Title: Listings for sale in Vancouver (1)
1Listings for sale in Vancouver
2A condo purchase can increase your buying power.
Condos usually cost less to maintain than a
single family homes.
3Also condos have amenities that many could not
otherwise afford. Swimming pools, tennis courts,
exercise rooms, and, in many cases, a community
center. Find the Listings Of Condos for sale in
Vancouver at Greg Cory.
4To know more, contact us todayMACDONALD REALTY
LTD.100 - 2429 152 Street. Surrey, BC V4P
1N4Greg 604.418.4095 greg_at_greglock.caCory
604.839.3373 cory_at_coryhunsche.com
5Dont forget to visithttps//gregandcory.ca/feat
6Thank You