Title: System Design
1System Design
2Logical Architecture Package Diagrams
- large scale organization of the software classes
into packages, subsystems, and layers - may use package diagrams to show the logical
architecture as part of the design model - input come from the Supplementary Specification
- examples on p. 198 199
3Logical Architecture Layers
- layer is a very coarse grained grouping of
classes, packages or subsystems - show cohesive responsibility for a major aspect
of the system - higher layers call upon services of lower layers
- typically layered as
- user interface
- application logic domain objects
- technical services
- strict vs. relaxed layers
- we are focusing on the application logic layer
4Software Architecture
- significant decisions about the organization of
the system - structural elements
- interfaces
- behaviors
- collaborations
5Package Diagrams
- used to show logical architecture
- groups elements
- can show nesting and dependencies
- namespace fully qualified names
6Design with Layers
- organize the large scale logical structure of a
system into discrete, distinct layers - collaboration coupling is from higher to lower
only - helps prevent
- tight coupling
- application logic mixed with user interface
- technical services mixed with applications
- example on p. 203
- cohesive responsibilities maintain a separation
of concerns - map code organization to layers and UML packages
- domain objects to represent a thing in the
problem domain and has related business or
application logic domain layer - dont show external resources as the bottom layer
dont confuse logical architecture with
deployment - model view separation
8Model-View Separation Principle
- dont connect non-UI objects directly to UI
objects - dont put application logic in the UI objects
- UI objects should only initialize elements,
receive UI events, and delegate requests for
application logic to a non-UI object
9Model-View Separation Principle 2
- supports cohesive model definitions that focus on
the domain processes - allow separate development of the model and view
- minimize the impact of requirement changes across
the layers - allow new views to be easily used
- allow multiple simultaneous views of the same
model - allow execution of the model independent of the
view - allow easy porting of the model to another view
10SSDs, Systems Operations Layers
- objects in the UI layer capture the system
operation requests - these UI objects forward the requests to the
domain layer - messages sent from the UI object correspond to
messages identified in the SDDs
11Object Design
- code
- draw then code
- drawing overhead should be worth the effort
- only draw
- emphasize lightweight drawing in agile
12Agile Modeling Lightweight UML
- reduce drawing overhead
- model to understand and communicate
- modeling with others
- create several models in parallel
13UML Case Tools
- choose a tool to easily integrate with your IDE
- reverse engineering
14How much UML?
- few hours to a day for a 3 week iteration
- sketching
- continually evolving the design
- spend significant time doing interaction diagrams
along with the class diagrams!
15Static Dynamic Modeling
- static
- class diagrams
- for class names, attributes, method names
- dynamic
- interaction diagram sequence and communication
- for the behavior of the system
16Object Design Skill vs. UML Skill
- principles of responsibility assignment and
design patterns are paramount - drawing UML is trivial by comparison
17CRC Cards
- Class Responsibilities Collaborations
- index cards containing the responsibilities and
collaborations of a class - CRC modeling session
18Interaction Diagrams
- shows how objects interact via messages
- dynamic object modeling
- sequence communication
19Sequence Diagrams
- shows interactions in a fence format
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21Communication Diagrams
- shows interactions in a graph or network format
22Importance of Interaction Diagrams
- spend time doing dynamic object modeling with
interaction diagrams, not just static object
modeling with class diagrams - the act of dynamic modeling is key
23Interaction Diagram Notation
- basic message expression syntax
- return message (parm type) returnType
- singleton objects
- put a 1 in the top right hand corner of lifeline
24Sequence Diagram Notation
- lifeline boxes and lifelines
- found messages
- replies returns
- messages to self
- creation destruction of instances
- conditions looping
- messages to static methods
- polymorphic messages
- asynchronous synchronous
- filled arrows
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31Communication Diagram Notation
- links
- messages
- messages to self
- creation and destruction of instances
- message number sequencing
- conditional messages
- mutually exclusive conditional paths
- looping
- messages to static methods
- polymorphic messages
- asynchronous synchronous
32Class Diagrams
- shows classes, interfaces and their associations
- static object modeling
33Class Diagram Notation
- classes
- interfaces
- attributes
- methods
- associations
- p. 250
34Design Class Diagram Classifier
- DCD when a class diagram is used in a software
or design perspective - form part of the domain model
- classifier a model element that describes
behavioral and structural features - regular classes
- interfaces
- attribute text
- association line with roles and navigability
- both
- p. 252
- visibility name type multiplicity default
property_string - assumed private by default
36Notes, Constraints, Method Bodies
- comment/note - no semantic impact
- constraint must be enclosed in braces
- method body - implementation
37Operations Methods
- visibility name (parameter list)
property_string - assumed public by default
38Properties Property Strings
- a named value denoting a characteristic of an
element - may be represented in many ways
39Generalization, Abstract Classes Operations
- UML notation arrow from subclass to superclass
- abstract tag on classes and operations
- final tag
- a dashed arrow from the client to the supplier
- coupling
- having an attribute of the supplier type
- sending a message to a supplier
- receiving a parameter of the supplier type
- supplier is a superclass or interface
- different notation on p. 263
- dashed arrow for implements
42Composition Aggregation
- composition whole is totally responsible for
lifecycle of part, filled diamond - use composition over aggregation
- no need to name the association
- restriction or condition on a UML element
- may use OCL
- text between braces
44Qualified Association
- association with a qualifier used to select an
object from a larger set of related objects
45Association Class
- can treat an association as a class itself
46Singleton Class
- there is exactly one instance of this class in
the entire system
47Template Classes Interfaces
- templates, parameterized types, generics
- example on p. 268
48User Defined Compartments
- predefined compartments
- user defined compartment
49Active Class
- active object runs and controls its own thread of
execution - double vertical lines on the left and right of
the class box in the class diagram
- designing objects with responsibilities
- General Responsibility Assignment Software
51All 9 GRASP Principles
- Information Expert - A general principal of
object design and responsibility assignment? - Creator - Who creates?
- Controller - What first object beyond the UI
layer receives and coordinates a system
operation? - Low Coupling - How to reduce the impact of
change? - High Cohesion - How to keep objects focused,
understandable, and manageable? - Polymorphism - Who is responsible when behavior
varies by type? - Pure Fabrication - Who is responsible when you
are desperate, and do not want to violate high
cohesion and low coupling? - Indirection - How to assign responsibilities to
avoid direct coupling? - Protected Variations - How to assign
responsibilities so that the variations or
instability in the elements do not have an
undesirable impact on other elements?
52UML vs. Design Principles
- UML is just a visualization tool
- good OO design is a mind skill
53Object Design
- inputs to object design
- requirements workshop
- some of the use cases
- programming experiments
- use case text
- system sequence diagram
- operation contracts
- outputs
- UML interaction, class, package diagrams
- UML sketches prototypes
- database models
- report sketches prototypes
54Activities of Object Design
55Responsibilities RDD
- responsibilities, roles, and collaborations
- doing knowing
- can apply at any scale of software
- a methodical approach to RDD
- guiding choices about assigning responsibilities
57Responsibilities, GRASP UML Diagrams
- think about assigning responsibilities while
modeling - modeling considers these responsibilities
- principles and idioms for solving a common
problem in a common way - description of a problem and a solution that can
be applied to new contexts
59GRASP -gt Object Design
- GRASP is 9 principles in OO design
- not trying to redefine patterns
- Assign class B the responsibility of creating an
instance of class A if - B aggregates A objects.
- B contains A objects.
- B records instances of A objects.
- B closely uses A objects.
- B has the initializaing data that will be passed
to the A object when it is created. - aggregation
- A kind of association used to model whole-part
relationships between things.
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62Information Expert
- Pattern Name Information Expert
- Problem What is a basic principle by which to
assign responsibilities to Objects? - Solution Assign a responsibility to the class
that has the information needed to fulfill it.
63Low Coupling
- coupling
- how strongly one element is connected to, has
knowledge of, or relies on other elements
- Assign the responsibility for receiving or
handling a system event message to a class that - Represents the overall system, device, or
subsystem. - Represents a use case scenario in which the
system event occurs. - system event
- An event generated by an external actor.
- system operation
- An operation of the system in response to a
system event. - controller
- A non-user interface object responsible for
receiving or handling a system event, and that
defines the method for the system operation.
65High Cohesion
- cohesion
- how strongly related and focused the
responsibilities of an element are
66Use Case Realization
67Artifacts Comments
68Iterative Evolutionary Object Design
70Visibility Between Objects
71GRASP Responsibilities
73Pure Fabrication
75Protected Variables
76GoF Design Patterns Intro
77UML Activity Diagrams Modeling
78How to Apply Activity Diagrams
79Activity Diagram Notation
80Activity Diagram in UP
81UML State Machine Diagrams Modeling
82Events, States, Transitions
83How to Apply State Machine Diagrams
84State Machine Diagram Notation
85State Machine Diagram in UP
86Architectural Analysis
87When to do Architectural Analysis
88Variation Evolution Points
89Architectural Analysis
90Common Steps
91Identification Analysis of Architectural Factors
92Resolution of Architectural Factors
94Iterative Architecture in UP
95Logical Architecture Refinement
96Collaboration with Layers Pattern
97Other Layer Pattern Issues
98Model-View Separation
99Package Design