Title: How to use EMC2
1How to use EMC2
2How to use EMC2
- Excellency equals Motivation times Commitment
times CHARACTERS - (look for the unusual more on this concept
- is a matter of the stand we are and the stand we
takea stand that allows for performance that
surpasses what was previously possible,
performance that defies old limits and maps new
territory. http//www.landmarkeducation.com
4Killeen ISD Best Practices
- Patricia Williamson
- Career and Technical Education Counselor
- and
- Sharon Chism
- Audie Murphy Middle School, Academic Advisor
- Killeen, Texas
- The objective of education is to prepare the
young to educate themselves throughout their
lives." Robert Maynard Hutchins
6Without vision, students perish.
- Statement of vision
- https//www.killeenisd.org/index.html
7Education revolution is NECESSARY for US students
to compete in the global economy
8He was part of a revolution, who was he?
- Philosopher, educator, naturalist, politician,
scientist, architect, inventor, pioneer in
scientific farming, musician, and writer, and he
was the foremost spokesman for democracy of his
10Business is looking for employees who possess
high order thinking skills because layers of
management are gone Critical thinking Problem-so
lving Communication skills Teamwork Self-Direction
Global, civic, financial, economic
entrepreneurial literacy INNOVATIVE AND CREATIVE
11Is US Education getting better?
- Educational Attainment
- The U.S. Census Bureau collects annual statistics
on the educational attainment of the population.
Between 1996 and 2006, the proportion of the
adult population 25 years of age and over who had
completed high school rose from 82 percent to 85
percent, and the proportion of adults with a
bachelor's degree increased from 24 percent to 28
percent .
12- High school completers include those persons who
graduated from high school with a diploma, as
well as those who completed high school through
equivalency programs. The proportion of young
adults (25- to 29-year-olds) who had completed
high school in 2006 (86 percent) was about the
same as it was in 1996 (87 percent). Also, the
proportion of young adults who had completed a
bachelor's degree in 2006 (28 percent) was not
substantively different from the proportion in
1996 (27 percent).
13 Education Revolution!We Need ONE
- Innovation
- A dramatic change in ideas or practices
- Professional Development for teachers to use new
technology and resources
14Students of Tomorrow
- Teachers should not be concerned with teaching
subjects they should be concerned with teaching
the whole student. - Communication Skills
- Writing Skills
- Problem Solving Skills
15Career Planning begins in Elementary School
- Career Fairs
- Guest Speakers
- 8th grade Career Investigation Class
- Choices program
- Students required to produce a four year plan in
CI class - After doing an interest inventory, career
research on various careers. Students are to have
input from various sources. Teacher, counselor
and parents. - Each year during high school, four year plans are
reviewed and updated by the counselor. - Copies are maintained in three locations, Career
and Tech Center, Registrars cum folder and the
guidance office.
16Transition Leaders
- At each of our 11 middle schools, KISD has
created an Academic Advisor position. - At each of our 4 high schools, KISD has created a
Project Advance Counselor position.
17Killeen Independent School Districts Academic
- The Academic Advisor positions were created at
the start of the 2007-2008 school year. - The intention is to alleviate the workload for
the Administrators,CIS and the Guidance
Counselors. -
- Basic requirements At least 3 years teaching
experience and hold a valid Texas Teaching
18Academic Advisors are assigned multiple duties.
The principal at each campus determines the
focus for the Academic Advisor. The following is
a cumulative list of responsibilities that
principals have been assigning Academic Advisors
throughout the district
and AT-RISK - as well as other district and campus programs.
19Duties vary from campus to campus depending the
needs of that campus
- Some of the most common duties performed are
- TAKS coordinator or TAKS assistant
- SPED, 504, CRT/RTI or Dyslexia
- Maintaining At-Risk information, keeping campus
records updated - Processing of TAG students
- Coordinator for DUKE eligible students
- Assisting guidance counselor with input of
grades, pentamation data, registration,
pre-registration, withdrawals, etc. - Stanford Testing of ELL students and home
schooled students.
20Duties (cont.)
- Participate as part of the Campus Crisis team
- Assist with Achieve Texas and Career and Four
Year planning. Help students with questions
regarding their four year plans, and assist
Career Investigation teachers as needed. - Organize 8th grade parent nights such as Student
Success, give presentations and arrange teacher
briefings for the parents. Involve the parents in
the transformation of their student from a middle
school student to a high school student. - Assist with Academic Awards programs
- Assist with activities for students transitioning
from 5th to 6th grade - Assist with 5th grade pre-registration
21SPED, DYSLEXIA, 504/ CRT and At-Risk
- Process SPED referrals
- Process 504/CRT referrals and any follow-up
actions as needed. - Schedule or assist in scheduling 504 meeting.
- Coordinate with necessary individuals regarding
SPED, DYSEXIA, 504 and AT-RISK students, the
actions needed and follow-up of paperwork. - Attend ARDs when needed and assist with required
- On some campuses the Academic Advisors are the
TAKS/ LAT/ RPTE/ End of of course/ Algebra/ PSAT/
LASO and other district testing administrators - STANFORD test administrator for home schooled
students, ELL or LPAC students - TAKS
- Administrators or assist the administrators with
TAKS - Receive, maintain and distribute TAKS testing
documents - Proctor TAKS where needed
- Maintain spreadsheets of TAKS students requiring
accommodations, what those accommodations are and
ensuring the tests are administered under state
guidelines. - Assist with administration of TAKS Alt and LAT
- Prepare or assist with preparation for return of
TAKS documents - Test administrator at campus for all other
testing as needed
23TAG Students
- Receive paperwork for nomination of TAG students
and coordinate with district assessors testing
for those students - Schedule TAG selection committee meetings and act
as Committee chair for committee - Receive, maintain and process TAG folders and
testing documents - Notify parents of nomination or non-selection
- Maintain and coordinate furloughs, withdrawals,
etc from TAG program - Notify District Assessors of change in TAG status
on students
24DUKE Students
- Create list of eligible students
- Notify students and parents
- Process paperwork
- Arrange for a guest speaker regarding DUKE
- Coordinate briefings to help prepare students in
filling out applications and taking the SAT or
25Project Advance Counselors
- To provide education, career, and social guidance
and counseling to all students to assist
students in achieving a smooth transition from
childhood toward adulthood, and to provide
students with opportunities for self-exploration
and for development of skills needed in relating
to mature adults.
- Â Part of the guidance team that plans,
implements, and evaluates a comprehensive and
balanced program of guidance, including
counseling services. - Uses a planning process to define needs,
priorities and program objectives of students as
they transition from high school to the world of
work, higher education or the military. - Coordinates the following transition programs on
each high school campus - Senior Parent Night
- Achieve Texas
- Texas Scholars
- Dual/Concurrent Credit
- Bioscience Institute
- Accuplacer testing
- Scholarship Information
- College Night
- Financial Aid Night
- College Now
- Senior Award Ceremony (if held on campus)
- Letters of Recommendation
- College and Military recruiters
- Basic Requirements Masters degree and two years
teaching experience.
27Choices Explorer Activities
- Interest Inventory performed
- Do what you Are activity is assigned to
students. Personality test - Students are ask to research three careers
- Make course choices based on their dream job
28Using the Bridges Program
- Our middle school Career Investigations teachers
use the Bridges program in the following manner - Have students enroll and establish accounts
- Research careers
- Research schools or universities
- Use gathered information to create their four
year plans to prepare for careers of choice - Enter four year plans into their Bridges
account - Store further research data in Bridges account
29Four year plans
- Upon entering high school, the 8th graders four
year plans are sent to the appropriate house
counselor of that student. - It is reviewed by the counselor and students are
expected to create a portfolio on Bridges.com and
begin research on course and career planning. - Counselors have them select three career clusters
to reseach .
30Changing their minds on the Plan?
- Yes, students will!
- High school should be the time to make changes
not wait until they are in college spending their
parents money or having to take out loans to
find themselves in college. - Statistics show students will change careers 10
to 13 times before they reach age 38.
31Do you know of resources for working with
students who have physical/orthopedic
- Here are a few
- http//bellaonline.com/articles/art4791.asp
- http//teaching.concordia.ca/resources/disabilitie
s.html - http//specialed.about.com/od/physicaldisab/
- http//www.empowermentzone.com/teaching.txt
- http//www.as.wvu.edu/scidis/text/orthopedic.html
32Where can I find more teaching strategies to
address students with AUTISM and ADD?
- There are many excellent websites, for example
the TEACCH method and the Applied Behavior
Analysis method for students with Autism. ADD and
ADHD sites are plentiful as well. There are also
some references available for checkout at
CT-SP-TREC. Here are a few URLs to get you
started - http//www.teacch.com/
- http//www.autism-pdd.net/teacch.html
- http//www.cesa7.k12.wi.us/SPED/autism/structure/s
tr10.htm - http//www.tourette-syndrome.com/add-teaching.htm
- http//www.proteacher.com/040020.shtml
33 How can we meet the
needs of students with disabilities without
slowing down the rest of the class?
- This is a frequent concern. Do not be fearful of
modifying, rather than accommodating. Not all
students will be striving for the same outcomes. - It will require more planning time for you, but
by individualizing for your students some will
work at an accelerated rate while others will
accomplish at a lesser pace/outcome level. - Often students, who need additional assistance,
but do not qualify for SPED, are helped by having
SPED services available to their peers. - Accelerated students are rarely held back when
teachers plan for them or they become peer
34CFSP Center
- Maintained by Lakshmi Mahadevan. The views and
opinions expressed are solely those of our staff
and contributors who have been asked to
participate. They are not attributable to the
Texas Education Agency or any of the agency's
staff. For questions or concerns please email
lmahadevan_at_ag.tamu.edu. - Home FAQs
35Teaching Strategies that work
- Groupings, peer tutors, cooperative learning
strategies, community volunteers, etc.
36Teaching Strategies that work
- Groupings, peer tutors, cooperative learning
strategies, community volunteers, etc.
- Value the content of your discipline and the
social experience of your classroom as a positive
for all the students.
38Here are some websites regarding learning styles
that might prove beneficial
- http//www.hayresourcesdirect.haygroup.com/Learnin
yle_Inventory/Overview.asp - http//www.oswego.edu/CandI/plsi/index.html
- http//www2.bgfl.org/bgfl2/custom/resources_ftp/cl
39How can we teach all levels regular ed., special
ed., high achievers, and GT at the same time?
- Only creative and caring , highly skilled and
energetic teachers can do it all and even they
cant do it all the time. - Take time for yourself to recoup. CTE teachers
are the greatest at this. They have remarkably
interesting content, real world and motivating
goals, captivating equipment (as opposed to paper
and pencil) . What a combination for diversified
instruction. Only when we want all students to do
the same thing is this a problem.
40Work with your local SPED professionals
- Your regional ESC also has specialists who are
adept at instruction for students with MR.
Contact them. - Search for professional organizations such as
CEC, TASH, TAMR, and NICHCY. Here are a few more
- http//www.dshs.state.tx.us/mhservices/default.sht
m - http//cms.psychologytoday.com/conditions/retardat
ion.html - http//www.aamr.org
- http//www.thearc.org/about.htm
- .
- How can we teach all levels regular ed., special
ed., high achievers, and GT at the same time? - Only creative and caring , highly skilled and
energetic teachers can do it all and even they
cant do it all the time. Take time for yourself
to recoup. CTE teachers are the greatest at this.
They have remarkably interesting content, real
world and motivating goals, captivating equipment
(as opposed to paper and pencil) . What a
combination for diversified instruction. Only
when we want all students to do the same thing is
this a problem. Diversify. Do not feel guilty
with different outcomes for students. Do not
establish low expectations, but encourage
students to do what they can. Ask students how
they learn. Give students opportunities to do
different things or the same things in different
ways. Make teaching fun and youll stick with it
longer. Here are some websites regarding learning
styles that might prove beneficial - http//www.hayresourcesdirect.haygroup.com/Learnin
g_Self- Development/Assessments_Surveys/Learning_S
tyle_Inventory/Overview.asp - http//www.oswego.edu/CandI/plsi/index.html
- http//www2.bgfl.org/bgfl2/custom/resources_ftp/cl
ient_ftp/ks1/ict/mulitple_int/index.htm - Â http//ctsp.tamu.edu/faq.php?Category23220
41Here are additional websites for English Language
learners (formerly called Limited English
- http//www.albany.edu/lap/strategy.htm
- http//www.cesdp.nmhu.edu/Lit_init.htm
- http//www-writing.berkeley.edu/TESL-EJ/
- http//www.thecenterlibrary.org/cwis/index.php
- http//education.umn.edu/NCEO/LEP/default.htm
42Peims Coding
- Documentation is the most important point.
- If you cannot verify your code, then dont use
it! - Have a document which shows students understand
they are in Tech prep
- One way to document students are aware they are
in Tech Prep program. - www.catema.net
44(No Transcript)
45(No Transcript)
46(No Transcript)
- Lakshmi (Hema) MahadevanProgram
CoordinatorCareer Technical Special Populations
Training Resource Education CenterDepartment
of Family Development and Resource
ManagementTexas Cooperative Extension1111,
Research ParkwaySte 126College Station, TX
77845Mailing MS 2251College Station, TX
77843-2251Phone - 979-845-4374/2444Fax -
979-845-6496Email - lmahadevan_at_ag.tamu.eduURL
48Credits cont.
- Acte Website
- www.killeenisd.org
- Tracy Teaff- special pop information