Title: The Early Renaissance
1The Early Renaissance
- Italian city states competed for dominance
- Signori autocratic rulers
- Condottieri soldiers for hire
- Emergence of diplomacy a peaceful alternative
to arms - Courts of the grandi centers for exchanging
2The High Renaissance
- Early 1500s newly unified and stabilized
nations of France, England and Spain - These new states were strong united around
rulers who exercised increasing central control - Kings ruled by divine right, but included
practical policies
3Economic Expansion
- Center of commerce shifted from Mediterranean to
Atlantic coast - Innovative manufacturing methods
- Population shift
- Sailing expeditions and discoveries
4Florence became thecenter of the Renaissance
The Medici Family
- Humanism
- Based on the study of classical culture
- Focus on worldly subjects rather than religious
issues - Education should stimulate the individuals
creative powers liberate the mind - Studia Humanitas
- Moral Philosophy
- History
- Grammar
- Rhetoric
- Poetry
- Based on ancient texts
- Textual Criticism
- Civic humanists
- Educational reforms
- Vittorino da Feltre
- Exercise body and mind
- People from all classes enrolled
7A Golden Age in the Arts
- Painting
- Realism
- Perspective
- Architecture
- Rejected Gothic as cluttered and disorderly
- Favored columns, arches and domes as used by
Greeks and Romans
10Renaissance Architects..
- Revived the Classical Orders
- Doric
- Ionic
- Corinthian
Alberti believed that architecture should embody
the humanistic qualities of dignity, balance,
control and harmony, and that a buildings
ultimate beauty rested on the mathematical
harmony of its separate parts.
11Thought and Philosophy
- More tolerance toward unorthodox beliefs
- Focus on role of the individual in society
- More optimistic assessment of human nature
- Emphasis on Greek texts,
- particularly Plato
12Marsilio Ficino
- Humanist
- Translated Platos works into Latin
- Harmonized Platonic ideas with Christian
teachings - Belief that soul is immortal and would be with
God in an afterlife - Free will became the source of human dignity
- Love is the divine gift that binds all together
13The Reformation
- The Church had become increasingly caught up in
worldly affairs - Popes competed with princes for political power
- Fought wars to protect the papal states from
invasion - Popes maintained a lavish lifestyle
14Patron of the arts
- Spent vast sums on painters, sculptors
- To finance increased fees for marriages,
baptisms - Sale of indulgences
- Indulgence a pardon for sins committed during a
persons lifetime
15Martin Luther
German monk and professor of theology
Grew increasingly disillusioned with what he saw
as the corruption and worldliness of the Church
The last strawindulgence salesman Luther
believed people should seek true repentance
instead of paying their way into heaven
16- Luther drew up his 95 Theses
- A list of arguments against indulgences
- Posted on the door of All Saints Church,
Wittenburg - Printed and distributed across Europe
- Stirred a furious debate
- Church tried to persuade Luther to recant
- Instead he developed more radical doctrines
- Urged Christians to reject the tyranny of Rome
- Church must be reformed by secular authorities if
it will not reform itself
17Picture of the doorway where Luther posted his 95
Theses. The original door was replaced after the
church burned.
18Luthers Teachings
- Salvation achieved through faith alone
- Good deeds not necessary for salvation
- Bible is sole source of religious truth
- Denied other traditional authorities
- Priesthood of all believers
- Translated Bible into German vernacular
- Called for modification of Catholic Church
19So why did folks jumpon the band wagon?
- Reforms are an answer to corrupt Catholic Church
- Lose the church AND the Holy Roman Emperor
- Grab the land
- National loyalty no more German money for
Italian churches - Better peasant life
20John Calvin
- Salvation gained through faith alone
- Bible only source of religious truth
- God all powerful humans sinful by nature
- God decides who achieves eternal life
- Predestination
- Geneva theocracy
- Hard work, discipline, thrift, honesty, morality
21King Henry VIII
22King Henry VIII
- Stood against Lutheran movement
- Until he couldnt get the annulment he wanted
- Control of English church passes from Pope to
Henry - Seized church lands
- Gave the profits to key aristocrats gaining their
23Catholic Reformation
- Pope Paul III
- Revive moral authority / eliminate corruption
- Council of Trent re-affirms Catholic dogma
- Salvation faith AND good works
- Bible not only source of religious truth
- New schools
- Ignatius of Loyola - Jesuits
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