Title: Writing a Unit test Using JUnit
1Writing a Unit test Using JUnit
- At the top of the file include
import junit.framework.TestCase
- The main class of the file must be
public Must extend TestCase
- Methods of this class, in order to be run
automatically when the Test command is invoked,
Be public return void Take no arguments Have a
name beginning with test
2Writing a Unit test using JUnit
- Test methods in this class can call any of the
following methods (among others)
void assertTrue(String, boolean) void
assertEquals(String, int, int) void
Issues an error report with the supplied String
if the boolean is false
Issues an error report with the supplied String
if the two integers are not equal. The first int
is the expected value, the second, the actual
(tested) value. This method can be called with
primitive or Objects (using their equals( )
method for comparison.
This immediately causes the test to fail and
issue an error report with the supplied String.
3Writing Unit Tests using JUnit
Example Suppose we are writing a Calculator
class that operates on pairs of numbers. Before
writing the class, write some tests for it. Then
write the Calculator class, compile it and the
test class, and see if your Calculator code
passes the tests you have set for it. If so, add
more tests to check other cases that you discover
in the process of writing and validating your
code. Continue until you are satisfied that your
code is correct and complete.
4Example of using JUnit
import junit.framework.TestCase public class
CalculatorTest extends TestCase public void
testAddition( ) Calculator calc new
Calculator( ) // add 3 4 int
expected 7 int actual calc.add(3,
4) assertEquals(Adding 3 4 ,
expected, actual) public void
testDivision( ) Calculator calc new
Calculator( ) try
calc.divide(2, 0) fail(Should have
thrown an Exception)
catch(ArithmeticException e)
System.out.printLine(Good! Divide by aero
exception caught)
Use method assertEquals to compare expected and
actual results
5Running the Test
Once the test code and the unit (class) to be
tested have been written and compiled, you can
run the test in DrJava by simply clicking on the
Test button in the top Toolbar.
(test code is located in this window)
Test Progress
All tests completed successfully.
Die Test
Show Stack Trace
6Running the Test
Alternatively, one can manually control the
execution of the test program and select which of
the test methods to select by including the
following method
public static Test suite( ) TestSuite suite
new TestSuite( ) suite.addTest(new name() )
return suite
Must import Test and TestSuite from
junit.framework package
Additional information about using JUnit can be
found in the JUnit Cookbook at http//junit.source
7If the Test Fails
A list of test failures is displayed in the Test
Output tab in the bottom window similarly to
compiler errors. To view a Stack Trace,
right-click on the failure in the Test Output tab
and select the Show Stack Trace button.
8Test Driven Development (TDD)
- Always write the test before writing the code!
- The tests will actually get written It is human
nature to avoid writing unit tests after the code
has been written. The programmer may rationalize
that the code is correct and a time consuming
test program is not needed. - Programmer satisfaction If the test is written
first the programmer feels a need to write code
to pass the test and gets a satisfaction out of
doing so. - Clarification of detailed interface and behavior
As you write the test code you must imagine
that the code for the class you are testing
actually exists. This makes you think through
the details of the public view of the method. - Provable, repeatable, automated verification
Over time the test base builds. The early
investment in writing tests first pays dividends
later as the size of the application grows. - The confidence to change things If a developer
needs to change one of the existing classes,
there are unit tests available that can be run to
provide immediate feedback of whether the change
produced an error.
9Understanding Softwares Environment
Operating System
File System
10Understanding Softwares Environment
If an application makes a request of the OS for
example, to allocate memory it must check that
that request has been successfully completed, and
assert the appropriate error condition if it has
Disks can get full and networks congested. What
happens to our software system when the expected
resources are not available? Software must be
tested under normal operating conditions, not in
a vacuum. Normal operating conditions include
situations in which the external environment
becomes stressed.