Status Report: Summit Platform - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Status Report: Summit Platform


Scope of Work for Platform Advisory Groups: EE, Bio, & RE/Advanced Coal ... CCS policy measure characterization process at earlier stage than EE Advisory Group ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Status Report: Summit Platform

Status Report Summit Platform GHG Accord
Implementation MGA Governors Energy Steering
Committee July 21, 2008
  • Process Overview
  • MGA Platform Advisory Groups Scope of Work
  • Status Report Update by Advisory Group
  • EE
  • Bioeconomy and Transportation
  • RE, Advanced Coal, and CO2 Capture
  • Resolutions ImplementationC02 Management
    Infrastructure, Transmission Adequacy and
    Low-Carbon Corridors
  • Greenhouse Gas Accord and Subgroups
  • Overview of Modeling in MGA Process
  • Low Carbon Fuel Standard Policy Development

Policy Recommendations, Cooperative
Regional Initiatives Other Outcomes
Governors Energy Summits 2007 2009
MGA Steering Committee of Governors and
Premiers Staff
State Regional Implementation 2008-2009
  • Four Stakeholder Advisory Groups
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Bioeconomy Transportation
  • Renewable Elec., Adv. Coal CO2 Capture
  • Greenhouse Gas Accord

Scope of Work for Platform Advisory Groups EE,
Bio, RE/Advanced Coal
  • Quantifiable Policy Measures
  • Identify, characterize, model, prioritize and
    recommend quantifiable policy measures to
    governors/premiers staff to achieve MGA goals.
  • Recommend quantifiable policy measures to MGA
    Greenhouse Gas Accord advisory group to
    complement cap-and-trade in achieving broader
    regional emissions reductions targets and to
    reduce the cost of the cap and trade program
  • Other Initiatives
  • Identify, develop and, where appropriate, begin
    implementing critical initiatives to enable
    and/or reinforce quantifiable policy measures in
    achieving governors/premiers goals (e.g.,
    technical assessments, public-private
    partnerships, collaborative projects, etc.).

Scope of Work (cont.)
  • Regional Scenario Model Development
  • Provide input into design of a systems dynamics
    model to run regional scenarios of multiple
    combinations of energy efficiency, bioenergy,
    renewable electricity and advanced coal/CCS
  • MGA Energy Security Climate Stewardship Roadmap
  • Develop regional roadmap outlining modeling
    results, recommended policies and initiatives,
    implementation results to date and next steps
    (will be primary documentary centerpiece for next
    Summit in Sept. 2009)

MGA Platform and GHG Cap-and-Trade Modeling
Cooperative Resolutions Assigned to RE, Advanced
Coal CCS Advisory Group
  • CO2 Management Infrastructure Partnership
  • Transmission Adequacy Initiative
  • Low-Carbon Energy Transmission Infrastructure
  • Establishment of resolution subcommittees
  • At least one in-person meeting of each, with
    breakout sessions at full Advisory Group meetings
  • Work integrated with larger Advisory Group, but
    decision-making distinct

Energy Efficiency Advisory Group
  • Organized into 4 subgroups
  • Energy efficiency potential studies
  • Utility-related policies
  • Building codes, appliances standards
    governments leading by example
  • Best practices
  • Fleshing out policy options to be analyzed and
    quantified by Center for Climate Strategies
    (complete set to be vetted at July 23-25 meeting
    in Kansas City)
  • CCS work with EE Advisory Group has advanced
    furthest quantitative analysis to be complete in
  • In October, Forios systems dynamics model will
    enable Advisory Group to determine policy
    combinations capable of achieving MGAs goal of 2
    percent by 2015.

Energy Efficiency contd.
  • In October Advisory Group will draw on modeling
    results to make recommendations to Cap Trade
    Advisory Group and MGA Steering Committee
  • Also identifying complementary non-policy
    initiatives (e.g., EE potential whitepaper
    development to be funded by Energy Foundation)

Bioeconomy Transportation Advisory Group
  • Second in-person meeting on July 21 in Chicago
  • CCS policy measure characterization process at
    earlier stage than EE Advisory Group
  • Liquid fuels/transportation GHG reduction
    policies (to complement cap-and-trade) becoming
    important focus for Advisory Group
  • E.g. Low Carbon Fuel Standard North Central
    Bioeconomy Consortium, Pew Center on Global
    Climate Change working with BTAG and GHG Advisory
    Group participants (4 webinars on different
    aspects of LCFS and in-person meeting in Des
  • Policies to reduce vehicle miles traveled (to be
    identified and characterized)

Renewable Electricity, Advanced Coal and Carbon
  • First meeting held in May in Indianapolis second
    meeting on July 30 in Dearborn
  • Initial identification and characterization by
    CCS staff of quantifiable policy measures for RE
    and CO2 capture and storage
  • Subgroup conference calls underway to further
    policy characterization and preliminary analysis
    Renewable electricity and CO2 capture and storage
  • Aiming for full set of measures by July meeting
    for analysis and prioritization by fall
  • GPI staff interviewing commercial advanced
    coal/CCS project developers underway to refine
    and prioritize of specific policy measures

Transmission Adequacy Resolution Preliminary
  • First meeting of subgroup in June in DC
  • Proposed eventual package recommendation to
    governors and premier addressing three resolution
  • Evaluation of new generation and transmission
    needed to accommodate that new generation
  • Regional transmission plan focused on required
    high-voltage interstate network additions to
    accomplish that transmission and
  • Proposed cost recovery mechanism/ownership
    structure to facilitate financing it.

Transmission Adequacy Emerging Approach
  • Deliverable 1 Evaluation of transmission needs
  • Expand current MISO survey of load-serving
    entities to all MGA states, regardless of
    regional transmission organization (RTO)
  • Status Survey instrument ready and draft letter
    from governors/MGA proposed to encourage LSE
  • Use survey data to expand the scope of Midwest
    Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP 09 to include
    the MGA footprint. MTEP 09 is national, and the
    MGA portion will be a regional look.)
  • Deliverable 2 Resolve transmission queue
    congestion for renewables projects
  • Status Subgroup finalized draft comment letter
    to U.S. FERC for governors and premiers

Transmission Adequacy cont.
  • Deliverable 3 Transmission cost allocation and
  • Develop model legislation to expand regulatory
    commission authorities, where needed, to consider
    public benefit in regional context
  • Status survey of state/provincial regulatory
    commissions re statutory authorities about to
  • Pursue cost allocation/recovery agreement at
    subregional level first (up to 345 kV), with
    later expansion to agreement between subregions
    over cost allocation for needed high-voltage
    transmission between them (765 kV)
  • Status staff assessment with MISO and
    participants of transmission studies underway
    that will be most useful in defining costs and
    issues to be resolved

CO2 Management Resolution Emerging Approach
  • Deliverable 1 report on costs and benefits of
    CO2 enhanced oil recovery
  • Prepare MGA report to governors and premier that
    builds on existing Midwest reservoir screening
    and on accounting for net GHG emissions
  • Status Staff to begin drafting report drawing on
    NETL-funded ARI report that has been peer
    reviewed by subcommittee as foundation for
    analysis of MGA footprint and recommendations
    from subcommittee
  • Deliverable 2 expand geologic assessment of
    reservoirs, especially in MN, WI and IA, and
    large-scale non-EOR CO2 storage tests
  • Federal appropriations letter to be drafted for
    governors and premiers consideration (staff and
    participants to craft letter)
  • Deliverable 3 inventory jurisdictions on
    existing statutes and regulations re CO2
  • Status Inventory template completed and
    jurisdictional survey recipients identified and
    inventory to be sent to jurisdictional leads

CO2 Management Resolution cont.
  • Deliverable 4 Development of uniform model
    jurisdictional statutory and regulatory framework
  • Prepare draft comments on pending U.S. EPA draft
    underground injection rule for governors and
    premiers consideration
  • Commitment to develop model statutory and
    regulatory template or toolkit key policy
    elements that every jurisdiction needs to
    regulate and manage CO2 at scale (building on
    IOGCC and emerging federal component)
  • Status staff to begin working with participants
    to draft model rule comments and template/toolkit
  • Deliverable 5 Identify and site
    inter-jurisdictional CO2 pipeline
  • Near term collaboration with participating state
    agency and NGO partners on development of
    regional CO2 pipeline network optimization model
  • Develop scenarios for location and scale of
    needed pipeline infrastructure in 2015, 2020 and
    2050 to meet MGA technology commercialization,
    CCS deployment and regional GHG reduction targets
  • Status Exploration of model development and
    funding underway among participants and staff

Low-Carbon Corridors Resolution
  • Staff worked with Hunter Roberts to convene small
    meeting of utility CEOs and NGO executive
    directors in June to explore how MGA resolution
    might be implemented in Upper Midwest part of the
  • Participants agreed on the value in building a
    broader stakeholder consensus on next-generation,
    low-carbon renewable and fossil power supply,
    together with transmission expansion, in the
    2015-2025 timeframe
  • They also want to add development and deployment
    of plug-in hybrids and smart-grid capabilities in
    conjunction with work on the low-carbon
    electricity supply side of the equation.
  • Status They have proposed continuing with a
    small working group to flesh out options and
    recommendations for governors and premiers staff

Greenhouse Gas Advisory Group
  • Three full advisory group meetings to date, plus
    one round of in person subgroup meetings and two
    rounds of conference calls
  • Fourth meeting in Milwaukee next week includes
    public input session
  • Subcommittees formed, each with a governors
    representative chairing and staff leads from the
    Pew Center or World Resources Institute
  • Scope
  • Allowances
  • Target-Setting, Data and Compliance
  • Modeling
  • Offsets

Subgroup Status
  • Scope
  • Preliminary recommendation, subject to modeling,
    that cap and trade program will cover electricity
    and large industrials (just under half of
    regional emissions)
  • Major questions
  • Which complementary policies will be recommended
    to supplement for greater economy-wide coverage?
  • How will implementation be assured?

  • Subcommittee in process of agreeing on
    technologies and practices that should receive
    special incentives through allowance distribution
    (e.g. energy efficiency, CHP, CCS, etc.)
  • Participants must still make basic recommendation
    about allowance value distribution mechanism(s)
    allocation based upon past emissions, auction or

  • ICF selected as vendor
  • IPM power sector model with build-out for
    additional sectors, together with REMI for
    modeling of macroeconomic impacts
  • Subcommittee and ICF team now meeting on
    assumptions book and development of reference case

  • Subgroup has recommended, subject to modeling
    results, ranges for interim and mid-century
    regional targets of 15-25 percent reductions from
    2005 levels by 2020 and 60-80 percent reductions
    by 2050.
  • Generally consistent with MN statutory and IL
    executive order targets
  • Participants have also recommended that the
    cap-and-trade targets and program be reviewed
    periodically based on evolving science and
    technology and on results of program to date.

  • Subgroup is developing a proposed mechanism for
    offsets governance and administration
  • Participants have begun identifying a list of
    offset categories to undergo technical review and
    evaluation for potential inclusion in a program
  • Recommendation that offset participation at 10
    percent and 50 percent of emissions under capped
    sectors be modeled
  • Recommendation on whether offsets, which ones,
    and how much is forthcoming

Modeling in the MGA Process
Update on NCBC Low Carbon Fuels Policy Initiative
  • Organized by North Central Bioeconomy Consortium,
    with participation and input from MGA advisory
    group participants and staff
  • Chaired by Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill
    Northey, with a regional steering committee
  • 4 webinars, 1 in-person meeting planned to date
    for stakeholder information and discussion

LCFP Process Goals
  • Articulate a Midwestern position on the
    development of state and federal policies
  • Make recommendations to the Midwestern Governors
  • Make recommendations on how to integrate state
  • Assure that Midwestern interests have a voice in
    the development of low carbon policies at the
    national level
  • Improve life cycle estimates for corn ethanol
  • Understand how implementation of Low Carbon Fuel
    Standards will impact the corn-ethanol industry

Four LCFS Webinars
  • Webinar 1 Overview of process and issues
  • Webinar 2 Status of major Low Carbon Fuels
    Policy efforts CARB, Lieberman-Warner, US EPA,
  • Webinar 3 Life Cycle GHG Assessment for Biofuels
  • Webinar 4 Midwestern state Low Carbon Fuels
    Policy initiatives.

MGA Advisory Group Representatives
  • BTAG group
  • Mary Blanchard
  • Charles Griffith
  • Robert Craig
  • Dennis Banasiak
  • Mike Doherty
  • GHG group
  • Doug Scott
  • Nancy Jackson

Potential LCFS Study
  • Goal Develop a credible analytical basis for the
    LCFS. Audience Policymakers and key
    stakeholders (biofuels, electric utilities,
    automakers, oil companies, environmentalists)Key
    Questions1. What role could LCFS play in
    reducing GHG emissions from transportation (vs.
    vehicle standards, fuels in cap, VMT, incentives,
    etc.)?2. How does an LCFS work broad
    programmatic design choices and linkages to other
    climate and transportation policies?3. How
    could the Midwest meet an LCFS, including with
    biofuels, electricity, and hydrogen?
  • Broad research team planned expertise from key
    solutions areas (biofuels, electricity, hydrogen)
    with geographic diversity.
  • Status Foundation willing to fund study, pending
    MGA support.

30 www.midwesternaccord.
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