Title: 2d animation video | Amazdraw | 8595861648
1Best Animation Company In Delhi / Amazdraw
( amazdraw.com )
Email - info_at_amazdraw.com Phone - 91
(8595-8-61648) ADDRESS - S Extension FOB, Block
D, South Extension II, New Delhi 110049
2What is Animation ?
Animation is a method of photographing successive
drawings, models, or even puppets, to create an
illusion of movement in a sequence, in
which figures are manipulated to appear as moving
3Benefits of Animation
- Gain Attention
- Increase Sales
- Build Relationship
- Make Brand Name Memorable
4We Provide Various Types Of Services
- Traditional Animation
- 2D Animation
- Whiteboard Animation
- Explainer Videos,
- Video scribes Illustrations
- Digital arts
- E-learning courses
- Storyline
- Storyboarding
5Traditional Animation
Traditional Animation is an animation technique
in which each frame is drawn by hand. The
technique was the dominant form of animation in
cinema until the advent of computer animation.
6Why Choose Amazdraw ?
- Premium Service Provider
- 100 Client Satisfaction
- Amazing Service Quality
- 5 Years In The Market
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