Title: What are the reasons you or others
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4What are the reasons you (or others) dont
5- What are the reasons you (or others)
- dont pray?
- Too busy
6- What are the reasons you (or others)
- dont pray?
- Too busy
- Unanswered prayer
7Psalm 86 Hear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am
poor and needy. Guard my life, for I am devoted
to you. You are my God save your servant who
trusts in you. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I
call to you all day long. Bring joy to your
servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
You are forgiving
8 and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who
call to you. Hear my prayer, O Lord listen to my
cry for mercy. In the day of my trouble I will
call to you, for you will answer me. Among the
gods there is none like you, O Lord no deeds can
compare with yours. All the nations you have made
will come and worship before you, O Lord
9 they will bring glory to your name. For you are
great and do marvelous deeds you alone are God.
Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in
your truth give me an undivided heart, that I
may fear your name. I will praise you, O Lord my
God, with all my heart I will glorify your name
forever. For great is your love toward me
10 you have delivered me from the depths of the
grave. The arrogant are attacking me, O God a
band of ruthless men seeks my life men without
regard for you. But you, O Lord, are a
compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger,
abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to me
and have mercy on me grant your strength to your
11 and save the son of your maidservant. Give me a
sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it
and be put to shame, for you, O Lord, have helped
me and comforted me.
121. Why We Dont Pray
131. Why We Dont Pray We dont feel the need
141. Why We Dont Pray We dont feel the need
enough. We dont trust God enough.
151. Why We Dont Pray We dont feel the need
enough. We dont trust God enough. We dont feel
worthy enough.
161. Why We Dont Pray We dont feel the need
enough. We dont trust God enough. We dont feel
worthy enough. We dont know enough.
171. Why We Dont Pray We dont feel the need
enough. We dont trust God enough. We dont feel
worthy enough. We dont know enough about
prayer or about God.
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241. Why We Dont Pray We dont feel the need
enough. We dont trust God enough. We dont feel
worthy enough. We dont know enough about
prayer or about God.
251. Why We Dont Pray We dont feel the need
enough. We dont trust God enough. We dont feel
worthy enough. We dont know enough. 2. Why We
Should Pray
261. Why We Dont Pray We dont feel the need
enough. We dont trust God enough. We dont feel
worthy enough. We dont know enough. 2. Why We
Should Pray Because GOD is enough!
272. Why We Should Pray Because of Gods Mercy
282. Why We Should Pray Because of Gods
Mercy Gods Forgiveness
292. Why We Should Pray Because of Gods
Mercy Gods Forgiveness
Gods Goodness
302. Why We Should Pray Because of Gods
Mercy Gods Forgiveness
Gods Goodness Gods Covenant Love
312. Why We Should Pray Because of Gods
Mercy Gods Forgiveness Gods Goodness
Gods Covenant Love Gods Uniqueness
322. Why We Should Pray Because of Gods
Mercy Gods Greatness Gods Forgiveness
Gods Goodness Gods Covenant
Love Gods Uniqueness
332. Why We Should Pray Because of Gods
Mercy Gods Greatness Gods Forgiveness
Gods Compassion Gods Goodness
Gods Covenant Love Gods Uniqueness
342. Why We Should Pray Because of Gods
Mercy Gods Greatness Gods Forgiveness
Gods Compassion Gods Goodness Gods
Grace Gods Covenant Love Gods
352. Why We Should Pray Because of Gods
Mercy Gods Greatness Gods Forgiveness
Gods Compassion Gods Goodness Gods
Grace Gods Covenant Love Gods Patience
Gods Uniqueness
362. Why We Should Pray Because of Gods
Mercy Gods Greatness Gods Forgiveness
Gods Compassion Gods Goodness Gods
Grace Gods Covenant Love Gods Patience
Gods Uniqueness Gods Faithfulness
372. Why We Should Pray Because of Gods
Mercy Gods Greatness Gods Forgiveness
Gods Compassion Gods Goodness Gods
Grace Gods Covenant Love Gods Patience
Gods Uniqueness Gods Faithfulness
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391. Why We Dont Pray 2. Why We Should Pray 3. How
to Pray
403. How to Pray We pray with humility because
of our need.
413. How to Pray We pray with humility because
of our need. God opposes the proud but gives
grace to the humble. James 46
423. How to Pray We pray with humility because
of our need. Lord, I need You.
433. How to Pray We pray with humility because
of our need. faith because of who God is.
443. How to Pray We pray with humility because
of our need. faith because of who God
is. Without faith it is impossible to please
God, because anyone who comes to him must
believe that he exists and that he rewards those
who earnestly seek him. -Hebrews 116
45 Gods Mercy Gods Greatness Gods
Forgiveness Gods Compassion Gods
Goodness Gods Grace Gods Covenant Love
Gods Patience Gods Uniqueness Gods
463. How to Pray We pray with humility because
of our need. faith because of who God
is. Lord, I trust in You.
473. How to Pray We pray with humility because
of our need. faith because of who God is.
Let us then approach the throne of grace
with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and
find grace to help us in our time of need.
-Hebrews 416
483. How to Pray We pray with humility because
of our need. faith because of who God is.
confidence because of what God has done.
493. How to Pray We pray with humility because
of our need. faith because of who God is.
confidence because of what God has
done. Lord, I come to You in the name of
503. How to Pray We pray with humility because
of our need. faith because of who God
is. confidence because of what God has
done. Teach me your way, O Lord v. 11
513. How to Pray We pray with humility because
of our need. faith because of who God
is. confidence because of what God has
done. hope because we want to know God.
523. How to Pray We pray with humility because
of our need. faith because of who God
is. confidence because of what God has
done. hope because we want to know God. Lord,
I want to know You.
53 54- Write out your prayers.
- Try praying the Psalms. Use NLT or Message
55- Write out your prayers.
- Try praying the Psalms. Use NLT or Message.
- Sign up for the prayer vigil.
56- Write out your prayers.
- Try praying the Psalms. Use NLT or Message.
- Sign up for the prayer vigil.
- Ask God to grow you in prayer.
57- Write out your prayers.
- Try praying the Psalms. Use NLT or Message.
- Sign up for the prayer vigil.
- Ask God to grow you in prayer.
- Lord, I want to know You.
58 The primary purpose of prayer
59 The primary purpose of prayer is learning to
know God and His ways.
60 11 Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk
in your truth give me an undivided heart, that I
may fear your name. 12 I will praise you, O Lord
my God, with all my heart I will glorify your
name forever. -Psalm 8611-12