Title: ITK Lecture 10 Review
1ITK Lecture 10Review Toolbox Part II
Damion Shelton
- Methods in Image Analysis
- CMU Robotics Institute 16-725
- U. Pitt Bioengineering 2630
- Spring Term, 2006
2Some thoughts
- Ive collected a bunch of stuff that is either
- Grandiose preaching from the pulpit
- Useful filters/tips/tricks Ive run across
- A lot of what Ill be talking about Ive
mentioned in passing before hopefully you have a
different perspective after having written a
3Generic programming revisited
- Generic programming may be loosely defined as
programming with concepts (David Musser) - What concepts have we looked at so far?
4Concept of an image
- An image is rectilinear container in N-space
which holds regular samples of some physical
space - Each of these regular samples is called a pixel
5Concept of a pixel
- A pixel is a sample of data in N-space, and may
be represented by a variety of data types
depending on the modality used to acquire the data
6Concept of an iterator
- An iterator is a way to move over an image it
provides method that mimics sequential access
regardless of the actual access method or
7Concept of a pipeline
- There are two main types of objects in the world,
data objects and process objects - Typically, we feed a data object to a process
object and get a new data object as a result - A sequentially chain of process objects is called
a pipeline
8Writing generic code
- Successful generic programming means that you
ignore concerns that would be specific to a
particular image - pixel type (i.e. the actual data type)
- dimensionality
- The first way you do this is with templating
9Writing generic code, cont.
- But... templating alone doesnt ensure that your
code is generic - Avoid loops that maneuver through dimensionality,
instead, loop over an iterator - Use data types (VNL vectors, etc.) to make math
easier in N-d
10Questions to ask yourself
- Am I making tradeoffs between
- Speed of coding and reusability?
- Level of generality and execution speed?
- Compactness and clarity?
- ITK seems to lean towards reusable, generic, and
clear code depending on your needs this may be a
criticism or a point in favor of the toolkit
11When generic programming fails
- As much as wed like, not all algorithms extend
to N-d or to all pixel types - But... dont assume that things wont work in
higher (or lower) dimensions - I was surprised to discover that code I wrote to
do medial axis analysis in 3D worked correctly on
a 4D hypersphere
12The other way of reading images
- You may recall that I mentioned there was another
way of reading images, besides that presented in
class - This method relies on ITKs factory architecture
13Image reading first technique
- We know what kind of image we have (from a dialog
box, for instance) - Create a reader that can read that type of image
- Read the image
14Image reading second technique
- We know what kinds of images we might have, but
dont assume that the user knows - Register instances of all of reader types we
might need - The readers will let us know if they can read the
file and will do so if possible
15Reading images with the factory
- m_ImageReader ImageFileReaderTypeNew()
- itkMetaImageIOFactoryRegisterOneFactory()
- m_ImageReader-gtSetFileName(m_Filename )
- m_ImageReader-gtUpdate()
Here I only register one factory, but theres no
reason I couldnt have more
16Factory advantages
- The factory model of image reading is a bit more
flexible and requires less advance knowledge - If you have a dialog box, you dont have to parse
the filename to decide what type of reader to
create - Less risk of being wrong about file types
17Factory disadvantages
- I find it a bit harder to think of conceptually,
and you often know what image formats youre
dealing with anyways
18Gallery of useful ITK classes
- These are classes I have found that solve
particularly common problems that arise in image
processing - Dont re-invent the wheel!
- This list is not comprehensive (obviously)
- I leave specific documentation of these filters
as an EFTR
19Padding an image
- Problem you need to add extra pixels outside of
an image (e.g., prior to running a filter) - Solution PadImageFilter its derived classes
20Cropping an image
- Problem trimming image data from the outside
edges of an image (the inverse of padding) - Solution CropImageFilter
21Rescaling image intensity
- Problem you need to translate between two
different pixel types, or need to shrink or
expand the dynamic range of a particular pixel
type - Solution RescaleIntensityImageFilter
22Computing image derivatives
- Problem you need to compute the derivative at
each pixel in an image - Solution DerivativeImageFilter, which is a
wrapper for the neighborhood tools discussed last
week - See also LaplacianImageFilter
23Compute the mirror image
- Problem you want to mirror an image about a
particular axis or axes - Solution FlipImageFilter - you specify flipping
on a per-axis basis
24Rearrange the axes in an image
- Problem the coordinate system of your image
isnt what you want the x axis should be z, and
so on - Solution PermuteAxesImageFilter - you specify
which input axis maps to which output axis
25Resampling an image
- Problem you want to apply an arbitrary
coordinate transformation to an image, with the
output being a new image - Solution ResampleImageFilter - you control the
transform and interpolation technique
26Getting a lower dimension image
- Problem you have read time-series volume data as
a single 4D image, and want a 3D slice of this
data (one frame in time), or want a 2D slice of a
3D image, etc. - Solution ExtractImageFilter - you specify the
region to extract and the index within the
parent image of the extraction region
27An(other) introduction to VTK
- For the remainder of this class Ill present a
brief summary of how VTK works - Its useful to know whats going on behind the
scenes in myITKgui - Its very likely that some of you will want to
use VTK in stand-alone mode without the FLTK
28Rendering layout of VTK
- vtkRenderWindow defines the window that is
displayed on your monitor - vtkRenderers are attached to windows and are
responsible for converting more abstract
primitives (vtkActors) into displayed images
29Actors in VTK
- The basic thing that can be displayed in VTK is
an Actor - Mappers convert raw data to Actors
- For example
- boundary points in ITK ? VTK pointset ? VTK point
mask filter ? VTK polygon data mapper ? VTK actor
- Interactors are objects that work with
RenderWindows to pass mouse and keyboard events
back and forth - One particularly useful interactor is
vtkFlRenderWindowInteractor, which lets you use
VTK windows with the FLTK window manager
- Widgets are more complicated objects that combine
some of the functionality of Interactors and
Actors - The ImagePlaneWidget is a mouse-controlled object
that provides an arbitrary slice through a 3D
32Program layout
- Create a RenderWindow
- Create a Renderer
- Create a FlRenderWindowInteractor
- Load an image
- Create 3 image plane widgets, attach them to the
interactor - Enter a message loop to run the program
33Adding additional stuff
- Its easier than you might think to render
additional objects along with the image plane
widgets (boundary points for instance) - Starting with some sort of object in ITK, you
would do the following...
34Arbitrary object visualization
- Figure out what type of primitive you have
(points/lines/etc.) - Create VTK data representing your primitives
- Convert this to poly data
- Map this to an actor
35Data representation in VTK
- For geometric data, you may be interested in the
following classes - vtkPoints stores a list of 3D points
- vtkUnstructuredGrid stores a collection of
arbitrary cells, where a cell is a primitive such
as a vertex or line (vtkLine)
36Data representation cont.
- This may seem a bit convoluted, but in practice
its pretty simple once you get the hang of it - VTK has a pipeline, similar to that of ITK, so
changing the data/mapper/etc. will affect
downstream filters but not upstream ones
37Cool side effects
- My favorite1 added bonus of using VTK is the
ability to export scenes to files - Since data and rendering are abstracted away from
each other, its pretty easy to, for example,
dump your entire rendering setup to a Pixar
Renderman format file - 1 Favorite du jour