Title: Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
1Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- Crowley's Ridge BEST
- Middle, Junior and High School Robotics
Competition - 2006 Teacher-Mentor Workshop
- Arkansas State University
- July 26, 2006
2Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- I. Introductions
- Crowley's Ridge BEST Staff
- Teachers and Mentors
3Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- I. Crowley's Ridge BEST Staff
- Director
- E. T. Hammerand
- Coordinators
- Committee Members
4Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- I. Crowley's Ridge BEST Staff
- Director
- Coordinators
- Sponsorship Jeff Jenness
- Tech Jason Causey
- Kit Gidget Smith
- Pit Chris Edrington
- BEST Award Brad Edgar
- Public Relations Tom Moore
- BEST Mentor John Martini
- Committee Members
5Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- I. Crowley's Ridge BEST Staff
- Director
- Coordinators
- Committee Members
- Jerome Biebesheimer
- Jerry Ferris
- Lynita Cooksey
- Tom Scrape
- Dean Rossa
- Mike Hall
- Bryce Freeman
- R. P. Smith
- Suzanne Mitchell
- Jerry Linnstaedter
- Tammy Fowler
6Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- I. 2006 Teachers and Mentors
- Lets Get Acquainted!
7Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- II. Videos
- Frontier Trails BEST 2005
- Souths BEST 2003
8Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- III. BEST Robotics
- BEST Robotics Inc. (BRI)
- BEST History
- BEST Game History
- Attributes of Competition
- Goals of Competition
- Benefits for Students
9Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- III. BEST Robotics Inc.
- Non-profit, all-volunteer organization
- Currently - 32 hubs in 14 states and growing!
- 3 Regional Competitions
- Texas
- South
- Frontier Trails BEST
- Hosted by the University of Arkansas at Fort
Smith and the City of Fort Smith - Volunteers from the various hubs operate Frontier
Trails BEST
10Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
2005 Hubs and Regionals
11Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- III. BEST History
- MIT freshman robotics video viewed during
Engineering Day at Texas Instruments (TI) in
Sherman, Texas - BEST concept conceived by TI engineers Ted Mahler
and Steve Marum
- TI funded initial program for local Sherman
schools - San Antonio group challenged Sherman group in
first contest in fall 1993
12Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- Year Contest Hubs Teams Students
- PVC Insanity 1 14 221
- Bumble Rumble 3 23 495
- TOTALly AweSUM 5 81 1005
- Block n Load 6 123 2000
- Dynamite Duel 7 150 2400
- Toxic Troubles 11 191 3128
- Rocket Race 14 252 4130
- Pandemonium in the Smithsonian 16 292 4672
- RAD to the Core 19 320 5000
- Warp X Blast From the Past! 20 475 5500
- Transfusion Confusion 23 575 6000
- BEST Fever 26 571 8792
- Mission to the Hubble 28 600 9000
- Laundry Quandary 32 675 10,000
13Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- III. Attributes of Competition
- Enhances teaching/teacher effectiveness
- Reinforces classroom learning
- Creates real-world academic challenge
- Increases students interest in science
- Exposes students to new career opportunities
- Provides competition/fun
- Bolsters school spirit and sense of community
14Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- III. Goals of Competition
- Inspire student interest in engineering, science,
and technology - Motivate students to pursue careers in these
fields - Engage students in exciting, fun science-based
activity - Enlist business/industry to become collaborative
educational partners
15Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- III. Benefits to Students
- Increases understanding of technical concepts and
scientific principles - Provides real-world engineering challenge
- Encourages abstract thought, self-directed
learning, and decision-making - Promotes team building, good sportsmanship, and
ethical conduct - Produces pride in success
16Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
17Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- V. A BEST Team Defined
- Teachers
- Students
- Mentors
18Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- President
- Team Leaders
- Webmaster
- Team Administrator
- Fundraising
- BEST Award
- Robotics
- Team Members
- BEST Award
- Robotics
- Team Administration
- Team Support
- Recruitment
- Student Recruitment
- Purchasing/Financial
- Fundraising
- Travel
- Safety
- BEST Award
- Robotics
- Game Rules
- Construction Job Foreman
- Testing
- Mock Playing Field
- Shop Safety
- Time Management
19Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- President
- Team Leaders
- Webmaster
- Team Administrator
- Fundraising
- BEST Award
- Robotics
- Team Members
- BEST Award
- Robotics
- Team Administration
- Team Support
- Recruitment
- Student Recruitment
- Purchasing/Financial
- Fundraising
- Travel
- Safety
- BEST Award
- Robotics
- Game Rules
- Construction Job Foreman
- Testing
- Mock Playing Field
- Shop Safety
- Time Management
20Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- President
- Team Leaders
- Webmaster
- Team Administrator
- Fundraising
- BEST Award
- Robotics
- Team Members
- BEST Award
- Robotics
- Team Administration
- Team Support
- Recruitment
- Student Recruitment
- Purchasing/Financial
- Fundraising
- Travel
- Safety
- BEST Award
- Robotics
- Game Rules
- Construction Job Foreman
- Testing
- Mock Playing Field
- Shop Safety
- Time Management
21Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- VI. Awards
- Competition Awards
- The BEST Award
- Judging Criteria
- Creative Gimmicks
22Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- VI. Competition Awards
- In the robotics competition, the following will
be awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd places - Game Specific Award (Robotics scores)
- Founders Award for Creative Design
- Most Robust
- Most Elegant
- Most Photogenic
- T-Shirt Award
- Web Page Award
23Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- VI. The BEST Award
- The BEST Award is presented to the team that best
embodies the attributes associated with Boosting
Engineering, Science and Technology - Inclusiveness
- Exposure to and use of the engineering process
- Sportsmanship
- Teamwork
- Creativity
- Positive attitude/enthusiasm
- School/community involvement
24Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- VI. BEST Award Judging Criteria
- All teams are eligible for the BEST Award
- Judging based on four criteria (75 points
possible) - Project Summary Notebook (30 points)
- Table Display and Interviews (25 points)
- Spirit and Sportsmanship (15 points)
- Robot Performance (5 points)
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- VII. 2006 Events
- Kick Off Day
- Mall Day
- Game Day
- Frontier Trails BEST
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- VII. Kick Off Day
- Unveiling of game theme, game rules and playing
field - Photo slide show of robots for design
possibilities - Returnables kit Consumables kit distributed
- Sign up session for BEST Award
- Q A
- Team-building opportunity
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34Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- VII. Kick Off Day (Kit)
- Every team receives identical box of parts
(called Consumables) - Every team receives functional r/c units,
large/small motors, batteries, battery charger,
tether devices (called Returnables) - Teacher must sign for Return kit
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37Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- VII. Kick Off Day (Game Field)
- Teams are encouraged to build a game field
simulation at school for practice - Diagrams are included with game rules
- Teams should study complexities of game field
- Teams should identify and discuss
offensive/defensive strategies - Teams should photo/video game field
38Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
39Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- VII. Mall Day
- Practice competitive driving
- Define and/or refine offensive/defensive strategy
- Test/troubleshoot robot
- Practice industrial espionage
- Boost school spirit
- Promote BEST to the community
40Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- VII. Game Day
- Team registration
- BEST Award Table Display Set-up Friday Night
- Compliance Check-in Friday Night
- Opening Ceremony
41Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- VII. Game Day (cont.)
- BEST Award judging (all day)
- Preliminary and elimination rounds
- Points amassed by teams
- Awards ceremony
- Return kit check-in
- Frontier Trails BEST meeting (advancing teams)
42Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- VII. Game Day Venue
- Pit process
- Floor plan
- How the game works
Work Station
Game Field
Battery Station
44Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- VII. Frontier Trails BEST
- November 3-4
- Crowley's Ridge advancing teams (tentative)
- 1st place BEST Award winner
- 1st place Robotics winner
- 2nd place BEST Award winner
- 2nd place Robotics winner
45Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- VIII. How To Succeed at BEST
- 42 Days of BEST
46Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
42 Days of BEST September/October Calendar
47Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
42 Days of BEST September Calendar
Kick Off Day
Robot pre-competition team organization/developme
BEST establish team/support teacher(s) study
award guidelines
48Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
42 Days of BEST September Calendar
Robot study game rules/materials develop
BEST Develop committees, establish theme begin
49Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
42 Days of BEST September Calendar
Robot build running platform perform
preliminary design
BEST design team giveaways/notebook track
robotics progress
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42 Days of BEST October Calendar
Robot finalize design and build!!!
BEST design t-shirt, buy display materials
solicit school support
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42 Days of BEST October Calendar
Robot complete construction, test, train adjust
Mall Day
BEST contact local paper order t-shirts
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42 Days of BEST October Calendar
Robot fine-tune practice
BEST assemble display organize giveaways
53Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
42 Days of BEST October Calendar
Game Day
Robot finalize, paint decorate
BEST add finishing touches
54Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- IX. Website Tour
- BEST Robotics Inc
- Coach's Survival Guide
- Official Documents
- Crowley's Ridge BEST
- Used to update team information
- Frontier Trails BEST
- Regional BEST hub
- Grants available under Educators link
55Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology
- X. Hands-on Session
- Returnable kits
- Set-up a working robot circuit
- Test your work
- Re-inventory your kit
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- XI. Support Materials
- Workshop manual
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- XII. Advice From The Trenches by Jamie
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- Crowley's Ridge BEST
- 2006 Teacher-Mentor Workshop
- Thanks for coming! See you September 16th!