Title: AA 4362 Astrodynamics
1AA 4362 Astrodynamics
Orbit Perturbations and Orbit Decay
Chapter 8,Sellers sections 8.2, 8.3 (pp. 272-283)
Week 9
2The N-Body Problem
Chaotic, Unsolvable Computational problem
3Generalized Three-Body Problem
"three body problem" is the solution of the
motion of three bodies under their mutual
attraction. General three-body motion has
chaotic properties. Even the general "restricted
three body problem" where one of the bodies is
very small--e.g. Earth, Moon and spacecraft--is
analytically Insoluble Solutions must be
generated using numerical simulation Specific
solutions exist, like the ones in which the
spacecraft is positioned at one of the Lagrange
4Restricted Three Body Problem
5Restricted Three Body Problem
Ignore Mass of Space Craft
6Acceleration of Target Relative to Earth
7Acceleration of Target Relative to Earth (contd)
8Acceleration of Target Relative to Sun
9Acceleration of Target Relative to Sun (contd)
10(No Transcript)
11What are Other factors that Perturb the Orbit?
- Any disturbance in the regular motion of a
satellite resulting from a force other than those
causing regular motion - Non-spherical earth (Oblateness)
- Sun/moon/planets gravity(Third bodies)
- Atmospheric drag
12The Earth is Not a Perfect Sphere
In actuality, Earth is an Ellipsoid
With lots of warts on the surface!
Gravitational Potential Model of the Earth,
March 19, 2002
13Mean Equatorial Bulge
14Gravitational Potential Theory
Irregularities in the Earths Gravitational
Field modeled by a complex Mathematical Model
referred to as Potential Theory
15Gradient Operator in Spherical Coordinates
16Laplacian Operator in Spherical Coordinates
17Gravitational PotentialSpherical Earth
Energy Stored when an object of mass M, is pulled
to from a near earth distance r From infinity
18Gravitational PotentialSpherical Earth (contd)
Gravity produces no Orbital torque for
spherical Earth Gravitational Force acts
Through center of earth
19Gravitational Potential Spherical
Earth (contd)
Satisfies Laplaces equation
20Gravitational PotentialNon-Spherical Earth
For a more realistic Earth model warts and
all we have to expand The potential function to
include Additional gravitational terms
the Spherical harmonics
Spherical Harmonics
Ouch! This hurts
21Gravitational PotentialNon-Spherical Earth
Fortunately, for a planet that is symmetrical
about the Z (polar) axis, and has North/South
symmetry, the Form of the potential function
reduces Considerably The so-called
gravitational Multi-pole expansion
22Gravitational PotentialNon-Spherical Earth
P2n(cos(?) ) are the legendre polynomials,
and J2n are the gravitational moments
J-numbers Re Equatorial Planetary radius
f is the co-latitude (measured from polar axis)
23Gravitational PotentialNon-Spherical Earth
Legendre polynomials
24Gravitational PotentialNon-Spherical Earth
J2 is dominant 250 times bigger
25Gravitational PotentialNon-Spherical Earth
If the harmonics are truncated after second
order the resulting J2 model is
J2 is the second order gravitational moment
Re Equatorial Planetary radius f is the
co-latitude (measured from polar axis)
26Gravitational Potential TheoryJ2 Model
27Gravitational Potential TheoryJ2 Model (contd)
From harmonic analysis
r(r,m) -gt planetary density function
J2 Gravitational Moment is approximated by
28Gravitational Potential TheoryJ2 Model (contd)
What is J2 for earth based on this model
29Gravitational Potential TheoryJ2 Model (contd)
What is J2 for earth based on this model
Accepted values
Pretty Good Model 0.1 accurate
30Force of gravity, J2 model
Prove that J2 gravity no longer acts thru
earth center
31Force of gravity, J2 model(contd)
32Force of gravity, J2 model(contd)
33Force of gravity, J2 model(contd)
Gravitational acceleration vector does not pass
through center of earth
34Force of gravity, J2 model(contd)
At Earth surface
Radial Acceleration of gravity
35Force of gravity, J2 model(contd)
At Earth surface Radial Acceleration of gravity
Normalized to 1g
North pole
South pole
36Force of gravity, J2 model(contd)
At Earth surface
North/South (longitudinal) Acceleration of Gravity
37Force of gravity, J2 model(contd)
At Earth surface North/South (longitudinal)Accel
eration of gravity Normalized to 1g
North pole
South pole
38Gravitational Potential Theory, J2 Model
J1 --gt Gravitational Potential of Spherical
earth J2 --gt Accounts for Equatorial Bulge
So-named J2 Effect
J2 -- torques the orbit
39How Does J2 Torque the Orbit? (contd)
Spherical Earth Gravitational force acts
On a straight line between CG Of satellite and
the center of the earth No moment arm to act
on .. Thus no torque
40How Does J2 Torque the Orbit? (contd)
Oblate (J2) Earth Spacecraft is closer to
the centroid of one hemisphere than the
centroid of the other hemisphere
Distance from hemisphere centroid
41How Does J2 Torque the Orbit? (contd)
Oblate (J2) Earth Gravitational force no
longer acts through center of the earth
Gravitational Force Vector
42J2 Gravity Model (revisited)
Re-write in terms of in, ik
43Rotation from l,d ton,k
Ascending orbit
44Rotation from l,d ton,k
Descending orbit
45Rotation from l,d ton,k(contd)
Ascending orbit
Descending Orbit
For J2 Model
46J2 Gravity Model orbital plane effects
depending on ascending, descending
47J2 Gravity Model orbital plane effects (contd)
depending on ascending, descending
48J2 Gravity Model orbital plane effects (contd)
Effect of Fl
Effect of F?
49How Does J2 Torque the Orbit? (contd)
Oblate (J2) Earth Net torque on orbit
Due to vector results in precession of the
50Precession of the Right Ascension (J2 Nodal
When Averaged Over an entire orbit
Nodal Precession Earth orbit
51Precession of the Right Ascension (J2 Nodal
General Formula
When Averaged Over an entire orbit
52Precession of the Right Ascension (J2 Nodal
Earth Formula
When Averaged Over an entire orbit
?/civil day
53Precession of the Right Ascension(Nodal
When Averaged Over an entire orbit
deg/ civil day
54Sun-Synchronous Orbit
- Approx 98 degree Inclination
- Circular or Elliptical LEO
- Sun Angle is Always same (more later)
- Missions
- Electro Optical Imaging
- Weather (DMSP)
5 4 3 2 1
55Sun Synchronous Orbit
Takes Advantage of the fact that precession of
the line of nodes is the same rate as the earths
angular velocity around the sun (about 0.9856?
per day) (retrograde orbits)
56Sun Synchronous Orbit (concluded)
57J2 Effect Perigee Rotation
- Orbit rotates in orbital plane
58J2 Effect Perigee Rotation
Asymmetrically distributed torque forces
perigee rotation within Orbital plane
59Variation of Argument of Perigee
When Averaged Over an entire orbit
60Variation of Argument of Perigee(contd)
When Averaged Over an entire orbit
General Formula
61Variation of Argument of Perigee(contd)
Earth Formula
?/ civil day
When Averaged Over an entire orbit
62When Averaged Over an entire orbit
Variation of Argument of Perigee
An Interesting result
Perigee does not rotate
63Molniya Orbits
Molniya Orbits exploit this quirk of nature
- 63.4 /116.6 Degree Inclination
- 500 km perigee - 40,000 km apogee
- Missions Comm / Surveillance
64(No Transcript)
65 66 67 68 General Precession
69Atmospheric Drag
70Effect of Drag on Orbital Energy
71Orbital Energy Analysis
72Orbital Energy Analysis (contd)
73Orbital Energy Analysis (contd)
74Orbital Energy Analysis (contd)
75Orbital Energy Analysis (contd)
76Orbital Energy Analysis (contd)
77Aerodynamic Forces
78 Drag Force
79 Drag Force (contd)
80 Drag Force (contd)
Air sticks to Earth boundary
81 Drag Force (contd)
82 Bound the Velocity error
83 84 85 86 Orbit Decay Equation
87 Orbit Decay Equation (contd)
88 Ballistic Coefficient (Orbit decay parameter)
NORAD codes like SGP4 use a B coefficient
instead of Drag Coefficient More Direct
Measure of orbit Decay
89 Ballistic Coefficient (contd)
Just to make it more confusing .. NORAD
Two-line-element (TLE) sets display B In units
of earth radii -1
Drag force
90 Ballistic Coefficient (contd)
Drag force
91Orbit decay equation
92Orbit decay equation (contd)
93 94Numerical Example Orbit Decay of Russian Zarya
95 Russian Zarya Module
96 Russian Zarya Module
97 Russian Zarya Moduke
Russian Zarya Module
98A Little Altitude at LEO makes a big Difference
99A Little Altitude at LEO makes a big Difference
100A Little Altitude at LEO makes a big Difference