Title: Booking Extranet (1)
1TraveloproHotel Extranet
2Travelopro offers Hotel Extranet, Booking
Extranet, Hotel Extranet System, Global Hotel
Extranet for travel companies across the globe.
3 Hotel ExtranetHotel extranet also
know as Hotel CRS, is the hotel central
reservation system and is used in the resort and
hotel industry. It is a computerized reservation
system which involves storage and distribution of
information for resorts, hotel, and hosts of
loading facilities. Hotel extranet as a tool is
used to reach the global distribution system or
GDS along with an internet distribution system
from a single point system.
4 Hotel Extranet booking SystemHotel extranet
system is acting as one single application that
allows travel agents to upload their own
contracted hotels and given them access to their
online system so they can input their hotel's
description and information about room
availability rates, special deals, and
restrictions. Travelopro offers its clients and
the hotel chains a password protected booking
extranet system.
5How an extranet System Actually Works?Every
travel business to connect with the end number of
best hotels. Hotel's extranet system enables them
to link straightaway to the preferred hotel's
channel managers. The purpose of linking is to
get quotes from different hotels. This makes the
end-user choose the best accommodation in terms
of affordability and other requirements.
6 Some of the primary function in hotel extranet
as belowFully flexible and scalable for
growing business. Deal with room
facilities. multiple distribution channels
emphasized with channel managers'
usage. Utilize content as per your requirement
and local marketing Connectivity of hotels to
GDS, online travel agents as well as the mobile
booking system Auto email and SMS alerts for
booking confirmation and verification. Handle
offers, like a special discount, room upgrade,
long stay, discount rates, etc. The platform is
easier to use
7Why do you need it?A hotel reservation system
is a necessity for today's accommodation
providers, both large and small. An increasing
number of travelers are relying solely on online
reservations in order to book their
accommodations, and without this capability, you
will lose a significant amount of business.
8Boost revenue with Travelopro hotel booking
softwareSell rooms through your hotel website,
as well as your hotel face book page and mobile
website Sell your rooms with different packages
to cater for all guests needs Create promotions
for trough periods to fill empty rooms Sell
extra services
9CONTACT USEmail us contact_at_travelopro.comPleas
e visit-https//www.travelopro.com/hotel-extranet