/7 for long periods of time. As the team
grew, we implemented policies and processes to
help share the load and deal with the challenges
of being interrupted or woken up. Through
building and selling a monitoring product that is
designed to wake people up, we noticed that our
customers were experiencing the same kinds of
challenges with on call that we had experienced
ourselves. Talking with customers revealed this
was common within the industry so we examined our
own approach and researched best practices within
the industry. This led to creating a community to
share and discuss a set of principles we called
HumanOps. Just like transitioning technical
practices to adopt the ideas of DevOps, bringing
faster deployment, modern tooling and shared
development / operations responsibilities, we are
hoping HumanOps will help organization's adopt a
human approach to building and operating
systems. Heres how the HumanOps principles work
at Server Density.
  • Humans build and fix systems
  • At the heart of HumanOps are the humans building,
    running and maintaining the systems. It might be
    obvious but its important to state as the first
    principle because without acknowledging that
    running operations necessarily involves humans,
    its too easy to just think about
    the servers, cloud services and APIs.
  • In practice, this means ensuring that in all
    aspects of systems design and management, you
    think about how humans are involved from the
    beginning. Areas to consider include
  • What aspects of the system operation can be
    automated? Removing humans from the day to day
    operation is ideal because they should only be
    involved when something goes wrong that the
    system cannot fix.
  • What alerts should you configure to involve
    humans? At what point does the system need
    someone to investigate a problem and is it
    critical, or something that can be resolved
    during working hours?
  • When humans do have to get involved, how is that
    involvement highlighted to the rest of the team
    and management? Are you keeping track of out of
    hours alerts, the frequency and long term trends?
2. Humans get tired and stressed, they feel happy
and sad This is the starting point for
improvements to your processes. When working with
computers, you can reasonably expect them to
perform in the same way regardless of the time of
day. This is, of course, the key benefit of
computer systems they can reliably execute
tasks without getting tired. A common mistake is
applying the same logic to humans, or simply not
thinking about how humans react differently in
different situations. Emotions, stress and
fatigue introduce variability so catering for
this is an important part of designing the
system. An example of this is dealing with human
error. Computers dont make mistakes. They wont
suddenly press the wrong button because they were
too tired. Humans can, and without the right
training and safeguards they probably will. Human
error is a natural part of any system, and
understanding how that can affect things is
important. It should be considered a symptom
rather than a problem, and encourage you to look
deeper at the context that allowed a human to
make the wrong decision.
Training is one to way to help here. The goal is
for training to be as realistic as possible, so
when the real thing happens it feels no different
from training. This helps to reduce stress in
difficult situations, because you know what
youre supposed to be doing. Stress arises from
uncertainty coupled with the pressure of knowing
the system is broken, so anything that can be
done to alleviate that is beneficial.
AtServer Density, we run war games to simulate
common alert scenarios, so that everyone knows
what they should do in each situation. 3.
Systems dont have feelings yet. They only have
SLAs SLAs are a well understood method of
defining what you should expect from a particular
service or API. You should be able to easily
determine whether a service is hitting its SLA or
not, and what happens if it doesnt. This makes
it easy to gauge your expectations.
4. Humans need to switch off and on
again Similar to 2, unlike computers which can
run constantly for many months and years, humans
need time to rest. Responding to alerts and
dealing with complex systems quickly takes its
toll, so time to rest and recover must be built
into the processes. A human can only maintain
focused concentration for 1.5 2 hours before
needing a break or suffering from deteriorating
performance. The way we deal with this
at Server Density is through how we schedule our
on call rotations. The primary/secondary roles
cycle through the team and we have specific
response time guidelines depending on whether you
are primary or secondary. This helps to reduce
the feeling of being tied to your laptop e.g. the
secondary isnt required to respond as quickly so
doesnt necessarily have to be close to their
laptop at all times. Further, we have on call
recovery time off booked automatically for the
next working day whenever you respond to an alert
out of hours. The responder has the choice to
forgo that time off if they wish but the company
will never ask them to do that. This ensures
responders have sufficient time to recover and
there is no pressure on them not to take it e.g.
By asking them to actively request it vs it being
given automatically.
5. The wellbeing of human operators impacts the
reliability of systems Giving people time off
after dealing with alerts overnight might sound
like us just being nice to our team. However, as
nice as it may seem there is also a business
reason behind it people who are tired make
mistakes and there are many examples of major
outages caused or made worse by operator
fatigue. Just like insurance, it can be hard to
show a direct benefit because youre hoping you
never have to use it. The benefit of reducing the
chances of human error is that something bad does
not happen. That can be hard to measure, but
there is logical reasoning that if your human
operators are happy, they will make better
6. Alert fatigue Human fatigue Receiving too
many alerts is known as alert fatigue. Its when
you receive so many that you tune out and ignore
them, potentially missing something important. It
defeats the point of alerting, which should be a
rare event to notify humans that something
serious is wrong. Solving this involves auditing
your monitoring to ensure that the alerts you get
are actually actionable, and should be actioned.
7. Automate as much as possible, escalate to a
human as a last resort This is linked to 6
because alerts should only ever reach a human if
the system cant fix itself. Waking someone up to
reboot a server or perform a simple manual action
is not acceptable. Where something can be
scripted, it should be. Humans should only ever
be involved to diagnose complex issues and
perform unusual actions which must have human
decision or supervision. Unfortunately, this is
difficult to solve after a system has gone into
production. This is because with modern
technologies such as Kubernetes and cloud APIs,
it is possible to automate recovery of almost
every type of failure but it is a lot of work to
retrofit new technologies to legacy systems. Of
course, there is a cost in both running redundant
systems and the time required to implement, but
it will repay itself with the time saved from
your human team and the reliability offered to
customers. The right principle to apply to
building new infrastructure is that nothing in
production should ever be done manually.
Everything should be templated and scripted, so
it can be handled automatically. When
retrofitting legacy infrastructure, a balance has
to be struck because it may not be realistic to
rewrite major components into containers, for
example. But there may be ways to achieve similar
goals e.g. Moving a self-hosted database to a
managed service such as AWS RDS.
8. Document everything. Train everyone. Nobody
really likes writing documentation but it quickly
becomes necessary as your team grows and as the
system becomes more complex. You need sufficient
documentation such that someone with limited
knowledge of the detailed internals is able to
resolve problems with checklists and run
books. Training is just as important, and will
help to reveal deficiencies in the documentation.
Running realistic simulations in addition to
walking people through how things work is
essential for anyone on call. At Server
Density we make use of Google Drive to help make
our documentation easily accessible and
searchable to the whole company, but there are
plenty of other options for hosting your docs.
9. Kill the shame game Getting to the root cause
of a problem will almost inevitably mean that you
find that someone made a mistake, didnt plan
every scenario, made mistaken assumptions or
introduced a bug. This is normal and people
should not be shamed as a result because they
will be less likely to want to help discover the
problems next time. Nobody is perfect and
everyone has broken production at least once! The
important part is not blaming an individual, but
learning how to make the system better and more
resilient to those kinds of problems. It is
almost never the case that someone deliberately
caused a breakage and so people should be
comfortable owning up to their mistakes as soon
as they realize them, so a fix can be implemented
quickly. Failures should be viewed as an
opportunity to learn and get better as a
team. The way to implement this is with the
principle of blameless post-mortems. This
involves completing an analysis of the incident
to understand what went wrong right down to the
root cause but without singling out an individual
at fault.
10. Human issues are system issues There is a
tendency to consider human and system issues
separately. It is normal to be able to justify
spending on additional system capacity and
failover but managers are less used to thinking
about human issues with the same priority. All
the principles above highlight why human issues
are just as important, and so they should be
given the same time consideration and
budget. When planning our development cycles at
Server Density, we often prioritise tasks based
on whether the fix will reduce the number of out
of hours alerts. Implementing fixes for issues
discovered in our incident post mortems becomes
high priority if the issue is waking people up,
or has the potential to in the future.
11. Human health impacts business heath The
justification for 10 is that if our human health
and wellbeing is impacting on our work and
contributing to system problems, and system
problems are causing loss of revenue or
reputation, then human health is directly related
to business health. Hiring is expensive and time
consuming so looking after your team is just good
12. Humans gt systems Although it is important to
consider humans and systems to be the same in
terms of level of impact they have on each other,
and how interconnected they are, humans are
ultimately the most important. After all, why
does your business exist in the first place? To
provide a service to other humans! And why do
people do a particular job if not to help provide
them with a living? Not only that but improving
life for your own team is easily justifiable. To
be able to hire and retain the best people, you
must have good working practices. Constantly
being woken up, blaming people for errors and not
fixing problems will eventually take its toll on
people. Increased stress levels over a prolonged
period of time can have significant health
impacts and has been linked to high blood
pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.
Many organisations are unintentionally impacting
the health of their employees in significant
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