Title: Gypsum Board for Ceiling and Wall
1- info_at_zmartbuild.com
- Tel. 6681-848-0870
- Mon-Fri 900-1800
2What is ZMARTBUILD ?They are the leading Gypsum
Board, Plaster Board, Fiber Cement Board, Thermal
and Acoustic Insulation Manufacturer from
Thailand. It also provide a full range of
extensive solutions like Wall Ceiling , Roofing
, Insulation, Floor, Plastering and other
building materials delivered by well trained
installers which will address and solve the major
pain points facing construction markets like
speed, quality, and application
3ZMARTBUILD is promoted by SCG , a leading
manufacturing conglomerate in Thailand and South
East Asia..
4(No Transcript)
5Products they offer..
- Gypsum
- Insulation
- Sealant
- Plaster
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