Title: Mathematical Morphology I: Structures
1Mathematica l Morphology IStructures
June 10-17 2007
Image analysis Complete lattices
Remarquable elements Types of lattices
Case of numerical functions Lattices of
Jean Serra, ESIEE
2Image Processing (I)
- gt Image processing may be divided into three
classes of questions, namely Codification,
Extraction of characteristics and Segmentation. - 1) Codification
- Codification concerns the representation of the
images. It comprises
Numerical Image
Analog Image
Acquisition Transformation of analog images
into numerical ones. Compression Modification
of image representation. Synthesis Generation
of an image from a more symbolic representation.
Numerical Image n 1
Numerical Image n 2
Numerical Image
3Image Processing (II)
- 2) Extraction of Characteristics
- The aim here is to improve image quality or to
exhibit some of its features. This includes in
particular measurements, noise reduction, and
filtering. - 3) Segmentation
- Segmentation consists in partitioning the
images into zones which are homogeneous according
to a given criterion.
Image Tranformations
4Four Approaches in Image Processing
Geometric Space
Abstract Spaces
- Linear
- Convolution,
- Fourier ,Wavelets
- Tomography
- Kriging, Splines
- Statistical
- Multivariate Analysis
- Neural Nets
- Stereology
- Morphological
- Morph. Filtering
- Hierarchies
- (e.g. Granulometry)
- Random Sets
- Watersheds
- Syntactical
- semantic approaches
- Grammars
- Indexation
Non linear
5Definitions of Mathematical Morphology
Lattice theory for objects or operators in
continuous or discrete spaces Topological and
stochastic models.
- Signal analysis techniques based on set theory
aiming at the study of relations between physical
and structural properties.
Signal Processing
Algorithms and software / hardware tools for
developing signal processing applications.
Nonlinear signal processing technique based on
minimum and maximum operations.
6Basic Structures
- Mathematical morphology
- The basic structure is a complete lattice i.e. a
set o such that - 1) o is provided with a partial ordering, i.e. a
relation with - A A
- A B, B A Þ A B
- A B, B C Þ A C
- 2) For each family of elements XiÎP, there
exists in o - a greatest lower bound Xi, called infimum ( or
inf.) - a smallest upper bound Xi, called supremum (
or sup.)
Linear signal processing The basic structure
in linear signal processing is the vector space
i.e. a set of vectors V and a set of scalars K
such that 1) - K is a field - V is a
commutative group 2) - There exists a
multiplicative law between scalars and vectors.
7Basic Operations
- Mathematical Morphology
- Since the Lattice structure lies on the ordering
relation, on the sup and the inf, the basic
operations are those which preserve these
fundamental laws, namely - Ordering Preservation
- XYÞY(X)Y(Y)Û increasingness
- Commutation under Supremum.
- Y (Xi ) Y (Xi ) Û Dilation
- Commutation under Infimum
- Y (Xi ) Y (Xi ) Û Erosion
Linear Signal Processing Since the structure is
that of a vector space, whose fundamental laws
are addition and scalar product, then The basic
operations are those which preserve these
laws, i.e. which commute under them Y(ª li
fi ) ª li Y (fi ) The resulting operator is
called convolution.
8Examples of Lattices
Lattice of subsets P(E) of a set E The partial
ordering is defined by the inclusion law Sup
Inf ? Extremes E, Æ
Lattices of real or integer numbers This total
ordering is given by the succession of the
values Sup (usual sense) Inf Extremes
-T, T
- Lattice of convex sets
- The order is defined by the inclusion law
- Sup Convex hull of the union
- Inf Intersection
9Lattices of Functions
- If E is an arbitrary set, and if T designates R,
Z one of their closed subsets, then the
functions f E T generate in turn a new
lattice, denoted by TE, for the product ordering - f g iff f(x)
g(x) for all x Î E , - where sup and inf derive directly from those of
T, i.e. - ( fi )(x) fi (x) ( fi )(x)
fi (x) . - By convention, the same symbol 0 stands for the
minimum in T and in TE . - In TE, the pulse functions
kx,t (y) t when x y
kx,t (y) 0 when x ¹ y
- are sup-generators, i.e. any f E T is
a supremum of pulses. - The approach extends directly to the products
of T type lattices, i.e. to multivariate
functions ( e.g. color images, motion).
10Lattices of Partitions
- Definition A partition of space E is a mapping
D E Ds(E) such that - (i) " x Î E , x Î D(x)
- (ii) " (x, y) Î E,
- either D(x) D(y)
- or D(x) ? D(y) Æ
- The partitions of E form a lattice g for the
ordering according to which D D' when each
class of D is included in a class of D'. The
largest element of g is E itself, and the
smallest one is the pulverizing of E into all its
The sup of the two types of cells is the
pentagon where their boundaries coincide. The
inf, simpler, is obtained by intersecting the
11 Atoms , Co-primes and Complement
- A subset L of lattice L is called a sub-lattice
if it closed under and and contains the two
extremes 0 and m of L. - A lattice L is complemented when for every a Î L
, there exists one b Î L at least such that - a b m
a b 0 . - A non zero element a of a lattice L is an atom
if - x a L x 0
or x a . - An element x Î L is said to be a co-prime when
- x a b L x a or x b
. - Moreover, element x Î L is strongly co-prime
when for any (finite or not) family bi , iÎI - x bi , iÎI L x b
for some b Î bi .
12Sup-generators Distributivity
- A lattice L is sup-generated when it has a subset
X, called a sup-generator, such that every a Î L
is the supremum of the elements of X that it
majorates - a x Î X , x a
- When the sup-generators are co-prime (resp.
atomic), then lattice L is said to be co-prime
(resp. atomic) . - Lattice L is distributive if, for all a , y ,
z Î L - a ( y z ) ( a y ) ( a z ) or,
equivalently - a ( y z ) ( a y ) ( a z ) .
- When theses conditions extend to infinity,
lattice L is infinite distributive - a ( yi , i Î I ) ( a yi ) , i Î
I - a ( yi , i Î I ) ( a yi ) , i Î
I - ( NB the two conditions are no longer
equivalent !)
13 Characterisation of s(E) Lattices
- Theorem ( G.Matheron) The four following
statements are equivalent - L is complemented and generated by the class Q
of its co-primes - L is atomic ( of class Qa) and generated by
the class Qs of its strong co-primes - L is isomorphic to a s(E) type lattice
- L is isomorphic to lattice s(Q) .
- When they are satisfied, L is infinite
distributive and we have - Q Qa Qs .
- Other lattices
- The function lattice TE is infinite distributive
but not complemented. The pulses are
sup-generating co-primes, and even strong
co-primes when T is discrete (T finite, T Z ),
but they are not atoms . - The lattice g of the partitions is sup-generated,
but neither distributive nor complemented.
14Notion of duality
- Examples of involution
- Lattice of subsets of a set The involution is
the complement. It translates to the classical
notion of foreground and background - Lattice of real functions bounded by 0,M The
involution is the reflection with respect to M/2.
The two laws of Sup. and Inf. play a symmetrical
role. Each involution (c) that permutes them
generates a duality. More precisely, Definition
Two operators y and y are dual with respect to
the involution (c) when y ( Xc ) y (X) c
15Self duality
- Mathematical morphology
- The fundamental duality between Sup. and Inf.
translates to all morphological tools. - In general, morphological operations go by pair
and correspond to each other by duality as
examples erosion and dilation, opening and
closing. - However, operators may also be
- - self-dual, i.e.
- y ( Xc ) y (X) c ( e.g. morph. centre)
- - or invariant under duality, i.e.
- y ( Xc ) y (X) (e.g. boundary set in Rn )
- Linear processing
- The convolution operation is self dual, that is
dual of itself - f (-g) - (f g)
- This means that positive or negative (bright and
dark) components are processed in a symmetrical
16Input Output Comparison
- Extensivity anti-extensivity A transformation
is extensive if its output is always greater than
its input. By duality, it is anti-extensivity
when the output is always smaller than the input. - Extensivity X Í Y (X)
anti-extensivity X Ê Y (X) X Í E - Set
(extensivity) Function
(extensivity) - Idempotence A transformation is idempotent if
its output is invariant with respect to the
transformation itself - Idempotence Y Y (X) Y (X)
17Lattices of Operators
- With every lattice L is associated the class L'
of the operations a LL . Now, L' turns out to
be a lattice where a b (in
L' ) O a(A)
b(A) for all A Î L (ai) (A)
ai (A) (ai) (A)
ai (A) ( in L' ) ( in L )
( in L' ) ( in L ) - for example, The mappings which are
- - increasing , - or extensive , -
or anti-extensive , - over L are each a sub-lattice of L'
- More generally, we shall meet lattices for
- - openings - filters
- activity etc...
18Notion of Residues in Morphology
- The theory of morphological filters has
highlighted the increasing and idempotence
properties, as well as the ordering rules between
transformations. - There is a family of transformations which
studies the difference between two (or many)
basic transformations. Their common basis relies
on the notion of difference also called residue.
19Classification of residues
- The residues that are used in practice can be
classified in three groups - 1) Residues of two primitives
- 2) Residues of two family of primitives
- 3) Residues relying on "hit or miss"
20Magnification and Operators
- It is often necessary to modify the working
scale, i.e. to perform a - space similitude X lX. Here two situations can
be distinguished - 1) Transformations which commute under
magnification - y (X) (1 /l) y (l X)
- Examples boundary, skeleton, centre of gravity.
- 2) Family of transformations that are compatible
with magnification - y1 ( X) (1 / l) yl (l X)
- Examples Granulometries, FAS, associated with
similar structuring - elements B(l) lB. We then have yB (X) (1/l)
ylB (l X). - N.B. - Family yB is globally invariant under
magnification - - Mutatis mutandis, the above notions are
also valid for functions - - They model Multi-resolution
Decomposition ( i.e. pyramids ).
21Curves and Measurements
- Every Image processing ends either by a new image
(e.g. filtering) or by a measurement, i.e. by
numbers. - Measurements
- The simplest and the most often used measurement
is the labelling of presence / absence. The
second one is Lebesgue measure, or its digital
versions. There exist a few other ones,
topological or metrical. - Families depending on a positive parameter
- In this case, the two usual representations
consist in - either associating a measurement with each
transformation of the family and obtaining a
curve depending on parameter l. Examples
histogram, size distributions - or considering the family of transformations as
the sections of a numerical function. Example
distance function.
- On Roots
- Mathematical morphology has two main roots
lattice theory and random geometry. It was
created by G. Matheron and J.Serra in 1964 and
known by their three basic publications - MAT75 mainly deals with sets (topological
framework, random sets, boolean models,
convexity, granulometry, representation of
increasing mapping by dilations), - SER82 concentrates on translation invariant
mapping (extension to functions, discrete
morphology, thinning/thickening, combination of
operators) and - SER88 enlarges the approach the lattice
framework (dilation, theory of morphological
filtering, connectivity, skeletons, boolean
functions).This lattice approach was pursued by
H.Heijmans and Ch. Ronse HEI90RON91. - In addition, there exists three
excellent treatises on the subject COS89
SCH93 HEI 94 and SER01. Instructive
overviews of mathematical morphology can be found
in SER87,HAR87,GIA88,DOU92b and SER97.