Title: Tripollar Stop X
1Leading Home Device - TRIPOLLAR STOP X
- Use Device, TriPollar Stop, Receives FDA Clearance
2Leading Home Device - TRIPOLLAR STOP X
- FDA has cleared Pollogen's RF home-use device
TriPollar Stop for sale in the US. TriPollar
Stop, the innovative home-use device developed by
Pollogen, is based on the company's
clinically-proven, patented RF technology, and
has enjoyed broad market acceptance outside the
US over the last few years. - "TriPollar Stop has been our flagship
product for the home market," says Sharon Ravid,
CEO of Pollogen, "and we are very excited about
the opportunity to offer this device to home
users in the US."
3Leading Home Device - TRIPOLLAR STOP X
- The TriPollar Stop device is indicated for
the treatment of the face and the neck,
eliminating aging signs, reducing lines and
wrinkles and improving skin strength, texture and
elasticity. By implementing Pollogen's innovation
of triple-axis RF waves, the device introduces
heat to the dermis, which induces regeneration of
the basic building blocks of the skin collagen
and elastin fibers. Results are visible
immediately after the treatment and can be
maintained via a cycle of repeated treatments.
4Leading Home Device - TRIPOLLAR STOP X
- TriPollar Stop is part of the TriPollar
product line developed by Pollogen for home
users. This exclusive product line is based on
Pollogen's innovative technologies, all tried and
tested by clinicians in the professional
aesthetic device market. The ingenuity of the
TriPollar line lies in the company's ability to
take these technologies and present them to the
users in a handy, comfortable device without
compromising on the safety and the quality of
5Leading Home Device - TRIPOLLAR STOP X
- The TriPollar home-use devices, are created
with the company's innovative development concept
of Intelligent Biology achieving the desired
aesthetic results by encouraging the natural
processes of the body for renewal and
rejuvenation. "We believe that home users today
are not only concerned with the beauty per se but
also seek health and ethics," explains Ravid.
"All the TriPollar products work in sync under
the umbrella of Intelligent Biology to achieve
skin health and improvement in the most natural
way our body can offer."
6Leading Home Device - TRIPOLLAR STOP X
- For more information on Pollogens Trippolar Stop
X check out the website