Title: PBM Surveillance Network
1PBM Surveillance Network
- Opportunities and Challenges
- 11th Meeting of the TFI
- Luanda, Angola
- 2-5 December, 2003
- Background
- Progress
- Challenges
- Opportunities
- Recommendation for TFI consideration
3 WHO/AFRO PBM Surveillance Network
- Launched in 2001 in 26 countries
- June 17 Anglophone countries
- November 9 Francophone countries
- One sentinel site per country
- Largest paediatric ward in the capital
- Clinician, microbiologist, data manager, EPI
manager and WHO EPI Country Officer - Computer, software and recurrent expenses
- Average annual cost of USD8,000 per site Training
(USD6,000), operation (USD2,000)
4Objectives of AFRO PBM Surveillance
- Demonstrate the burden of Hib and other major
childhood bacterial meningitis diseases, locally - Sensitise the public health community and general
population to the importance of Hib disease and
use of the vaccine in routine infant immunization - Measure impact of Hib vaccine as it is introduced
5 Achievements between 2001 2003
- High level of participation achieved
- 24/26 countries reporting in 2003
- Data reporting mechanisms in place
- Monthly profiles and indicators are posted in
feedback table (AFRO bulletins) and AFRO PBM web
page - Quality assurance - laboratory introduced
- 23/26 countries participating in External Quality
Assurance (AFRO-CSR/HQ-Lyons) system for
laboratories (17 in 2002) - Intra-country expansion begun (slowly)
- 2 countries (Uganda and Ghana)
6 AFRO PBM Surveillance Network Trained
Countries Hib vaccine introduction
2003 Burundi Zambia (Senegal) Applications Benin
Burkina Faso Zimbabwe? Tanzania?
Gambia (95) RSA (98) Ghana (01) Kenya
(01) Uganda (02) Rwanda (02) Malawi (02)
Hib vaccine intro Hib in 2003/4
Hep B
7Incidence of Hib Meningitisin Chilean children
less than 5 years of age
Hib vaccine, July 1996
Landaverde et al, Pan Am J Public Health, 1999
8 AFRO PBM vaccine impact assessment Malawi
2001-2003 children less than 5yrs
Hib vaccine Jan 2002
Hib3 2002 64
9AFRO PBM, Hib Vaccine Preliminary Impact
- Clear impact, good data
- Malawi Jan 02
- Impact , good data
- Uganda Jul 2001
- Impact cannot be assessed
- Kenya-Dec01, Ghana-Jan02, Rwanda- Jan02,
10 PBM NetworkSurveillance Quality
11Hib-PBM Network Results Two Quality Indicators
12 Challenges
- Uptake of Hib vaccine remains relatively low in
the region. Of 39 countries (2000-2) introducing
Hib vacine, only 5 were from AFRO Region - Financial sustainability of PBM
- Integration into national surveillance activities
- Regional Reference Laboratory layer not yet
functioning - Low rates of isolation of Hib at many sites
- Capacity within AFRO to provide technical support
to the (PBM site) laboratories
13 Opportunities
- Better placed to support countries soon to
introduce Hib vaccine - Collaboration
- East African Sub-regional network
Wellcome/Kilifi (SPEAR) Kenya - Building on PBM to support new vaccines
- Pneumococcal vaccine
- Rotavirus vaccine
14 Pneumococcal Disease
- 800,000 to 1 million deaths per year
- More common in the developing world, rates of
pneumonia up to 40X - Severe pneumococcal disease greater in Hiv ve
than in Hiv ve population - Seven valent vaccine licensed in the USA (2000)
- 9 valent vaccine trial in SA
- Accelerated Development and Introduction Plan
(ADIP) for pneumococcal vaccine development
established under GAVI
15Pneumococcal vs Hib Disease
- Similar but even more challenging issues.
- Cost Financing and planning for sustainability
- Design/selection of appropriate vaccine (more
than 90 serotypes) - Recognition Burden of disease data and advocacy
- Surveillance more varied for pneumococcal
- Significant adult disease for pneumococcal
16 PBM S-Network and Pneumococcal Surveillance
- CSF isolates from the rest of the network
- Enhanced pneumococcal surveillance at 5 selected
sites (West , Central and Southern Africa) using
blood cultures - Collaboration with netSPEAR network in East Africa
17 Recommendations
- AFRO, governments and partners should continue
support to ensure that the PBM SN is maintained
strengthened - Certification to be introduced
- Regional Reference Lab layer functional
- Level of technical support necessary for the
laboratories put in place