Title: 2001 School Chemical Removal
12001 School Chemical Removal
- Division of Waste Management
2Known Statistics
- Approximately 80 of all aging and unwanted
chemicals were located and picked up. - 86 of those had potential to cause serious
health effects. - 109 actual pick up sites
- Average disposal cost per site 1,843.83
- Most expensive 13,685.00
- Least expensive 112.50
3Steps to Getting It Done
- CHEMIS training through RESA
- Locate and identify unwanted chemicals
- Search for funding
- Final contract with disposal company
- Physical pick up of chemicals
4Condition of the Chemicals
5Buildings like this were entered.
6Boxes like this were opened.
7Chemicals were classified...
8from unknown solids...
9and unknown liquids...
10to maintenance chemicals.
11Jars of chemicals were found packed in boxes...
12and leaking onto back room shelves.
13Some usable chemicals were transferred to new
14Waste chemicals were packed for disposal
15and loaded into transport vehicles.
16When notified in advance, some instructors placed
the chemicals on lab tables for easy access.
17Some had sorted the chemicals into family groups.
18Some counties and schools randomly boxed up
various chemicals and stacked them in warehouses.
19Gaining access to some of the containers was
difficult at times.
20Procrastination Does Not Pay
- Poor storage and random packaging extended
chemical location and identification by one year - Extended time worked per site by up to two
additional days each
21Other Nasty Snags
- Archaic chemical names
- Improper labeling
- Incompatibles packed together
- Shortage of supplies
22Technical Problems Solved...
include cleanup of potentially dangerous
situations like this one, and frees up space.
23What It Cost
- The disposal expense for this project is
estimated at 225,000 to 250,000 - This is disposal cost only
- Actual cost cannot be estimated
- At least 14 different agencies, companies and
associations - All 55 counties participated
- Over 200 schools
- Thousands of personnel hours
24Safe Storage Handling
- Making your routine storage and handling of lab
chemicals as safe as possible.
26Todays Situation
- Aging and unused hazardous chemicals which posed
safety hazards have been removed. - Some lab storage areas are still unsafe due to
poor storage and handling methods.
27How Did We Get Here?
- Abundance of Chemicals
- Over-estimated necessary quantities
- Better prices for ordering in bulk
- Manufacturers or other businesses donated their
excess or exotic chemicals - No regular stockroom inventory
- Poor labeling or no labeling
28Common Misconceptions
- Frequently used chemicals should be ordered in
bulk. - Ordering in bulk is the best deal for the
money. - Accept any donated chemicals
- Labs will always do the same experiments and
demonstrations - Ill remember what I put in that jar.
29Acquisition Recommendations
- Order the smallest quantity possible for each
chemical - No discounts, but final cost is less
- Never accept left-over or donated chemicals
- Theres no guarantee of its purity
- If you dont normally use it, you probably dont
need it - Experiments and instructors can and do change
- Textbooks, manuals procedures change
- A new instructor may not follow your teaching
plan - Labels are for everyones information
30Recommended Safety Practices
- Examine your currently available storage space.
31 32 33- Consider inexpensive storage containers for small
or loose items.
34- Arrange containers based on compatibility
35- Keep your containers in good condition
36- Re-package containers which are not in good
37- Food jars are designed to hold food. Store
hazardous lab chemicals only in containers
designed to hold them.
38- Use durable waterproof labels and markers to
clearly indicate what is in the container.
39- Order and use the smallest containers appropriate
for your labs
40- Your chemical storage area is not a kitchenno
food storage please!
41- Sturdy shelving units with edging to prevent
containers from falling off.
42- Acids should be stored in an Acid Cabinet
43- Flammables should be stored in a Flammables
44- Dress for safety
- -- eyewear
- -- gloves
- -- apron or
- lab coat
- -- closed-toed
- leather shoes
45- Overhead storage can be dangerous
46Additional Safety Measures
- An eye wash unit and / or emergency shower nearby
(but not in the storage room)
47Adequate Ventilation
- Chemical storage areas
- Chemical preparation areas
- For volatile compounds use a fume hood!
- Chemical use areas
48- Emergency gas shut-off valve
49- Retractable electrical outlets
50Future Cost Minimization
- Things to consider
- annual chemical disposal budget
- annual chemical pick up and disposal
- chemical hygiene officer
- chemical usage review for science labs
- sign off sheet for extra-cost items
- Make yours an active project
- Aim for removal of hazardous or excess chemicals
- Assure no future accumulation of excess or
hazardous chemicals - Assure all personnel are adequately trained in
proper safety procedures
- Use all available resources in ways which keep
costs to a minimum.
- L -- Label everything clearly
- A -- Appropriate containers in good condition
- B -- Be neat and orderly
- S -- Store only what you will use
- A -- Always wear protective clothing
- F -- Food allowed in eating areas only
- E -- Everything in its place on a shelf
- T -- Time to inventory organize
- Y -- Your safety is important