Title: Electronic Circuits Laboratory EE462G
1Electronic Circuits LaboratoryEE462G
- Lab Background, Procedures, andOverview
2History of Electronics
- Vacuum Tubes
- Developed by Lee DeForest (1906)
- Used in amplifiers and switching devices
- Led to spread of radio broadcasting 1920s,
Television 1930s, electronic computers 1940s - Educational Links
- http//www.paia.com/ProdArticles/tubworks.html
3History of Electronics
- Solid-State Transistors
- Developed by William Shockley, John Bardeen,
Walter Brattian (Bell Labs) (1947) - Similar applications as vacuum tube except it
requires less power, has a lower manufacturing
cost, performs more robustly, and could be
Educational Links http//www.williamson-labs.com/4
80_xtor.htm http//www.milbert.com/tstxt.htm http
4History of Electronics
- Integrated Circuits (ICs)
- Developed by Jack Kilby (TI), and by Noyce and
Moore (Fairchild Semiconductor) (1958). - Multiple transistors, resistors, and capacitors,
fabricated on a single wafer (chip) and could be
made very small. - Educational Links
- http//www.uoguelph.ca/antoon/circ/circuits.htm
- http//members.tripod.com/michaelgellis/tutorial.h
tml - http//bftgu.solarbotics.net/starting_elect_ic.htm
l - http//invention.smithsonian.org/centerpieces/quar
5Electronic Components Studied
- Diodes
- pn junction
- Zener
- Transistors
- Field Effect Transistors (FETs)
- Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)
The first transistor
6Nonlinear Device Characterization
- To measure nonlinear device characteristics,
voltage/current amplitudes are swept over input
terminals while measuring current/voltage across
output terminals (analogous to sweeping
frequencies in linear RLC circuits while
measuring amplitude and phase changes between
input and output What is this characterization
called?). - Curve tracers systematically sweep voltage
amplitudes over two terminals of a device while
measuring the resulting current. The
current-voltage relationships is referred to as
the transfer characteristic (TC) curve of the
device. - Why is the TC NOT a good model for linear
devices? What would the TC curve for an ideal
resistor look like?
7Instrumentation - Oscilloscope
- Tektronixs
- Oscilloscopes
- TDS3012B
- Key operating concepts
- Vertical scale adjustments
- Horizontal scale adjustments
- Trigger adjustments
- Earth ground connections
8Instrumentation - Multimeter
Tektronixs Multimeter CDM250
- Key operating concepts
- Connections for voltage, current, and resistance
measurements - Selection of scale for measurement
- Ground connections
9Instrumentation Power Supplies
- Tektronixs
- PS280 DC Power Supply
- Key operating concepts
- Setting and limiting DC voltages and currents
- Connecting chassis and earth grounds
10Instrumentation Function Generator
- Tektronixs
- Function Generator
- AFG310
- Key operating Concepts
- Selecting waveforms
- Selecting waveform parameters
- Grounding issues
11Instrumentation Curve Tracer
- Tektronixs Curve Tracer
- 370B
- Key Operating Concepts
- Voltage sweep pattern selection
- Horizontal and vertical scale adjustment
- Step changes for third terminal voltage or
current - Device socket plug
12Laboratory Component Supplies
Parts can be purchased from the IEEE parts store
(http//ieee.uky.edu/) located in Room 560 PFAT Ø
Individual components Ø Breadboard - 1 Ø Wire
kit bag - 1
13Laboratory Component Supplies
Resistors 10 ohm (3) 100 (3) 510 (3) 1K (3) 2.2K
(3) 5.1K (3) 10K (3) 22K (3) 100K (3)
180K (3) 220K (3) 470 (1) 1K (1) 1.2K (1) 1.6K
(1) 2K (1) 3.3K (1) 11K (1) 1Meg (1)
14Laboratory Component Supplies
Capacitors 0.022µF (3) 2.2µF (3) 10µF (3) 47µF
(3) 100µF (3)
Diodes Diode- IN4001 (4) Zener diode- IN964A
(1) BJT NPN, PN2222 (2) MOSFETs n-channel
MOSFET- ZVN3306-ND (4) p-channel MOSFET-
ZVP3306-ND (2)
15Course Web Links
- Syllabus
- http//www.engr.uky.edu/rjadams/ee462g/syllabus.h
tml - Supplies
- http//www.engr.uky.edu/rjadams/ee462g/supplies.p
df - Lab Assignments
- http//www.engr.uky.edu/rjadams/ee462g/index.html
- Lecture Notes
- http//www.engr.uky.edu/rjadams/ee462g/index.html
16Assignment Part 1
- Download and read through tutorial on
oscilloscopes (50 Pages), The XYZs of
Oscilloscopes - http//www.tek.com/Measurement/App_Notes/XYZs/03W_
8605_2.pdf - Print out pages 51 through 55.
- Put your name on the first page and complete the
written exercises. - Use the answer key to determine number of wrong
responses, put that number on the front page next
to your name and circle it. - On a separate sheet of paper, briefly describe
(10 to 15 sentences) how an analog oscilloscope
displays a periodic waveform. Assume the trigger
is set to the same channel as the periodic
waveform being displayed. Be sure to clearly
describe the relationship between the trigger,
oscillating signal, and CRT sweep rate. The
reader should have a good idea why a periodic
waveform appears stationary on the oscilloscope.
You can sketch diagrams if that helps your
explanation. - Attach all pages together and hand in at the
beginning of the next lab period. The assignment
grade will depend on completing 1 through 3 and
the quality of the explanation in 4.