Title: God has Spoken: A Study of Bible Authority
1God has SpokenA Study of Bible Authority
- The Nature of Bible Authority
2God Has Revealed a Pattern
- make all things according to the pattern shown
you Hebrews 85 - Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you
have heard from me, in faith and love which are
in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 113
3Understanding Bible Authority is Fundamental
- Bible authority is established by commands,
apostolic approved examples necessary
inferences - To know the Scriptures have the faith to
properly apply them (since we will be judged by
them) 2 Cor. 510-11 - In order to avoid sinful extremes
4Two Kinds of Authority
Blueprints to build a house
- Includes all things needed to build the house
(tools, etc.)
- Excludes all things not specified in the
5Generic Authority (Rev. 2219)
- go Matt. 2819
- HOW?
- God did not specify CHOICE
- CHOICE ALLOWED from variety of options
Walk Ride Fly Sail
6Generic Authority (Rev. 2219)
- assemble Heb. 1025
Tent Home Rental Meeting house
- God did not specify CHOICE
- CHOICE ALLOWED from variety of options
7Generic Authority (Rev. 2219)
- apparel 1 Tim. 29
- God did not specify CHOICE
- CHOICE ALLOWED from variety of options
Dress Blouse Pants Robe
8Specific Authority (Rev. 2218)
- ark Gen. 614
Pine Oak Ash Elm
- No CHOICE given
- Only specified action APPROVED
9Specific Authority (Rev. 2218)
- music Eph. 519
- No CHOICE given
- Only specified action APPROVED
Playing an instrument
10Specific Authority (Rev. 2218)
- Lords Supper 1 Cor. 1123-26
- Unl. bread
- Fruit of vine
Beans cornbread Burger coke
- No CHOICE given
- Only specified action APPROVED
11Specific Authority (Rev. 2218)
- apparel 1 Tim. 29
Bikini Halter Mini-skirt Etc.
- No CHOICE given
- Only specified action APPROVED
12Extremes to Avoid
- Allowed unless specifically condemned
- It doesnt say not to! (Silence is consent)
- Approval based on Gods silence
- Instrumental music in worship
- Infant baptism
- Gods silence constrains, Heb. 713-14
- Looses where God binds 1 Cor. 46
13Extremes to Avoid
- Only allowed if specifically approved
- No generic authority necessary inferences
- Used to forbid such things as
- Organized Bible classes
- Multiple containers for Lords Supper
- Not consistent, Rom. 21
- Binds where God looses
14Pattern of Sound Words
- Positive Authority is Necessary
- To please God, Heb. 1321
- No deviation, Joshua 17-8
- According to this word, Isaiah 820
- Test all things (by a standard), 1 Ths. 521
- Not beyond what is written, 1 Cor. 46
- Not beyond doctrine of Christ, 2 Jno. 9
15Christs AuthorityCol. 317 (Acts 49-12)
- Generically or Specifically Revealed
- Christs authority to be saved is specific
- Believe Jesus is Son of God, Jno. 823-24
- Confess faith in Him, Rom. 109-10
- Repent of your sins, Acts 1730
- Be baptized for the remission of sins,
Acts 238 2216