Title: Concept Maps for Knowledge Capture and Sharing
1Concept Maps for Knowledge Capture and Sharing
- Yiwen Zhang
- Presentation on Ph.D. Seminar
- May 3, 2002
- Knowledge Learning
- Concept Maps
- Concept Maps in our project
- Research questions and suggested approaches
3Knowledge Learning
Personal experiences
Supporting tools?
Learning evaluation?
Individual knowledge
Learned by people
Knowledge in various representations
Contribute to
Get from
Store in
Will it cause Misunderstanding?
Knowledge repository
Whats the efficient way to share?
- Individual knowledge refers to knowledge
possessed in the mind of an individual.
(individual/collective knowledge scheme (Nonaka,
1994)). - Collective knowledge is both a composite of
individual knowledge and the social process that
leads to shared understanding by articulating and
exchanging information among individuals.(Krippen
dorff, 1975).
4What Kind of Knowledge Representation do We Need?
- There is a need for a way of helping people to
visualize knowledge and maintain and develop a
common visualization and representation - Requirement
- Consistent with learning process
- Understandable
- A plus form a bridge between human knowledge and
machine knowledge
1. John L. Gordon, Creating Knowledge maps by
exploiting dependent relationships, Knowledge
Based Systems, Vol13 (April 2000)
5Knowledge Representation
- Rules (E.H. Shortliffe 1976)
- If attribute A1 has value V1 and attribute A2 has
value V2, then attribute A3 has value V3 - Frames
- Elery stone
- Specialization of Frame Person
- Date of Birth 300462
- Sex Male
- Nationality British
- Occupation Tailor
- Health (Consult Medical System)
1. John L. Gordon, Creating Knowledge maps by
exploiting dependent relationships, Knowledge
Based Systems, Vol13 (April 2000)
6Knowledge Representation
- Semantic Network
- Concept Diagrams
- Conceptual Graphs (Sowa 1993)
- Concept Maps (Novak, 1984)
- Other derivatives Knowledge Maps
7Concept Map
- Concept mapping is a graphical representation of
knowledge. - Nodes (points or vertices) represent concepts
- Links (arcs or lines) represent the relationships
between concepts - In the 1960s, Joseph D. Novak at Cornell
University began to study the concept mapping
technique. - His work was based on the theories of David
Ausubel (1968)----meaningful learning. Meaningful
learning involves the assimilation of new
concepts and propositions into existing cognitive
9Concept Maps for Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing
- Develop an understanding of a body of knowledge.
- Explore new information and relationships.
- Access prior knowledge.
- Gather new knowledge and information.
- Share knowledge and generated information.
- Design structures or processes such as written
documents, constructions, web sites, web searches
and multimedia presentations.
10Questions from Byrons Presentation
- Is it hierarchical?
- Comparison to other graphical representations?
- Which kind of knowledge?
- How do we evaluate maps and learning?
11Research Directions
- Design and implement concept map tool
- IHMC Cmap Institute for Human and Machine
Cognition, University of West Florida(Novak) - WebMap Knowledge Science Institute, University
of Calgary (Brian R. Gaines), Canada - Effectiveness in different disciplines
- Eugene V, Aidman Gerald Egan, Academic
assessment through computerized concept mapping
validating a method of implicit map
reconstruction, International Journal of
Instructional Media, 1998, Vol 25
Mary Jo Carnot, etc, Concept Maps vs. Web Pages
for Information Searching and Browsing
12Research Directions (continued)
- Evaluation
- Gayle Nicoll, A three-tier system for assessing
concept map links a methodological study,
International Journal of science education, 2001 - Collaboration
- Kremer, R. and Gaines, B.R. (1994). Groupware
concept mapping techniques. Proceedings
SIGDOC'94 ACM 12th Annual International
Conference on Systems Documentation.
13Research Directions (continued)
- Information searching browsing
- Concept Maps vs. Web Pages for Information
Searching and Browsing, Mary Jo Carnot, et al,
2000 - Map integration
- Fuzzy Integration and Fuzzy Matching S. W.Chen
et al. IEEE transactions on systems, man and
cybernetics-Part B Cybernetics, Vol 31. No. 5,
October 2001 - Automatic map construction
- A Semi-Automatic Construction Method of Concept
Map based on Dialog Contents, Hajime Saito et
al. - Presentation of concept maps
- Versatile Concept Map Viewing on the Web, Antti
Karvonen et al -
14Concept maps in our project
- Project description
- Develop tools, algorithms and techniques to
create learning environments where learners can
more effectively accumulate and share knowledge - Concept Map
- Require user to build concept maps
- Use individual maps to form group maps
- Evaluate concept maps
- Use concept maps to organize resources
- Use concept maps to enhance search functions
- Collaboration on building concept maps
- Use concept maps to share knowledge
15Constructivist Approach A Frame Work for
Integrating Concept Maps in Learning
Learner is actively involved in building on what
he or she already knows to come to a new
understanding of the subject under study
introduce a problem
identify a general area for investigation
summarize the topic and prepare to present to the
intended audience
explore information to form a focus
gather information that defines/supports the focus
form a personal perspective of the information
Carol Collier Kuhlthau, Learning in Digital
Libraries an information search process
approach, Libray trends, spring 97
16GetSmart E-Learning Framework
Get a whole view of the domain
Select a starting point
Read formal material to form basic understanding
Collaborative learning
Search to explore further
Get suggestion from knowledge database
Contribute to build knowledge repository
Build personal concept map
Get evaluation
Merge into group map
Build personal repository on it
Contribute to form Knowledge map
17Research Direction 1
- Motivation
- Categorization on relationships to support the
process of concept mapping - How to evaluate the map automatically?
- Can we merge individual maps to get expert map?
- Directions
- Can we predefine sets of relationships or concept
types to facilitate user in building concept
maps? - Can group maps merged from individual concept
maps capture the knowledge more precisely?
Pros expressive, understandable, flexible Cons
poor computational ability
Scott Hamilton Thinking outside the Box at IHMC,
IEEE, Computer, January, 2001
19Research on Semantic Network Conceptual Graph
- Semantic Network Collins and Quillian (1968)
- Conceptual Graph Sowa, John F.
- (1976) "Conceptual graphs for a database
interface," IBM Journal of Research and
Development, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 336-357. - Conceptual Structures Information Process in
Mind, Machine, Reading, Addison-Wesley, MA, 1984 - Sowa, John F. (2000) Knowledge Representation
Logical, Philosophical, and Computational
Foundations, Brooks Cole Publishing Co., Pacific
Grove, CA. - Automatic Design Research Group, Department of
Electrical Engineering, University of Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University - Walling R. Cyre, Knowledge ExtractorA Tool for
Extracting Knowledge from Text, 1997, Proce - The Semantic Network Processing System Research
Group, Department of Computer science and
Engineering, University of Buffalostart from
1960s, - Using Text Processing Techniques to Automatically
Enrich a Domain Ontology - Supporting ontology driven document enrichment
within communities of practice - Communication of the ACM, Volume 45 , Issue 2
(February 2002)Special Issue Ontology
different ways of representing the same concept
20Related research
- Danseveau and Holley 3-category link
system(1982) - Chaining leads to, result in, produces
- Clustering is like, property of, evidence of
- Hierarchical part of, example of
- Collins and Quillian a system of
- relational categories (1979)
- Superset is a , is a member of
- Subset consist of, contains
- Similarity is like, is not like
- Part part of
- Proximity is adjacent to, is next to
- Consequence leads to, influence, cause
- Precedence prior to
- Lambiotte (1989)
- Hierarchy
- Chain
- Cluster
- Procedural
- Influence
- Part
21Related research - continued
- M. David Merill, Knowledge Objects and Mental
Models, in IEEE, 2000 - Knowledge structure refers to the
interrelationships among knowledge components.
- Michael James Young,(National Center for
Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student
Testing) Quantifying the Characteristic of
Knowledge Structure Representations A
Lattice-Theoretic Framework, Working Report,
June, 1998
22Suggested Approach
- Provide predefined sets of relationships
- Danseveau and Holley 3-category link system
- Provide several structures as templates
- Procedure
- Attribute
- Based on this more formal concept map, use a
graph theory algorithm to evaluate and merge
concept maps, and compare to expert maps
23Experiment Design (ideal)
Dependent Variables
Independent Variables
Independent Variables
Read Map, Refer to readings
Efficiency and precision
Relationships to use
Use whatever relationships you can think of
Group 1-1
Time used
Time used
Build a Concept Map
Group 2-1
Expert evaluation
Use predefined sets with specific relationships
within each set
Test scores
Group 2-2
On a given reading
Group 1-2
Test score
learning style previous knowledge
Knowledge domains (Date Structure vs. Project
Management) Difficulty levels of knowledge
(undergraduate level vs. graduate level)
24Experiment Design
- Provide the option to use predefined sets of
relationships and templates - Measure how students use these from students
concept maps - Use an algorithm from conceptual graph research
to merge individual concept maps - Evaluate the merged map
25Other Research Directions -1
- Motivation
- Our system provides powerful search functions,
how can users searches contribute to a knowledge
repository? - According to Liebowitz Beckman (1998), A
knowledge repository is an online, computer-based
storehouse of expertise, knowledge, experience,
and documentation about a particular domain of
expertise. In creating a knowledge repository,
knowledge is collected, summarized, and
integrated across sources. - Which kind of system design can help users
contribute to and benefit from a repository? - What technologies can help to filter, store and
organize a dynamically increasing knowledge
26Related Research
- Recommendation system
- Content management
- Document clustering
- Usage pattern
- ISO for topic maps
27Suggested Approach
- Implement flexible database design to support
content management - Use clustering technology to categorize
28Other Research Directions -2
- Motivation
- We can use group collaboration in building
concept maps or group projects. Whats the
relationship between group collaboration and
performance? - Which collaboration pattern is the most effective
and efficient? - What are the interactions between individual
leaners and group environments?
29Related research
Amy Soller, Adaptive Support for Collaborative
Learning on the Internet http//virtcampus.cl-ki.
30Related Research (continue)
- Collaboration patterns among online learners
Chiung-Hui Chiu, etc, Interaction Process in
Network Supported Collaborative Concept Mapping
31Suggested Approach
- Text mining on group discussion logs
- Identify different collaboration patterns and
define the characters of learners - Change the group, trace the behavior of learners
in different groups