Title: Functional Connectivity with PICA
1Functional Connectivity with PICA
- Presented by Namhee Kim
- FMRI meeting on Aug 17, 2006.
- Definition of functional connectivity (FC)
- Probabilistic Independent Component Analysis
(PICA) in FSL - Revisit the study pharmacological fMRI study of
semantic and phonological processes - PICA Application
- Discussion
3Definition of FC
- Functional connectivity is a way of summarizing
patterns of correlations among brain
systems/observational approach - Methods PCA, ICA, PICA, etc
- Effective connectivity reflects the influence of
neural system experts/ model based approach - Methods SEM, Dynamic Causal Modeling, etc
4Overview of PCA, ICA PICA
- PCA is to find eigenimages via SVD
- Eigenimages are the patterns that account for the
most variance-covariance - ICA is dealing with non-Gaussian source
- Sufficient condition for unique source
- PICA is a further generalization of ICA
- Adding Noise and without assumption of full rank
(q lt p) in mixing matrix
5Model Summary
6Principle Component Directions
7Decomposition method for PCA, ICA, and PICA
8Revisit to the study pharmacological fMRI study
of semantic and phonological process
- Hypotheses
- FC would be greater with semantic tasks due to
deeper level of processing - L-Dopa would decrease FC due to restriction of
semantic network - L-Dopa is precursor for Dopamine and
administering to increase dopamine level in brain -
9Experimental design
- Design
- Drug effects
- L-Dopa and placebo
- Task effects
- semantic and phonological tasks
- 16 subjects (8 female)
- Right handed, native speaker, age range 2149
10Experimental Design (Contd)
- Implementation
- 24 sec (task) and 30 sec (rest) for each run
- total 4 min 6 sec (4 runs)
- In each run, A cue word is presented for 3 sec
and followed by 15 words - Push button Yes or No
- if the words are related (for semantic) or rhymed
(phonological) with the cue word
11Illustration of experiment design
12Statistical Model and Results
- Model
- Results
- Difference in Mean RT between tasks (SegtPh)
- No drug effects and interaction effects
- Greater FC for phonological task
13Results (Contd)
14Results (Contd)
- Measure for functional connectivity
- Correlation of the time series between pairs of
region of interest (ROI) - Overall significance of the correlations
16PICA application
- Activation map with threshold 0.5
- Threshold 0.5 means equal loss on both false
positive and false negative - Threshold 0.66 means loss of false positive is 2
times greater than that of false negative
17Subj 11, phonological task with DA (1st
independent component)
18Subj 11, phonological task with placebo (1st
independent component)
19Subj 11, semantic task with DA (1st independent
20Subj 11, semantic task with placebo (1st
independent component)
21Ordered eigen values                          Â