This week: Requirements elicitation techniques ch 4 and 19, plus more - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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This week: Requirements elicitation techniques ch 4 and 19, plus more


Leave space below questions (for emerging topics) Don't be too bound by this list ... Possibly: Designers, testers. 29. TDT4175 - Information Systems, Spring 2006 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: This week: Requirements elicitation techniques ch 4 and 19, plus more

This weekRequirements elicitation
techniques(ch 4 and 19, plus more)
  • John Krogstie, IDI

Overview of the week
  • Summary of last week
  • Overview of elicitation techniques
  • Based on Hawr. Ch 4 some extra material
  • More on specific techniques
  • Interviews (ch 19)
  • Requirement workshops
  • With practical examples

Summary of last week
  • Ch 3, 4, 7 main lessons
  • System development must be anchored in strategy
    and business objectives
  • Connected to organization development
  • From problem to solution, feasibility
  • Requirements
  • Can be formulated on different levels
  • Goal-design scale
  • Different project types affect the choice of
    requirements approach
  • And what level of requirement is most appropriate

Summary of last week (cont.)
  • Goal-design scale (example project support
  • Goal-level req precalculations accurate to
    within 5
  • Domain-level req support cost recording and
    quotation with experience data
  • Product-level req recording and retrieval
    functions for experience data
  • Design-level req screen pictures as shown in
  • Requirements approaches (focus functional
  • Traditional approach product-level requirements
  • Fast approach domain-level requirements
  • Two-step approach domain-level design-level
  • Choice depends on project type

Project types and approaches
Project models
  • Adapted from (Lauesen, 2002)

OK good ? dubious not good variable
Overview of elicitation techniques
  • Asking questions
  • Interviews
  • Questionnaires
  • Observation
  • Unobtrusive / dialogue / participating
  • Task demonstration
  • Formal group sessions
  • Brainstorming
  • Focus group / workshops
  • Document studies
  • Modelling, simulation etc.
  • Prototyping, storyboarding and similar
  • Paper or code
  • COTS acquisition pilot experiments, demo
  • Agile methods, e.g. XP

Additional tasks
  • Not directly elicitation
  • But may be necessary to get elicitation done
  • Preparation
  • Stakeholder identification
  • Teambuilding
  • Negotiation / conflict resolution
  • Risk analysis
  • Completeness checking techniques
  • Goal-requirements tracing
  • Requirement taxonomies

Challenges for elicitation
  • Stakeholders unable to express their needs
  • Selective memory (exaggerate recent problems)
  • Symptoms, not requirements
  • Difficult to explain tasks and motivations
  • Tendency to suggest solutions, not demands
  • Lack of imagination
  • New ways of doing things, consequences
  • Too many requirements! (some just nice-to-have)
  • Demands change over time
  • Conflicts among stakeholders
  • General resistance to change
  • Fear of losing job or losing power
  • Stress from needing to learn new technology

When to use different techniques?
  • Depends on type of project, e.g.
  • COTS development no customer to interview
  • But can potentially involve market or support
  • COTS acquisition or tender XP or prototyping
  • Also depends on what you want to elicit, e.g.,
  • Observation good for tacit knowledge, current
  • Interviews for explicit knowledge, current
  • Workshops for future situation
  • Other indicators (and counter-indicators)
  • Situations where a technique is particularly
  • (or should not be used)

Techniques vs elicitation need (Lauesen, 2002)
The darker, the better. For list of techniques,
see next slide
List of techniques for table previous slide
  • S Stakeholder analysis
  • I Interview
  • O Observation
  • T Task demo
  • D Document analysis
  • Q Questionnaires
  • B Brainstorm
  • F Focus groups
  • W Domain workshop
  • w Design workshop
  • P Prototyping
  • p Pilot experiment
  • c similar Companies
  • A Ask suppliers
  • N negotiation
  • R risk analysis
  • C Cost/benefit
  • G Goal-domain analysis
  • d domain-requirement analysis

Techniques, indicators (Davis, 2003)
  • positive sides, ? challenges, - dont use when
  • Group sessions strongly recommended
  • all project types, many stakeholders,
  • ? dominant persons, conflicts
  • Interview often used
  • find new info, background knowledge, conflicts
  • ? Misunderstandings, tacit knowledge
  • Observation
  • low burden on users, existing system, politics
  • tacit knowledge

Techniques, indicators (cont.)
  • Models strongly recommended
  • support communication, organize info, discover
    missing info
  • ? Directly w/stakeholders or background activity
  • Requirements taxonomies
  • Ensure that all types of requirements are
  • ? do not directly find requirements, must
    combine w/ other technique
  • Issues list
  • avoid digressions w/other techniques, remember
  • Conflict resolution
  • The more important the bigger the project

Techniques, indicators (cont.)
  • Less preferred techniques
  • Analyse existing system
  • ? too bound, overlook other possibilities
  • Prototyping (as elicitation technique)
  • - dont use rapid prototyping unless you really
    believe itll be rapid!
  • Questionnaires
  • concrete problems, market studies, external
  • ? limited information content
  • XP
  • problem domain is quickly changing
  • ? heavy burden on customer, project type
  • Formal specifications
  • ? Hard to understand for stakeholders

Interviews, strategy
  • Often used elicitation technique
  • But not always the best
  • Must fit into a bigger knowledge search strategy
  • Cf Figure 19.1
  • Top-down approach, Fig 19.2
  • Start with management
  • Overall view of the system
  • Goals, key performance indicators
  • Access to people on lower levels
  • Looking at detailed operations
  • Build models while interviewing

Interview planning
  • Who should be interviewed?
  • E.g., use organizational chart
  • Sequence of interviews
  • Interview plan for each stakeholder
  • Normally need more interviews per person
  • One interview max 45-60 minutes

Types of questions
  • Planned or improvised
  • Open questions
  • Establish viewpoints
  • Generally expecting long answers
  • Closed questions
  • Requires a direct (and shorter) answer
  • Probes
  • Follow-up questions for a previous answer

Interview quality (Kvale, 1996)
  • 6 quality criteria (Kvale, 1996)
  • The extent of rich, specific and relevant answers
  • Short questions, long answers
  • The interviewer follows up and clarifies relevant
    aspects of the answers
  • The degree of interactive interpretation
  • The interviewer attempts to verify her/his
    interpretations of the subjects answers
  • The interview is self-communicating
  • Becoming a good interviewer mainly requires

Qualification criteria (Kvale, 1996)
  • A good interviewer must be
  • Knowledgeable (but not boasting)
  • Structuring (introduce purpose and procedure)
  • Clear (easy questions, distinct speech)
  • Gentle (easy-going, tolerant)
  • Sensitive (hears nuances emotions)
  • Open (to new aspects priorities)
  • Steering (interrupting digressions)
  • Critical (not take everything at face value)
  • Remembering (relate current statement with
  • Interpreting (give feedback to confirm

Guidelines for performing the interview
  • Structure guidelines
  • What different parts does the interview consist
  • Content guidelines
  • What issues to pursue? What questions to ask?
  • Style guidelines
  • How to phrase these questions?
  • Social guidelines
  • How to encourage the respondent to talk freely,
    and maintain a good interpersonal relationship?

Structure guidelines
  • A macro-structure is shown in Fig 19.3
  • Below are some additional guidelines
  • Prepare a list of questions in advance
  • Leave space between questions (for answers)
  • Leave space below questions (for emerging topics)
  • Dont be too bound by this list
  • Micro-structure (within body of interview)
  • Ask, listen, feed back your understanding
  • Thank the respondent for her / his time!

Content guidelines
  • Give the respondent a starting-point for talking
  • specific context rather than work in general
  • Initially, broad questions
  • Day-to-day work and problems
  • What the stakeholder does, information used,
  • Focus on critical tasks
  • When is the stakeholder under stress?
  • When is it important that something is 100
  • Find out why (activities performed / info needed)
  • Relate stakeholders work to business objectives
  • Elicit critical success factors
  • Show the respodents how they can benefit

Content guidelines (cont.)
  • Follow-up questions, typical patterns
  • Adding questions about where, what, when, who
    (did something), for whom (something is done),
    how, why
  • choose the 1-3 most relevant
  • Pursuing the relationship between activities,
    information, decisions, problems, and critical
    success factors (CSFs)
  • E.g., if the user mentioned an activity
  • What info do you need in this activity?
  • What decisions take place in this activity?
  • What problems have you had performing this
  • What CSFs apply to this activity?
  • (and similarly, if info, CSF, decision, is
    mentioned first)

Style guidelines
  • Keep questions brief and clear
  • Avoid leading questions
  • ..and premature suggestions for solutions
  • Use the stakeholders terminology
  • Avoid translation, avoid advanced ICT terminology
  • Choose the right mix of open closed questions
  • Cf textbook, pp 463-465
  • Use diagrams where appropriate
  • But simple, informal syntax
  • Draw interactively, and/or
  • encourage user to contribute / change the model

Social guidelines
  • Clarify your mandate and purpose
  • Appear as competent
  • Be cautious with humour / irony
  • Be polite, yet at ease
  • Be sympathetic to users problems
  • But cautious about down-talking current system!
  • Show interest and respect
  • Body language, cues, nodding, etc.
  • Be sensitive to different personality types
  • E.g., generally shy, ICT-shy, talkative,
    intellectualizing, manipulative
  • Why is a dangerous word with some respondents
  • Rather use when?

Special info about the interview exercise
  • Done with group pairs
  • Tuesday (17-19) Group A is customer, B
  • Thursday (12-14) opposite
  • Each interview 25 minutes
  • The rest of the customer group observes
  • The rest of the consultant group is not present
  • Read instructions and make preparations in
    advance, bring
  • Pencil and paper
  • Preferrably with some planned questions
  • Customer group evaluation forms
  • Watch (to keep the time)
  • Recording equipment
  • not compulsory, but strongly recommended
  • Write up the interview results as soon as
    possible after the interview
  • i.e., before you forget the details

The requirements workshop
  • Structured group session to identify requirements
  • In industry may last 2-5 days
  • Often better than interviews for finding
  • Gather all the important stakeholders at once
  • Avoid several interviews finding overlapping
  • Opportunities for immediate conflict resolution,
    prioritization, etc.
  • Fosters creativity

Requirements workshop roles
  • Facilitator
  • A requirements engineer
  • Scribe
  • Also a requirements engineer
  • Participants
  • User and customer representatives
  • Domain experts
  • Possibly Designers, testers

How to run a workshop (1)
  • Lauesen (2002) suggests
  • Invite participants
  • Open meeting
  • Brainstorm bad experiences
  • Brainstorm ideal future (wishes)
  • List the issues, group similar ones
  • Prioritize the issues
  • Review the list
  • Then process the list, formulate requirements

How to run a workshop (2)
  • Alexander (2002) suggests (after planning)
  • First morning
  • Define various user groups
  • Teach about organizing req.spec.
  • Let participants define structure
  • Split group in several interests, fill structure
    in parallel
  • Teach about review, perform reviews
  • Update material based on reviews
  • Then, repeat until exhaustion
  • Backroom clean-up
  • Distribute, review, redraft
  • After workshop
  • Clean up requirements
  • Send out draft for further comments

  • Søren Lauesen Software Requirements Styles and
    Techniques, Addison-Wesley, 2002
  • Ann Hickey and Alan M. Davis Elicitation
    technique selection How do experts do it?,
    Proc. RE03
  • Steinar Kvale Interviews An introduction to
    qualitative research interviewing, Sage, 1996
  • Ian F. Alexander and Richard Stevens Writing
    Better Requirements, Addison-Wesley, 2002
  • Suzanne and James Robertson Mastering the
    Requirements Process, Addison-Wesley, 1999
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