Title: New Orleans, LA New York City, NY
1Compete Win!
Where Success Begins ????is an international
organization that provides members with high
quality professional development and business
networking opportunities. ???, a college division
of DECA, Inc., boasts membership of over 15,000
college students from campuses across North
America. Join us for interactive career focused
seminars, leadership and management training, and
travel to leadership and career building
conferences! Contact information Next
Meeting www.deltaepsilonchi.org
Business Simulations Events Financial
Services Hospitality Retail Management
Restaurant Food Service Travel Tourism
Fashion Merchandising Case Study Events Sports
Entertainment Marketing Sales Management
Meeting Marketing Management International
Marketing Human Resources Management
Internet Marketing Business Law Business
Ethics Business to Business Marketing Prepared
Business Events Advertising Campaign Design
Presentation Entrepreneurship Sales
New Orleans, LA New York City,
NY November 2-4 November
Where Todays Students Become Tomorrows
Leaders CLA offers you the chance to engage in
hands-on activities to focus your career goals,
plan for your future, and build your network for
a successful climb up the corporate ladder of
Atlanta, Georgia April 12-15, 2008
- Compete in one of 22 different business events
test your skills against both your peers and
current industry standards. - Network with businesses
- Find a job/internship
- Participate in national elections