Combinatorial Auctions: A Survey - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Combinatorial Auctions: A Survey


Duality in Integer Programming(1) Decentralized approach. Auctioneer chooses a feasible solution. ... Duality in Integer Programming(4) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Combinatorial Auctions: A Survey

Combinatorial Auctions A Survey
  • Sven de Vries Rakesh Vohra (2000)

  1. Introduction
  2. CAP
  3. Decentralized Methods

  • Complimentarities between different assets
  • Bidders have preferences not just for particular
    items but for sets of bundels of items
  • Traveling to LA
  • (restaurants and hotels for the intermediate
    cities, car)
  • or (airline ticket, taxi)
  • Auctions where bidders submit bids on
    combinations recently been aroused
  • Jackson(1976),Caplice(1996),Rothkopf(1998),Fujishi
  • Increases in computing power

  • Tools
  • OptiBid by
  • Combinatorial Auction Problem (CAP)
  • Selecting the winning set of bids.
  • Can be formulated as an Integer Program

  1. Introduction
  2. CAP
  3. Decentralized Methods

  1. CAP
  2. SPP
  3. Solvable Instances of SPP
  4. Exact Methods
  5. Approximate Methods

CAP (Combinatorial Auction Problem) -Selecting
the winning set of bids-
  • Each bidder must submit a bid for every subset
    of objects he is interested in
  • How to transmit this bidding function in a
    succinct way to the auctioneer
  • To restrict the kinds of combinations that
    bidders may bid on
  • How to decide which collection of bids to accept

- Solving CAP
CAP (Combinatorial Auction Problem) -Selecting
the winning set of bids-
  • Each bidder must submit a bid for every subset
    of objects he is interested in
  • How to transmit this bidding function in a
    succinct way to the auctioneer
  • To restrict the kinds of combinations that
    bidders may bid on
  • How to decide which collection of bids to accept

- Solving CAP
  • Notations
  • N the set of bidders
  • M the set of m distinct objects
  • S subset of M
  • bj(S) the bid that agent j in N has announced
    he is willing to pay for S

  • CAP formula

  • CAP formula
  • x(S) 1 the highest bid on the set S is to be
  • 0 no bid on the set S are accepted

  • CAP formula
  • no object in M is
    assigned to
  • more than one

  • CAP formula
  • Call this formulation CAP1

  • Superadditive
  • for
    all j?N and A,B?M
  • such that
  • CAP1 correctly models CAP when the bid functions
    bj are all superadditive
  • The goods complement each other.
  • When goods are substitutes, CAP1 is incorrect.
  • Why ?
  • Superadditive formula doesnt hold for some
  • An optimal solution to CAP1 may assign A,B to
    bidder j and incorrectly record a revenue of
    bj(A)bj(B) rather than

  • How to obviate this difficulty ?
  • Through the introduction of dummy good g
  • bj(A) gt bj(A?g)
  • bj(B) gt bj(B?g)
  • bj(A?B) remains the same
  • M gt M?g
  • If A is assigned to j, then B cannot be assigned
    to j.
  • Through the formula CAP2

  • CAP2 formulation
  • CAP1 formulation

  • CAP2 formulation

No bidder receives more than one subset
  • CAP2 formulation

Overlapping sets of goods are never assigned
  • Assumption of CAP1,CAP2
  • There is at most one copy of each object.
  • Extending the formulation
  • The case when there are multiple copies of the
    same object and each bidder wants at most one
    copy of each object
  • The right hand sides of the contraints in CAP1,
    CAP2 take on values larger than 1.
  • The case when there are multiple copies and the
    bidder may want more than one copy of the same
  • Multi-unit combinatorial auctions (Leyton-Brown

  1. CAP
  2. SPP
  3. Solvable Instances of SPP
  4. Exact Methods
  5. Approximate Methods

  • Set Packing Problem
  • Given a ground set M of elements and a collection
    V of subsets with non-negative weights, find the
    largest weight collection of subsets that are
    pairwise disjoint.

  • Set Packing Problem
  • Given a ground set M of elements and a collection
    V of subsets with non-negative weights, find the
    largest weight collection of subsets that are
    pairwise disjoint.
  • Notation
  • x(j) 1 if the j-th set in V with weight c(j) is
  • 0 otherwise
  • a(i,j) 1 if the j-th set in V contains element
  • 0 otherwise

  • Notation
  • x(j) 1 if the j-th set in V with weight c(j) is
  • 0 otherwise
  • a(i,j) 1 if the j-th set in V contains element
  • 0 otherwise
  • SPP Formulation

  • Notation
  • x(j) 1 if the j-th set in V with weight c(j) is
  • 0 otherwise
  • a(i,j) 1 if the j-th set in V contains element
  • 0 otherwise
  • SPP Formulation
  • CAP Formulation

  • Notation
  • x(j) 1 if the j-th set in V with weight c(j) is
  • 0 otherwise
  • a(i,j) 1 if the j-th set in V contains element
  • 0 otherwise
  • SPP Formulation
  • CAP Formulation

Other related Prolems
Set Partitioning Problem (SPA)
Set Covering Problem (SCP)
Set Partitioning Problem (SPA)
  • Bidders are sellers (rather than buyers).
  • Trucking companies bidding for the opportunity
    to ship goods from a particular warehouse to
    retail outlet.

Set Covering Problem (SCP)
  • Auction problems in procurement rather than
    selling terms.
  • Scheduling of crews for railways.

Complexity of SPP
  • No polynomial time algorithm for SPP is known.
  • Any algorithm for the CAP that uses directly the
    bids for the sets, must scan the bids and the
    number of such bids could be exponential in M.
  • M the number of variables
  • gt V the number of solutions to check 2M
  • SPP NP-hard (NP-complete)
  • Effective solution procedures for CAP
  • The number of distinct bids is not large
  • Be structured in computationally useful ways.

  1. CAP
  2. SPP
  3. Solvable Instances of SPP
  4. Exact Methods
  5. Approximate Methods

Solvable Instances of SPP
  1. Total Unimodularity
  2. Balanced Matrices
  3. Perfect Matrices
  4. Graph Theoretic Methods
  5. Using Preferences

Solvable Instances of SPP
  • Usual way in which instances SPP can be solved by
    a polynomial algorithm
  • When the extreme points of the polyhedron
  • are all integral, i.e. 0-1.
  • In these cases, we can simply drop the
    integrality requirement from the SPP and solve it
    as a linear program
  • A polyhedron with all integral extreme points is
    called integral.

Total Unimodularity(TU) (1)
  • A matrix is TU if the determinant of every square
    submatrix is 0,1 or 1.
  • A TU ? At TU
  • If Aa(i,j)i?M,j?V is TU, then all extreme
    point of the polyhedron P(A) are integral.
  • There is a polynomial time algorithm to decide
    whether a matrix is TU.

Total Unimodularity(TU) (2)
  • Theorem 2.1) Let B be a matrix each of whose
    entries is 0,1 or -1. Suppose each subset S of
    columns of B can be divided into two sets L and R
    such that
  • then B is TU. The converse is also true.
  • Theorem 2.2) All 0-1 matrices with the
    consecutive ones property are TU.
  • A 0-1 matrix has the consecutive ones property if
    the non-zero entries in each column occur

Total Unimodularity(TU) (3)
  • For example,
  • Objects to be auctioned parcels of land along a
    shore line
  • Shore line is important it imposes a linear
    order on the parcels
  • Make a restriction to bid only contiguous parcels
  • The most interesting combinations would be
    contiguous, in the bidders eyes.
  • Two computational consequences.
  • Number of distinct bids would be limited by a
    polynomial in the number of objects.
  • The constraint matrix A of the CAP would have the
    consecutive ones property in the columns.

Balanced Matrices(1)
  • A 0-1 matrix B is balanced if it has no square
    submatrix of odd order with exactly two 1s in
    each row and column.
  • Theorem 2.3) Let B be a balanced 0-1 matrix. Then
    the following linear program
  • has an integral optimal solution whenever the
    c(j)s are integral.

Balanced Matrices(2)
  • For example,
  • Consider a tree T with a distance function d.
  • v vertex of T
  • N(v,r) set of all vertices in T that are within
    distance r of v.
  • The vertices represent parcels of land connected
    by a read network with no cycles.
  • Bidders bid for subsets of parcels which is to be
    of the form N(v,r).
  • Row of the constraint matrix for each vertex
  • Column for each set of the form N(v,r)
  • This constraint matrix is balanced.

Perfect Matrices
  • If the contraints matrix A can be identified with
    the vertex-clique adjacency matrix of what is
    known as a perfect graph, then SPP can be solved
    in polynomial time.
  • A simple graph G is perfect if, for every induced
    subgraph H of G, the number of vertices in a
    maximum clique is
  • , the chromatic number of H, is the
    minumum k for which H is k-colorable.

Graph Theoretic Methods
  • There are situations where P(A) is not integral
    yet the SPP can be solved in polynomial time
    because the contraint matrix A admits a graph
    theoretic interpretation in terms of an easy
  • When each column of the matrix A contains at most
    two 1s. gt maximum weight matching problem
  • (can be solved in polynomial time)
  • At most two 1s per row of A gt NP-hard
  • When A has the circular ones property.
  • A 0-1 has the circular ones property if the
    non-zero entries in each column (row) are
  • First and last entries in each column (row) are
    treated consecutive
  • Note the resemblance to the consecutive ones

Graph Theoretic Methods
  • There are situations where P(A) is not integral
    yet the SPP can be solved in polynomial time
    because the contraint matrix A admits a graph
    theoretic interpretation in terms of an easy
  • When each column of the matrix A contains at most
    two 1s. gt maximum weight matching problem
  • (can be solved in polynomial time)
  • At most two 1s per row of A gt NP-hard
  • When A has the circular ones property.
  • gt A can be identified with the vertex-clique
    adjacency matrix of a circular arc graph.
  • gt maximum weight independent set problem for a
    circular arc graph. (can be solved in poly time)

Using Preferences(1)
  • Restrictions in the preference orderings of the
  • Suppose that bidders come in two types
  • Type one bj(.) g1(.)
  • Type two bj(.) g2(.)
  • where g1 and g2 are non-decreasing integer
    valued supermodular functions
  • The dual of CAP2 is

Using Preferences(1)
  • Restrictions in the preference orderings of the
  • Suppose that bidders come in two types
  • Type one bj(.) g1(.)
  • Type two bj(.) g2(.)
  • where g1 and g2 are non-decreasing integer
    valued supermodular functions
  • The dual of CAP2 is

This Problem is an instance of the polymatroid
intersection problem. (polynomially solvable)
Using Preferences(1)
  • Restrictions in the preference orderings of the
  • Suppose that bidders come in two types
  • Type one bj(.) g1(.)
  • Type two bj(.) g2(.)
  • where g1 and g2 are non-decreasing integer
    valued supermodular functions
  • Using the method to solve problems with three or
    more types of bidders is not possible.
  • It is known in those cases that the dual problem
    above admits fractional extreme points.
  • The problem of finding an in integer optimal
    solution for the intersection of three or more
    polymatroids is NP-hard.

Using Preferences(2)
  • Restrictions in the preference orderings of the
  • When each of the bj(.) have the gross substitutes
    property, CAP2 reduces to a sequence of matroid
    partition problems, each of which can be solved
    in polynomial time.

  1. CAP
  2. SPP
  3. Solvable Instances of SPP
  4. Exact Methods
  5. Approximate Methods

Exact Methods(1)
  • The upper bound on the optimal solution value is
    obtained by solving a relaxation of the
    optimization problem.
  • Replace the given problem by one with a larger
    feasible region that is more easily solved.
  • Lagrangean relaxation
  • Will be discussed later
  • Linear programming relaxation
  • Only the integrality constraints are relaxed

Exact Methods(2)
  • Exact methods
  • Branch and bound
  • Cutting planes
  • Hybrid called branch and cut

Exact Methods(2)
  • Exact methods
  • Branch and bound
  • At each stage, after solving the LP, a fractional
    variable xj is selected and two subproblems are
    set up, one where xj1 and the other where xj0.
  • Solve the LP relaxation of the two subproblems.
  • From each subproblem with a nonintegral solution
    we branch again to generate two subproblems and
    so on.
  • By comparing the LP bound across nodes in
    different branches of the tree, one can prune
    some branches in advance. (Bound)
  • Cutting planes
  • Hybrid called branch and cut

Exact Methods(3)
  • Exact methods
  • Branch and bound
  • Cutting planes
  • Find linear inequalities (cuts) that are violated
    by a solution of a given relaxation but are
    satisfied by all feasible zero-one solution.
  • If one adds enough cuts, one is left with
    integral extreme points.
  • Hybrid called branch and cut

Exact Methods(4)
  • Exact methods
  • Branch and bound
  • Cutting planes
  • Hybrid called branch and cut
  • Works like branch and bound, but tightens the
    bounds in every node of the tree by adding cuts.
  • Since even small instances of the CAP1 may
    involve a huge number of columns (bids), this
    method needs to be augmented with another method
    known as column generation.
  • (It works by generating a column when needed
    rather than all at once.)

Exact Methods(5)
  • How successful exact approaches are
  • Being able to find an optimal solution to an
    instance of SPA with 1,053,137 variables and 145
    constraints in under 25 minutes.
  • Major impetus behind the desire to solve large
    instances of SPA(SPC) quickly has been the
    airline industry.
  • Assinging crews to routes can be formulated as an
  • The rows of the SPA correspond to flight legs.
  • The columns correstpond to a sequence of flight
    legs that would be assigned to a crew.

  1. CAP
  2. SPP
  3. Solvable Instances of SPP
  4. Exact Methods
  5. Approximate Methods

Approximate Methods
  • Probably every heuristic approach for solving
    general integer programming problems has been
    applied to the SPP.
  • Greedy, Interchange/steepest ascent approach,
    genetic algorithms, probabilistic search,
    simulated annealing, neural networks
  • Give up on finding the optimal solution.
  • Rather one seeks a feasible solution fast and
    hopes that it is near optimal.
  • How close to optimal is the solution ?
  • Worst-case analysis
  • Probabilistic analysis
  • Empirical testing

  1. Introduction
  2. CAP
  3. Decentralized Methods

Decentralized Methods
  1. Duality in Integer Programming
  2. Lagrangean Relaxation

Decentralized Methods
  • One way of reducing some of the computational
    burden in solving the CAP.
  • Auctioneer sets prices for the objects
  • Agents announce which sets of objects they
    will purchase ar the posted prices
  • If two or more agents compete for the same
    object, the auctioneer adjusts the price vector.
  • Bidders save from specifying their bids for
    every possible combination
  • auctioneer saves from having to process each
    bid function

Duality in Integer Programming(1)
  • Decentralized approach
  • Auctioneer chooses a feasible solution.
  • Bidders are asked to submit improvements.
  • Auctioneer agrees to share a portion of the
    revenue gain with the bidder.
  • Above method can be viewed as instances of dual
    based procedures for solving an integer program.

Duality in Integer Programming(2)
  • The (superadditive) dual to SPP
  • the problem of finding a superadditive,
    non-decreasing function such
  • If the primal integer program has the integrality
    property, there is an optimal integer solution to
    its LP relaxation, and the dual function F will
    be linear,i.e.,

Duality in Integer Programming(3)
  • The (superadditive) dual to SPP
  • If the primal integer program has the integrality
    property, there is an optimal integer solution to
    its LP relaxation, and the dual function F will
    be linear,i.e.,
  • The dual becomes

Duality in Integer Programming(3)
  • The (superadditive) dual to SPP
  • If the primal integer program has the integrality
    property, there is an optimal integer solution to
    its LP relaxation, and the dual function F will
    be linear,i.e.,
  • The dual becomes

Superadditive dual reduces to the dual of the
linear programming relaxation of SPP. yi can be
interpreted as the price of the object i.
Duality in Integer Programming(4)
  • Solving the superadditive dual problem is as hard
    as solving the original primal problem.
  • It is possible to reformulate the superadditive
    dual problem as a linear program.
  • The number of variables is exponential in the
    size of the original problem.
  • For small or specially structured problems, this
    can provide some insight.
  • In general, one relies on the solution to the LP
    dual and uses its optimal value to guide the
    search for an optimal solution to the original
    primal integer program.
  • gt Lagrangean Relaxation

Lagrangean Relaxation(1)
  • Relax some of the constraints of the original
    problem by moving them into the objective
    function with a penalty term.
  • Infeasible solutions allowed but penalized in
    proportion to the amount of infeasibility.

Lagrangean Relaxation(2)
  • Recall the SPP
  • Notation
  • ZLP optimal objective function value to LP
    relaxation of SPP. (Note that Z ZLP)
  • s.t.

Lagrangean Relaxation(3)
  • Theorem3.2)
  • Computing Z(?) is easy.
  • Simply set x(j)1 if
  • 0 otherwise
  • since

Lagrangean Relaxation(3)
  • Theorem3.2)
  • Computing Z(?) is easy.
  • Using subgradient algorithm, finding ? which
    minimizes Z(?) can be done.
  • Therefore, ZLP can be found in a fast procedure.
  • Lagrangean relaxation is not guaranteed to find
    the optimal solution to the underlying problem.
  • It finds an optimal solution to a relaxation of
  • The resulting solution may not be too infeasible,
    so could be fudged into a feasible solution
    without a great reduction in objective function

Lagrangean Relaxation(4)
  • Market Interpretation
  • Auctioneer chooses a price vector ? for the
  • Bidders submit bids.
  • If the highest bid c(j) for the jth bundle
  • this bundle is tentatively assigned to that
  • SAA (simultaneous ascending auction)
  • Bidders bid simultaneously in rounds.
  • Bids must be increased by a specified minimum
    from one round to the next.
  • Bidders adjust prices which is different from the
    way of Lagrangean Relaxation.
  • Exposure problem occurs.

Lagrangean Relaxation(5)
  • Exposure Problem
  • Bidders pay too much for individual items or
    bidders with preferences for certain bundles drop
    out early to limit losses.
  • For example,
  • A bidder A values the bundle of goods i and j at
    100 but each at 0.
  • In SAA, A has to submit high bids on i and j to
    secure them.
  • Suppose that it loses the bidding on i.
  • A is left standing with a high bid j which A
    valued at 0.
  • Any auction scheme that relies on prices for
    individual items will face this problem.

Lagrangean Relaxation(6)
  • AUSM (Adaptive User Selection Mechanism)
  • Asynchronous in that bids on subsets can be
    submitted at any time.
  • Difficult to connect to the Lagrangean ideas.
  • Iterative auction scheme
  • Hybrid of the SAA and AUSM
  • Easier to connect to the Lagrangean framework.
  • Bidders submit bids on packages rather than on
    individual items.

The End
  • Even if the researcher does not find
  • what was initially expected,
  • the pursuit of a personally important topic is
    still rewarding and
  • generally produces continuing researches.
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