Title: Black Pearl- Introduction And Benefits
1Black Pearl Introduction
And Benefits
2Dark and exotic black pearl stone have captured
the imagination of women and men. Black pearl
also known as The Tahitian pearl , gemstone of
the moon planet. They have higher the lustre of
a Pearlstone. According to mythology, black
pearl is associated with wealth and peace in life.
3Benefits Of Black / Tahitian Pearl
Black pearl stone brings good luck, fortune and
abundance in the life of the wearer. It protects
from sudden death, accidents and mishappenings.
4Wearing a Pearl stone necklace or ring will
protect the pregnant women from evil eyes and
5It can Improve your continuing ability and the
power to take actions, which are needed for
achieving goals.
6Black pearl is also beneficial for
health-related issues. It can relief from
digestive ailments, hormonal disorders,
migraine, headaches and exhaustion.
7Incase You Still Have Any Queries Write To Below
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