Title: Chapter 2C Warning Signs
1Chapter 2C -Warning Signs
Millennium EditionSummary of Changes
2Visibility Color Warning Signs
- 1988 MUTCD
- Statement of all signs being either
retroreflective or illuminated is repeated in the
Chapter. - Colors for warning signs are repeated in the
- 2000 MUTCD
- Referenced in Section 2A.8.
- Referenced in Table 2A.5.
3Sizes of Warning Signs
- 1988 MUTCD
- The Chapter includes a discussion regarding the
design of warning signs.
- 2000 MUTCD
- Include a general Table 2C.2 to show the various
warning sign sizes.
4Order of Warning Signs Discussion
- 1988 MUTCD
- Discussion of warning signs in the order of sign
reference numbers.
- 2000 MUTCD
- Reorder the discussion of warning signs so that
the sections are discussed by category type and
grouped by application. - New Table 2C.1
5Increase Minimum Size of Signs
Table 2C.2
6Increase Minimum Size of Signs (cont.)
Table 2C.2
7Explanation of Sign Sizes
- 1988 MUTCD
- Not in MUTCD and only discussed in the Standard
Highway Signs Book.
- 2000 MUTCD
- Explains when Standard, Minimum, and
Expressway/Freeway size signs are used. - Table 2C-2 relates the warning sign sizes to
roadway classification.
Section 2C.4, par. 2
8Horizontal Alignment Signs
- 1988 MUTCD
- Discussions on horizontal alignment signs (W1-1
thru W1-5) were in separate sections.
- 2000 MUTCD
- Discussion on horizontal alignment signs would be
combined. - Add new Table 2C-4, Horizontal Alignment Sign
Section 2C.6
9CombinationHorizontal Alignment/Advisory Speed
- 2000 MUTCD
- Add a new discussion and new sign for Combination
Horizontal Alignment/Advisory Speeds.
Section 2C.7
10Combined Intersection Warning Signs
- 2000 MUTCD
- New sign and new section which allows the Turn
Curve signs to be combined with the Cross Road
Side Road signs.
Section 2C.8, par. 1
11Chevron Alignment Sign
- 2000 MUTCD
- Option to install this sign on the far side of a
horizontal alignment intersection.
12Placement of No Parking Signs
- Guidance that No Parking signs should be placed
near the entrance to truck escape ramps.
Section 2C.12, par. 1
13Truck Ramp Signs
- 1988 MUTCD
- Use of the term runaway truck ramp.
- Not in MUTCD.
- 2000 MUTCD
- Option of using the term truck escape ramp.
- New word message sign (W7-4c)
Section 2C.12
14Truck Escape Turnouts
- 1988 MUTCD
- Section 2C-26, par. 6 discusses truck escape
turnouts at hill crest the optional use of
diagrammatic signs for these situations.
- 2000 MUTCD
- To delete this discussion from the text in
Section 2C.12.
15Advisory Speed Plaque
- 1988 MUTCD
- OPTION not in MUTCD.
- 2000 MUTCD
- Add an OPTION of using the Advisory Speed (W13-1)
plaque with the ROAD NARROWS sign.
Section 2C.13
16Low Clearance Sign
- The use of the Low Clearance Sign to warn road
users of overhead clearances less than the
statutory maximum vehicle height is a STANDARD.
Section 2C.20
17Speed Hump Sign
- 1988 MUTCD
- Not in the 1988 MUTCD
- 2000 MUTCD
- A new section and word message sign added.
18Pavement Ends Sign
- 1988 MUTCD
- The Advisory Speed plaque is not discussed in
conjunction with the Pavement Ends sign. - Permitted use of the Pavement Ends symbol sign
- 2000 MUTCD
- The Advisory Speed plaque may be used to
supplement the Pavement Ends word message sign
when road conditions require change in speed. - Delete the use of the Pavement Ends symbol sign
Section 2C.23
19Shoulder Signs
- 1988 MUTCD
- No discussion in the MUTCD for the Low Shoulder
sign (W8-9). Some confusion between the above
sign and the Shoulder Drop-off sign (W8-9a).
- 2000 MUTCD
- Include text explaining the SOFT SHOULDER, LOW
SHOULDER, SHOULDER DROP-OFF signs. - Use only word messages for these signs
Section 2C.24
20Advance Traffic Control Signs
- 1988 MUTCD
- In 1988 MUTCD, Sections 2C-15, 2C-16, 2C-17 are
discussed separately.
- 2000 MUTCD
- Combines Stop Ahead Yield Ahead Signal Ahead
sections into one section entitled, Advance
Traffic Control Signs. -
Section 2C.26
21Advance Traffic Control Signs
- 1988 MUTCD
- Not in 1988 MUTCD
- 2000 MUTCD
- BE PREPARED TO STOP word message sign added to
Chapter 2C. -
Section 2C.26
22Advance Traffic Control Signs
- 1988 MUTCD
- Not in 1988 MUTCD
- 2000 MUTCD
- Option to install a supplemental Street Name
plaque above or below any Advance Traffic Control
sign. -
Section 2C.26
23Cross Traffic Does Not Stop
- 2000 MUTCD
- Include an OPTION to install a new CROSS TRAFFIC
DOES NOT STOP sign (W4-4P).
Section 2C.27
24Exit Speed Ramp Speed
- 2000 MUTCD
- Includes GUIDANCE to clarify between when the
Exit Speed (W13-2) signs the Ramp Speed
(W13-3) signs should be used.
Section 2C.33
25New Curve Speed Sign
- 2000 MUTCD
- The Curve Speed sign may be used to provide the
advisory speed on roads and highways at the
beginning of horizontal alignment changes.
Section 2C.33
26Intersection Signs
- 1988 MUTCD
- Section 2C-11thru 2C-14 are discussed separately
in the 1988 MUTCD. - Not in MUTCD.
- 2000 MUTCD
- To combine the discussion in Sections 2C-11 thru
2C-14 into one section entitled, Intersection
Signs. - Include a new Advance Street Name plaque to be
used with Intersection Signs.
Section 2C.34
27Circular Intersection Sign
- 2000 MUTCD
- Include a new Circular Intersection (W2-6) sign.
Section 2C.34
28Motorized Traffic Signs
- 2000 MUTCD
- A new Section 2C.36 entitled, Motorized Traffic
Supplemental Plaque W11-12
29Crossing Signs
- 2000 MUTCD
- Deletion of crosswalk lines on the Crossing Sign.
Advance Crossing
Crosswalk Sign (with lines)
Section 2C.37
30Fluorescent Yellow Green
- The FHWA has included a change adopted in a final
rule 6/19/98. This change allows the OPTIONAL
use of the color fluorescent yellow green for
pedestrian, bicycle, and school advance crossing
and crossing signs.
Section 2C.36, pars. 6 7
31Supplemental Warning Plaques
- 2000 MUTCD
- Add a new discussion on the use of supplemental
warning plaques.
Section 2C.39
32Supplemental Warning Plaques (cont.)
- Share the Road Sign (W16-1)
- Distance Plaques (W16-2 thru W16-4 w7-3a)
- Supplemental Arrow (W16-5 thru W16-7)
- Advisory Speed Plaque (W13-1)
33Supplemental Warning Plaques (cont.)
- Hill Grade-Related Plaques (W7-2 W7-3 series)
- Advance Street Name Plaque (W16-9)
- Dead End, No Outlet Plaques (W14-1, W14-2)