Information Infrastructure II - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Information Infrastructure II


Python makes it available you don't need to create it ... Internet related stuff. Connect to web pages, CGI's. Send email ... Manipulate raw image/audio data ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Information Infrastructure II

Information Infrastructure II
  • I211
  • Rajarshi Guha

Topics To Be Covered
  • Functions
  • Writing your own
  • The Python library
  • Modules

What is a Function?
  • A piece of code that does a specific thing
  • Might be as simple as adding 2 numbers
  • Might be as complex as processing an HTTP request
  • If your code is doing many things, especially if
    they are repeated
  • Make a function out of the repeated tasks

Anatomy of a Function
Return value
  • Could be any type of Python object
  • So if you return a list object, it means that
    you can return multiple items
  • Document your functions!!!

Writing a Python Function
  • Decide what arguments it will need
  • Decide what it will return
  • Note we dont declare the type of a variable
  • This is why documentation is very important

def myFunction(x) return x2 print
myFunction(4) print myFunction(hello,
Returning from a Function
  • Any time you have a return the function will exit
  • You can have more than one return statement
  • Too many returns can make it difficult to
    understand whats going on

def sign(x) if x lt 0 return -1 if x gt
0 return 1 return 0
Returning from a Function
  • If you dont write a return the function will
    return None
  • But you can explicitly return None if it makes
  • If we didnt find a valid name, theres nothing
    to return
  • Returning None lets us know that nothing was found

def validName(x) if x.find(John) gt 0
return Found it return None
Scope of Variables
  • Scope indicates when and whether a variable is

myname Rajarshi def validName(myname)
print The name I got was s (myname) print
myname Rajarshi print validName(John) John
print myname Rajarshi
Parameter Passing Rules
  • When a parameter is sent to a function, the
    function receives a copy
  • But a variable holding a list really holds the
    reference to the list
  • So if we change the list elements inside a
    function and the changes will be visible outside
    the function

Parameter Passing Examples
  • You have to be careful when handling lists in
  • Changes made withinthe function will bevisible
    outside it
  • This may not be whatyou want

def myFunction(arg1, arg2) arg1 arg1
extra arg2.append(extra) x hello y
a, b myFunction(x,y) print x, y Hello a,
b, extra
Laziness Parameter Passing
  • We saw that changing a list inside a function,
    makes the changes visible outside the function
  • So we can avoid returning changed list, right?
  • Doing this can lead to obscure code
  • Its OK in some cases

So How Should We handle Lists?
  • If the list is not going to be modified in a
    function, we dont need to do anything
  • If the list is going to be modified, send in a
    copy of the list
  • Slicing makes this easy, since a slice returns
    a new list

def myFunction(arg1, arg2) arg1 arg1
extra arg2.append(extra) x hello y
a, b myFunction(x,y) print
x Hello print y a, b
Default Parameter Values
  • In many cases, we can specify a default value for
    an argument
  • Allows us to avoid specifyingit if we want
    thedefault value

def total(x, start 0, end None) if end
is None end len(x) result 0 for I in
range(start, end) result xI
return result x 1,2,3,4,5,6 total(x) 21 tota
l(x, end 2) 3 total(x, start2, end5) 12
Default Parameter Values
  • Actual parameters are passed in are processed
    leftto right
  • All parameterswith defaultsmust come
    afterparameterswithout them

def total(x, start 0, end None) if end
is None end len(x) result 0 for I in
range(start, end) result xI
return result x 1,2,3,4,5,6 total(x) 21 tota
l(x, 2) 3 total(x, 2, 5) 12
A Function is an Object
  • Well go into more details of objects later on
  • But when we say x 2 or y Hello, x and y are
    variables holding objects
  • 2 is an integer object
  • Hello is a string object
  • Functions are also objects
  • We can store functions in lists
  • We can pass a function to another function
  • Lets us write very elegant code

Functions as Objects
  • We can assign a function to another variable,
    which is then a function

def circumference(radius) return 2 3.14159
radius def func(aFunction, x) return
aFunction(x) circumference(2) 12.56636 circ
circumference circ(2) 12.56636 func(circ,
2) 12.56636 y circ, func ltfunction
circumference at 0x682b0gt, ltfunction func at
  • We can pass a function to another function
  • We can store functions in a list

Using Functions as Objects
  • Find the sum and mean of a sequence of numbers
  • Easier than callingeach functionseparately
  • Why is the mean reported as 2?

def sum(x) ret 0 for I in x ret I
return ret def mean(x) ret 0 for I
in x ret I return ret / len(x) def
summary(numbers, functionList) values
for func in functionList result
func(numbers) values.append(result)
return values x 1,2,3,4 summary(x, sum,
mean) 10,2
Function Attributes
  • All functions have an attribute called __name__
  • This is like a variable that is always associated
    with a function
  • Python makes it available you dont need to
    create it
  • But its not really a variable - it cant be
  • Its value is the name the function was defined
  • In general, variables with 2 underscores are
    special and well look at them later on

Function Attributes
def sum(x) ret 0 for I in x ret I
return ret gtgt sum.__name__ sum gtgt myfunc
sum gtgt myfunc.__name__ sum
  • Assigning a function toanother variable doesnot
    change its initial name
  • But dont use the __name__ as a variable in a
  • It doesnt do what you thinkitll do!

def sum(x) print __name__ return x2 gtgt
sum.__name__ sum gtgt sum(2) __main__ 4
  • Every Python file is a module
  • Say we write 2 functions called sum and mean in a
    file called
  • is a module called func
  • We can access the functions and variables in by writing
  • func.sum
  • func.mean

  • Lets us keep things smalland simple
  • Good design

Many Ways to Import
  • We can import modules in a variety of ways
  • Some ways make life easier
  • Other ways are best avoided
  • Try to avoid the last form
  • You might overwrite a functionwith the same name

import func x 1,2,3 func.sum(x) OR import
func as f x 1,2,3 f.sum(x) OR from func
import s 1,2,3 sum(x)
Import Will Execute Statements
  • A function definitionmakes the function
    available for later use
  • Individual statements will be executed
  • Variables can also be accessed from a module
    just likefunctions

import func func.sum(1,2,3) func.funcVar
Hello from 6 7
Module Attributes
  • Within a module, we can access the __name__
  • If the module was imported, this gives the name
    of the module
  • If the module was run as a program, its value is
  • This is a good way to include tests
  • If the module is run as a program perform tests
  • If it was imported by other code, dont do the

Module Attributes
When imported as a moduleno test is performed
def sum(x) ret 0 for I in x ret I
return ret def mean(x) ret 0 for I
in x ret I return ret/len(x) if __name__
__main__ x 1,2,3 c1 sum(x)
if c1 6 print sum() works fine
else print sum() failed!
import func func.sum(3,4,5)
When run as a programthe test code is run
Macintosh-3 rguha python sum() works
Exploring Python Libraries
  • Python comes with a variety of modules
  • Send/receive mail
  • Handle pictures and audio
  • Cryptography, numerical analysis
  • File system operations
  • HTTP connections
  • The library is a collection of modules
  • Import the ones you need to do the job
  • See the Python Library documentation
  • See the quick tour or a slightly more advanced

System Library (sys)
  • Use it to handle command line args, exiting a
    program, writing to STDOUT/STDERR
  • Generally we return 0 whenthe program exits
  • sys.path is a variable that lists the places
    where Python will look for modules when asked to
    load them
  • The current directory is automatically added
  • How many directories are in your sys.path?

import sys for i in sys.argv print
i sys.exit(0)
Working with the File System
  • File systems are different on Unix and Windows
  • Python provides the os module
  • Contains many functions that hide the differences
  • Always try and use the functions in the os
    module, rather than OS specific functions
  • Better chance of your program running on
    different machines

Working with the Filesystem
  • List contents of a directory
  • os.listdir(/tmp)
  • Change to a new directory
  • os.chdir(/home/rguha/src)
  • Get the current directory name
  • os.getcwd()
  • See the documentation page for all the functions

More about Files Directories
  • You can do lots of things with filenames and
    directory names
  • Create a new path
  • Split a path in to components
  • Check whether something is a file or a directory
  • The rules to do these can be tricky
  • Usually differ from OS to OS
  • Use functions from the os.path module
  • Makes life much easier!

More about Files Directories
  • Check whether something is a directory or a file
  • os.path.isdir(/home/rguha)
  • os.path.isfile(/home/rguha/x.txt)
  • Strip the path from a filename
  • os.path.basename(/home/rguha/x.txt) gives
  • Join parts of a path to give a full path
  • os.path.join(home, rguha, x.txt) gives
    /home/rguha/x.txt (on Unix)

Using Math Functions
  • The math module contains a variety of functions
  • All math functions willreturn something toyou
  • Assign it to a variable if you want to do
    something with the result of the function

import math print math.sqrt(4) 2.0 print
math.cos( math.pi / 2) 6.12323399573677e-17 print
math.log10(100) 2.0
Doing Things Randomly
  • Sometimes you want to get a random number
  • Or select one element from a list randomly
  • The random module provides methods to do this

Doing Things Randomly
  • Its useful to remember that randomnumbers are
    notreally random!
  • If you run this program3 times, youll get
    3different outputs
  • How do you test such a program?

import random x 1,2,3,4 print
random.choice( x ) print random.randrange(6) pri
nt random.random()
Doing Things Randomly
  • If you want the same sequence of random
    numbers, setthe seed
  • Now, if you run the program 3 times, you get
    the same output
  • If you dont, the seedgets set from the current

import random random.seed(1234) x
1,2,3,4 print random.choice( x ) print
random.randrange(6) print random.random()
Reading From a CSV File
  • Reading lines from a CSV files is quite trivial
  • Read the file line by line
  • Split on comma
  • Do something with it
  • But there are differences between CSV files
  • Some use , some use
  • Some will have extra whitespace

Reading From a CSV File
  • The csv module allows you to handle CSV files
  • Saves you some time
  • Makes your code more general

import csv f open(example.csv, r) r
csv.reader(f, quoting csv.QUOTE_NONE) for row
in r print row
import csv f open(example.csv, r) r
csv.reader(f, quoting csv.QUOTE_NONUMERIC) for
row in r print row
What Can We Do/
  • Internet related stuff
  • Connect to web pages, CGIs
  • Send email
  • Do various forms of compression
  • zip, tar, bzip2
  • Manipulate raw image/audio data
  • If its not in the standard library, someone has
    probably written it

Library Usage Policy
  • Good programmers will not reinvent the wheel
  • Libraries (modules) save you time and effort
  • They dont always do exactly what you need
  • But they should not be used to hide lack of
  • For simple library methods, you should be able to
    re-implement that functionality yourself
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