Title: Audience reactions to media personae
1Audience reactions to media personae
2Audience members can react in many ways to media
- The reaction/perspective will depend on a variety
of factors. A few significant questions include - Does the audience member treat the personae as
realistic in some way? - Does the audience member suspend disbelief in
relation to the portrayed environment? To the
character? To the actor/anchor/etc. - What impression does the audience member have of
the characters personality? - What position does the audience member take in
relation to the text and/or the character? - Is the viewer/audience member drawn to the
character in some non-cognitive way?
3Does the audience member treat the personae as
realistic in some way?
- This does not require that the audience member
perceive the persona to exist as a real person
when the show ends. The persona must be capable
of acting as an appropriate character within the
constraints of the program-world and the
program-world must be accepted in the sense of
suspension of disbelief. - Robot
4What impression does the audience member have of
the characters personality?
- Viewer/listeners/audience members evaluate the
morality of characters, etc. through their words
and deeds and, sometimes, their thoughts as
revealed by the author/director, etc. - Attribution
- Audience members tend to affiliate with those
they admire, but there are exceptions - Large numbers of viewers liked J.R. Ewing the
best among characters on Dallas - Viewer evaluations vary along a wide contiuum,
from adoraction (fan clubs) to disgust (chearing
at the dismemberment of villains, etc.)
5What position does the audience member take in
relation to the text and/or the character?
- Does the audience member maintain the position of
external spectator, aware of the fictitious
nature of the presentation? - Does the audience member take a perspective from
inside the portrayed world? - Character within the story
- Internal spectator
- Does the audience come to inhabit the body of a
character, living within the on-screen (or
in-story, or on-radio) persona?
6Does the viewer/audience member react to the
character in some non-cognitive way?
- The evidence seems to indicate that an audience
member may be attracted to, repulsed by,
terrified of, or in some other non-thinking way,
affected by the persona portrayed.
7What is identification?
- Identification is where the audience member takes
on the role of the persona - vicarious experience of things that we could
not otherwise have any access to Cohen, 2002 - Audience members may try on others identities,
etc. - Seen as both natural and troubling in teenagers
- Thought to be especially common in online
8- Identification is fleeting and varies in
intensity (Wilson, 1993), a sensation felt
intermittently during exposure to a media
message. While identifying with a character, an
audience member imagines him- or herself being
that character and replaces his or her personal
identity and role as audience member with the
identity and role of the character within the
text. While strongly identifying, the audience
member ceases to be aware of his or her social
role as an audience member and temporarily (but
usually repeatedly) adopts the perspective of the
character with whom he or she identifies. - Cohen, 2006
9- An important basis for identification is when the
audience member understands and then adopts the
goals of a character. The audience member then
reacts to the attempt to reach those goals within
the environment of the story, etc. - Cohen, 2006
10- Directors and writers create characters with whom
audiences are meant to interact to enjoy books,
films, or television programs. Unlike
identification with parents, leaders, or nations,
identification with media characters is a result
of a carefully constructed situation. Thus, media
studies of identification must account for the
production of identification targets as well as
the identification of audiences with them.
Finally, it is important to note that
identification is a response to communication by
others that is marked by internalizing a point of
view rather than a process of projecting ones
own identity onto someone or something else.
11- The process of identification may begin because
of a production feature that brings the audience
member to adopt a characters perspective
(Wilson, 1993), an audience members fondness for
a specific character (Cohen, 1999), or a
realization that a similarity exists between the
audience member and a character (Maccoby
Wilson, 1957). These lead to a psychologicalmergin
g(Oatley, 1999) or attachment, inwhichthe
audiencemember comes to internalize the
characters goals within the narrative. The
audience member then empathizes with the
character and adopts the characters identity. As
the narrative progresses, the audience member
simulates the feelings and thoughts appropriate
for the events that occur. Identification may be
ended or interrupted whenthe audience member is
made aware of him- or herself through an external
stimuli (e.g., the phone rings), a textual
stimuli (e.g., a change of camera angle or a
direct reference to the reader), or the end of
the story. Outcomes of identification may include
increased liking or imitation but can also
include negative feelings. Identifying with
extremely negative characters who are evil or
very violent may evoke some understanding or even
sympathy for them during reading or viewing but
strongly identifying with such a character is
likely to cause dissonance, guilt, or even fear.
12(No Transcript)
13Four dimensions of identification
- The first is empathy or sharing the feelings of
the character (i.e., being happy sad or scared,
not for the character, but with the character). - The second is a cognitive aspect that is manifest
in sharing the perspective of the character.
Operationally this can be measured by the degree
to which an audience member feels he or she
understands the character and the motivations for
his or her behavior. - The third indicator of identification is
motivational, and this addresses the degree to
which the audience member internalizes and shares
the goals of the character. - Finally, the fourth component of identification
is absorption or the degree to which
self-awareness is lost during exposure to the
text. - Cohen, 2002
14Influence of medium
- Literatureinvites identification with
hero/protagonist and, to a lesser extent,
narrator - Filmencourages spectator role, but may foster
identification with protagonist or
cameranarrator - Televisiontoo uninvolving to lead to
identification at all - Domestic, chaotic viewing situation
15Identification and fictional involvement
- Identifying with a character
- provides a point of view on the plot
- leads to an understanding of character motives
- brings about an investment in the outcome of
events - generates a sense of intimacy and emotional
connection with a character - Source Cohen, 2006
16Encouraging identification
- Writing, acting, and directing must be of
sufficient quality - partly achieved by offering an illusion of
reality - relevance and resonance of issues and events
17Antecedents to identification
- Similarity and homophily
- Children
- Identify with role modelswho they would like to
be more than who they are like - Especially children over 8
- Attitude homophily positively related to
identification - Identified with child characters (similar to
themselves) - Exception girls often identified with male
characters - Identified with animals
- Teens
- Often chose opposite-sex characters based on
romantic or sexual attraction - Favored young adult rather than teen characters
18- Working-class women identified with upper class
women on Dynasty more than did middle class women - 1/5 of German men chose female favorite TV person
compared to 1/3 German women choosing male - Aggressive children repored higher homophily and
identification with aggressive characters
19- it seems that whereas similarity in attitudes
predicts character choice, simple demographic
similarity is not a good predictor. People often
identify with characters that represent what they
wish to be or to whom they are attracted, rather
than what they are. It also seems that
psychological similarity is more important than
demographic similarity in shaping
identification. - Source Cohen, 2006
20Traits of characters that encourage identification
- Men Boys and girls like them for their
intelligence, girls like them for sense of humor - Women Boys and girls judged them based on their
looks - Heroes identified with more often than villains
- Exception many preferred J.R. Ewing
- In general, strength, humor and physical
attractiveness are preferred - Much like in real life
- In general, much left to be determined in why
people are attracted to characters
21Authorial devices
- Protagonist point of view
- Voice-over narration of thoughts
- Direct address to audience
22Viewer characteristics
- Findings on gender ambiguous
- Women higher in parasocial interaction
- Findings concerning age are ambiguous
- Young, teens and older adults appear to have
stronger parasocial relationships - Does not appear to be related to poor
interpersonal relations - Some indication that those anxiously attached
individuals who desire strong relationships but
have trouble developing secure and stable
relationships have the strongest parasocial
relationships - source Cohen, 2006
23Identification and effects
- mostbut not allstudies point to identification
as playing an important role in media effects and
suggest several reasons why identification
intensifies the effects of media - Cohen, 2006
24Identification effects
- Increase enjoyment of fiction
- Persuasion
- Memorability
- Modeling and imitation
- Learning
- Reduced critical stance
25- In sum, identification is an active
psychological state, but neither stable nor
exclusive. It is one of many ways we respond to
characters, and one of many positions from which
we experience entertainment. The development and
strength of identification depend on multiple
factors the nature of the character, the viewer,
and the text (directing, writing, and acting).
Finally, identification is part of a a larger set
of responses to entertainment, ways in which we
become engrossed and delighted by the fortunes
and misfortunes of others. - Source Cohen, 2006
26Parasocial interaction
- Horton and Wohl used the term in 195
27Parasocial interaction
- Developing a relationship with a media persona
that exhibits some of the characteristics of
interpersonal relationships - Liking, dislike
- Talking to the character/yelling at the character
- Feeling as though the character is addressing her
individually - Seeing the persona as a friend
- Caring about the persona
- Missing the persona when skipping an episode, etc.
- Cohen, J. (2006). Audience identification with
media characters. In J. Bryant P. Vorderer
(Eds.), Psychology of entertainment (pp.
183-197). Mahwah, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum. - Horton, D., Wohl, R. R. (1956). Mass
communication and para-social interaction
Observations on intimacy at a distance.
Psychiatry, 19, 215-229. - Klimmt, C., Hartmann, T., Schramm, H. (2006).
Parasocial interactions and relationships. In J.
Bryant P. Vorderer (Eds.), Psychology of
entertainment (pp. 291-313). Mahwah, NJ Lawrence