Title: Y. Xiang
1Multiagent Distributed Interpretation With
Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Netowrks
- Y. Xiang
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Regina
- Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems,
2Recent Advances
Some slides containing formal results are labeled
with in the title fields. These slides may be
skipped if only an intuitive tutorial is desired.
3Common approaches in MAS
- Logic-based Wooldridge 94, Rao and
Georgeff 95, Halpern et al. 96. - Game-theoretic Rosenschein and Zlotkin 94.
- Economic Wellman 92.
- Decision-theoretic Gmytrasiewicz and
Durfee 95. - Truth maintenance (default-reasoning)-based
Mason and Johnson 89, Huhns and Bridgeland 91. - Distributed search-based Yokoo et al.
4MAS Area of Focus
- Task distributed interpretation
- Producing higher level descriptions of the
environment from distributed sensing without
centralizing the evidence. - Examples of distributed interpretation systems
- Sensor networks.
- Medical diagnosis by multiple specialists.
- Trouble shooting complex artifacts.
- Distributed image interpretation.
5Recent Advance
- Foundationa probabilistic framework for
multiagent distributed interpretation based on
multiply sectioned Bayesian networks (MSBNs). - Advance
- Distributed representation of uncertainty
knowledge that is consistent with probability
theory. - Distributed inference that ensures global
consistency. - Agents can be developed by independent designers.
- Internal structure/knowledge of agents remains
private. - Controversial aspects
- Are cooperative MASs important?
- Is homogeneous knowledge representation necessary?
- Common approaches for distributed interpretation
are based on logic (e.g., blackboard) or default
reasoning (e.g., DATMS and DTMS). - Logic-based approaches do not have coherent
mechanism to deal with uncertain knowledge. - Default reasoning treats uncertain knowledge as
believed until there is reason to believe
otherwise and not as believed to a certain
degree. - However, decisions often involve tradeoffs and
comparison of strength of belief on states of
world or outcomes of actions is thus necessary.
- Substantial progress has been made in uncertain
inference using Bayesian networks (BNs) Pearl
88. - Dependencies of domain variables are represented
by a DAG. - Strength of dependencies is quantified by an
associated jpd. - The jpd is interpreted as the degree of belief of
an agent. - Many effective inference algorithms have been
developed. - A single-agent paradigm is commonly assumed
- A single processor accesses a single global BN,
updates the jpd as evidence becomes available,
and answers queries. - This research advances the DTMS approach with a
representation of agents degree of belief
consistent with the probability theory, and
advances the single-agent BN approach with a
multiagent paradigm and distributed inference
9Bayesian Networks (BN)
- Defi A BN is a triplet (N,D,P) where
- N is a set of random variables,
- D is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) whose nodes
are labeled by elements of N, - P is a jpd over N specified by probability
distributions of each node x in D conditioned on
its parents parn(x) in D. - D expresses dependency relations among elements
of N. - A variable is independent of its non-descendents
given its parents. - Hence P can be expressed as
P(N) ?
x? N P(x parn(x)).
10A Trivial Example BN L S 88
11Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks (MSBNs)
- Single-agent oriented MSBN Xiang et al., CI93,
AIM93 - A set of Bayesian subnets that collectively
define a BN. - Interface b/w subnets renders them conditionally
independent. - Top level structure is a hypertree.
- Compiled into a linked junction forest (LJF) for
inference. - Coherent inference operations are defined for a
A MSBN (left) and its LJF (right)
12The d-sepset Interface b/w Subnets in a MSBN
- Defi Let Di(Ni,Ei) (i1,2) be two DAGs such
that their union D is a DAG. IN1?N2 is a
d-sepset b/w D1 and D2 if for every x?I with its
parents parn(x) in D, either parn(x)?N1 or
parn(x) ?N2. D is said to be sectioned into
D1,D2. - Theorem Let a DAG D(N,E) be sectioned into
D1,,Dk and IijNi ?Nj be the d-sepset b/w Di
and Dj. Then for each i, ? j Iij d-separates
Pearl88 Ni\ ?j Iij from N\Ni. - Semantics If D represents the dependence
relations among elements of N, then d-sepset
ensures that variables in a subnet are
independent of other variables given the
d-sepsets of the subnet.
13Hypertree MSDAG Top Level Structure of a MSBN
- Defi Let D be the union of Di (i1,,n) where
each Di is a connected DAG. D is a hypertree
MSDAG if it is a DAG built by the following
procedure - Start with an empty graph. Recursively add a DAG
Di called a hypernode, to the existing MSDAG
subject to the constraints - d-sepset For each Dj (jltk), Ijk Nj?Nk is a
d-sepset when the two DAGs are isolated. - Local covering There exists Di (Iltk) such that,
for each Dj (jltkj?i), Ijk ? Ni . For such Di,
Iik is called the hyperlink b/w hypernodes Di and
Dk. - Semantics Each hyperlink renders the two parts
of the MSBN that it connects conditionally
14Compilation of a MSBN into a Linked Junction
- Major steps in compiling a LJF
- Convert each DAG (hypernode) into a chordal graph
such that all dependence relations are preserved. - Express the chordal graph as a junction tree (JT)
of cliques. - Convert each hyperlink (d-sepset) into linkages,
each of which is a subset of the d-sepest. - Convert conditional probability distributions in
each subnet to belief tables of the corresponding
JT and d-sepset. - Let B(Ni) be the belief table on a hypernode and
B(Ij) be the belief table on a hyperlink. The
joint system belief (JSB) of a LJF is ? i B(Ni) /
? j B(Ij). - Theorem JSB of a LJF is equivalent to jpd of its
MSBN. - Since each subnet is organized as a tree, a LJF
is an equivalent but more effective data
structure for inference computation.
15Inference in a Single-agent Oriented MSBN
- Inference using LJF of a MSBN
- Queries of a single user are focused on a single
JT at a time, where a query has the form what is
the probability of event A given that B has
occured? - Evidence can be entered incrementally to the JT
and queries are answered by local computation
only . - As the user shifts attention to another JT,
belief propagation is performed only along the
hyperpath to the target JT in the hypertree. - Queries can then be entered at the target JT as
above. - Theorem After finite times of attention shifts,
answers to queries computed locally are idential
to what would be obtained from an equivalent
homogeneous BN.
16What Can be Gained y Using a MSBN?
- If a domain consists of loosely coupled
subdomains, then... - Knowledge acquisition is natural and modular
Subnet can be built one at a time. - Inference requires only local computation.
Attention shift uses only hyperpath. Hence
computation is more efficient - Answers to queries are the same as from a
homogeneous BN.
Structure of a general MSBN (left) and the
corresponding hypertree
17Why Using MSBNs for Distributed Interpretation?
- Representation of MSBNs is modular.
- Inference in MSBNs is coherent.
- The framework of MSBNs is general.
18Major Issues in Extending MSBNs to MASs
- What is the semantics of a subnet?
- What is the semantics of the jpd of the MSBN?
- How do we build the system by multiple agent
developers? - How do we ensure a correct overall structure
while protecting the know-how of each developer? - How do we ensure a coherent inference?
- What difference does a multi-agent MSBN make
relative to a MAS not organized into a MSBN?
19What is the semantics of a subnet?
- In a single-agent MSBN
- The MSBN represents multiple perspectives of a
domain hold by a single agent. - Each subnet represents one such perspective.
- In a multi-agent MSBN Xiang, AIJ96
- The MSBN represents multiple agents in a domain,
each of which holds one perspective. - Each subnet represents one agent's perspective of
the domain.
An agent model
20What is the semantics of the jpd in a MSBN?
- If the distribution of each subnet represents one
agent's belief, whose belief does the jpd of the
MSBN represent? - Example a computer system.
- It processes information coherently as a whole.
- Its components are supplied by different vendors.
- Observation
- As long as vendors follow a protocol in designing
component interfaces, the system functions as if
it follows a single will.
21What is the semantics of the jpd in a MSBN?
- Another example a patient sees a doctor.
- Patient tells what doctor needs to know for
diagnosis. - After doctor reaches a diagnosis, he prescribes a
therapy which patient follows. - Observation
- Doctor does not experience symptoms.
- Patient does not understand how diagnosis is
reached. - A coherent belief is demonstrated on symptoms
(used by doctor to reach diagnosis) and the
diagnosis (therapy is followed by patient).
22What is the semantics of the jpd in a MSBN?
- Due to the way the jpd of a MSBN is defined,
there exists a unique jpd Xiang, AIJ96 such
that - its marginalization to each subnet is identical
to the distribution of the subnet - adjacent subnets are conditionally independent
given their interface. - Implication If agents are (1) cooperative, (2)
independent conditioned on interface, and (3)
initially consistent, then the jpd of the MSBN
represents a unique collective belief - identical to each agent's belief within its
subdomain, - and supplemental to its belief outside its
23How do we ensure coherent inference?
- Issue arising
- In a single-agent MSBN, evidence is entered one
subnet at a time. - In a multi-agent MSBN, evidence are entered
asynchronously at multiple subnets in parallel. - Solution extended inference operations Xiang,
24How do we ensure coherent inference?
- CollectNewBelief Initiated at an agent to
activate an inward propagation towards the agent.
25How do we ensure coherent inference?
- DistributeBelief Initiated at an agent to
activate an outward propagation.
26How do we ensure coherent inference?
- Theorem After CommunicateBelief, answers to
queries from any agent is identical to what is
obtained from an equivalent homogeneous BN. - Implication Distribution causes no loss of
coherence. - Complexity of inference computation
- Inference at one agent O(k 2m), where m is the
maximal size of a clique and k is the number of
cliques in the JT. - CommunicateBelief O(t g k 2m), where t is the
number of agents and g is the maximal number of
linkages in a hyperlink.
27How do we ensure coherent inference?
- Theorem Between successive CommunicateBeliefs,
answers to queries from any agent X is identical
to what would be obtained in an equivalent
homogeneous BN where only evidence in the bottom
are entered.
Evidence to A
Evidence to A
Evidence to W
Evidence to W
Evidence to X
Evidence to X
Evidence to Y
Evidence to Y
Evidence to Z
Evidence to Z
28How to build a MSBN by multiple developers?
- How to ensure system coherence without disclosing
structure and distribution of individual subnets? - It is possible if
- the interface of each subnet renders it
conditionally independent of others and - adjacent agents agree on an initial belief of
their interface. - Solution Xiang, AI96
- A single integrater with the knowledge of agents
interface puts agents into a hypertree. - Agents negotiate to achieve initial belief on
29Global structure vs each agent's know-how
- Structures of subnets in a MSBN collectively
define a directed acyclic graph (DAG). - Local acyclicity doesn't warrant global
- Algorithms to test acyclicity based on
topological sorting are well known. However, a
central representation of the graph is assumed.
30Global structure vs each agent's know-how
- If each subnets structure is unknown to others,
how can we ensure acyclicity of the MSBN? - A distributed algorithm has been developed that
has the following features Xiang, FLAIRS96 - Each agent provides only info on whether a shared
node has a parent or a child in its DAG, plus
some flag info. - The acyclicity of the MSBN can be correctly
31What if agents are not organized into a MSBN?
- Belief propagation in a MSBN proceeds along
hypertree in a regulated fashion.
- Circular evidence propagation causes no problem
if agents are logical. - But it causes false belief if agents knowledge
is uncertain.
Agent X
Agent Y
Agent W
Agent Z
- Not knowing message from Y is based on evidence
originated from itself, Z counts the same info
33Prospects for distributed interpretation
- A framework is provided for tasks that rely on
uncertain knowledge and distributed inference
without sacrifice of coherence in the
interpretation. - The framework protects individual agent
developers know-how and hence encourages
cooperation of many agent developers in building
MASs in large and complex domains. - Ex. Systems for trouble-shooting complex
34Prospects for distributed interpretation
- The framework suggests standardization of agent
interfaces in large and complex domains where
knowledge sources are naturally distributed and
separately owned. - The framework suggests future research
directions - Dynamic formulation of multiagent MSBNs.
- Incorporation of decision making.
- Incorporation of temporal inference.